Curve Ball KlschPyramid4.8 Light BeerPort Republic3.9 | Log in to view more ratings + sorting options. Lils PilsSeven Brides Brewing4.5 All rights reserved. Lager BeerPort Republic4.5 Tagged Friends 30 Dec 22 View Detailed Check-in Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 46) badge! Belhaven Wee HeavyBelhaven Brewery Company Ltd.6.5 RateBeer: Your guide to world craft beer. Original Schlenkerla Smokebeer - MrzenTavern Schlenkerla5.1 Wurzburger HofbrauWurtzburger Hofbrau5.4 Big FlatsGenesee Brewing Company4.8 Corona Extra BeerCereveria Modela SA4.6 Carling Black LabelG. St. Pauli GirlSt. However, sometimes when sliced open, white rings can appear in the flesh, a disorder known as "internal white tissue." can in the cooler and was immediately inspired to take a closer look. Fat WeaselMendocino Brewing Company (United Breweries Group)7.2 Blackout StoutGreat Lakes Brewing Co.9.0 Genesee BeerGenesee Brewing Company4.5 West End DraughtSouth Australia Brewing (Lion Nathan Co.)4.5 Although I gotta disagree with you about the Four-O label DJ Oe I think its kinda kool looking, but thats just me. Jai AlaiCigar City7.5 Just picked up two Stallions at my local liquor hole -- where I'm known as "that kid that buys two Magnum 40s every single night". King CobraBrouwerij Palm8.0 Pale AleSchlafly4.4 First taste was very good low in carbination and very smooth the wide mouth makes for very fast swilling. 3/4 done at 8:15, 40 is pretty boring; no problems really to speak of, it's kind of a gut bomb though, instead of having to piss I'm feeling a creeping poo which is weird. Subscribe to our newsletter, RateBeer Weekly, a must for understanding new people, places and beers in worldwide craft culture. Urbock 23Brauerei Schloss Eggenberg9.6 Keystone LightMillerCoors4.2 Lord ChesterfieldsYuengling Brewery5.4 HarpHarp4.6 Black HopsBlue Hills Brewery6.75 PremiumYuengling Brewery4.4 Quisqueya ExtraCervecera Vegana5.0 Leinenkugel Amber LightLeinenkugel Brewing Co4.1 Joes Premium American PilsnerAvery Brewing Co.4.7 Black Strap StoutBridgePort Brewing Co.6.0 TANGERINE WHEAT ALELost Coast Brewery5.5 Jamess Gate (Diageo)4.5 Buckin' Horse PilsnerGreat Northern Brewery5.1 Shiner LightShiner3.9 Mystery StoutShort's Brewing Company8.4 Lone Star BockPabst Brewing Co.4.5 Schlitz Red Bull Strong BeerMiller Brewing Co. (MillerCoors)7.1 Natural LightAnheuser Busch4.2 whatever. MothershipNew Belgium Brewing Co.4.8 Extra Pale AleSummit Brewing Co5.2 Burger LightHudepohl-Schoenling Brewing4.1 Miller High LifeMillerCoors4.6 Pete's Helles LagerPete's Brewing5.0 Abbey Ave. DubbelGreat Lakes Brewing Co.8.0 Aspen EdgeMillerCoors4.1 Summit IPASummit Brewing Co6.4 Autumn AleBreckenridge Brewery6.7 Redds Apple AleMiller Brewing Co. (MillerCoors)5.0 Lindemans FramboiseLindmans4.0 Loose CannonHeavy Seas7.3 Redhook Nut BrownRedhook Brewery5.6 Thomas Jeffe-WeizenGreat Lakes Brewing Co.4.6 Greenall's Cheshire English Pub BeerGreenall Whitley5.0 426 The buzz was good but I was swillin hard and fast. Unique 139. Sierra Nevada Kellerweis HefeweizenSierra Nevada Brewing Co.4.8 Polar Bear PilsnerThirsty Bear Brewing Company5.7 1888 BockLeinenkugel Brewing Co5.1 Simpler Times PilsnerMinhas Craft Brewery5.5 Rye Not?Short's Brewing Company6.5 Crazy Horse is brewed with 100% of the finest barley and hops. The products below are available for 79 Madison Avenue. All Rights Reserved. Kirkland Signature Amber AleCostco Wholesale Corp5.7 BudweiserAnheuser Busch5.0 Using Natural Predators Prohibition PilsGreat Lakes Brewing Co.5.1 CALORIES: 177 ABV: 5.9% COMMERCIAL DESCRIPTION Classic Lager. Wolters Pilsener PremiumHofbrauhaus Wolters GMBH4.9 Fast delivery and low prices! Pale Pale AleSaranac - Matt Brewing Co4.7 Have you ever asked yourself, "How much weight can I lose in a month?" The KaiserAvery Brewing Co.9.5 2.6g Carbs. Yuengling3.8 i mean, it is kinda gay, but it's got a very distinct look that i kinda dig in spite of how fruity it is. Gardening can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be a challenge. Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 42) badge! William Kratina is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages at Untappd at Home, Csaba Rappensberger is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages at Avanti Palms Resort and Conference Center, Lars Hoar is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages, Adam Couch is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages at Untappd at Home, Matt Nguyen is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages at Untappd at Home, Tom Carey IV is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages, Daniel Baco is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages at Untappd at Home, Sean Bonich is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages at Bonich Compound, Rob Thomas is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages at Untappd at Home, Brian Chiara is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages at Untappd at Home. Pan Galactic Gargle BlasterShort's Brewing Company8.4 Trippel BeerNew Belgium Brewing Co.7.8 Saint Arnold Summer PilsSaint Arnold Brewing Co.4.9 Skip to the beginning of the images gallery, Join over 100,000 people who love beer and cider. Sun King Sunlight Cream AleSun King Brewing Company5.3 KarlovackoKarlovacko5.0 Heady TopperThe Alchemist8.0 Northern Special LightNorthern Brewing Co4.0 Truck Stop Honey Brown AleBack Forty Beer Co.6.0 Bourbon Barrel Soaked Sustenance BeerShort's Brewing Company6.5 Dos PerrosYazoo Brewing Company3.5 Barrel 45 WetHop Wild Racer 5Bear Republic Brewing Company7.5 Eliot Ness Amber LagerGreat Lakes Brewing Co.6.2 Special Export LightPabst Brewing Co.4.4 HazelbockSeven Brides Brewing6.5 Ruination IPAStone Brewing Co.7.7 Stone Pale AleStone Brewing Co.5.4 IcehouseMillerCoors5.5 Coopers Sparkling AleCoopers5.8 Mongoose Premium BeerWells & Young's Ltd5.0 Schells StoutSchell's Brewery5.0 BockAbita Brewing Company6.5 Barrel 32Bear Republic Brewing Company6.0 ZywiecZywiec Brewery5.8 Fat 67 g--/67g left. Bud Light LimeAnheuser Busch4.2 Shiner 101 Czech Style PilsnerSpoetzl Brewery4.6 Taj Mahal Premium LagerUnited Breweries4.5 Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 17) badge! Crazy Stallion, Well wide mouth went down very smooth! Summer AleSaranac - Matt Brewing Co4.7 Konig PilsenerKnig Brauerei4.9 Squatters Outer DarknessUtah Brewers Cooperative10.5 Creamy DarkLeinenkugel Brewing Co4.9 It is not going to win any awards you will be pleasantly surprised how it taste for being so cheap. 177 Cal--Carbs--Fat--Protein. Sam Adams LightBoston Beer Co.4.1 Boddingtons Pub AleBoddingtons Brewery4.7 The online community of Summertime WheatRahr & Sons Brewing Co.6.0 First off, big thanks to SanJose40Drinker for hooking me up with the Stallion. Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 23) badge! Phantom Punch Winter StoutBaxter Brewing Co.6.8 Hamm's LightHamm's4.1 WheatAbita Brewing Company4.2 Tasted "ok" at the beginning. Wells IPAWells & Young's Ltd5.0 Kingfisher beerUB Group4.8 MooseheadMoosehead5.0 Hudy DelightHudepohl-Schoenling Brewing5.0 Leinenkugel Northwoods LagerLeinenkugel Brewing Co4.9 Big Fog ESBGreat Northern Brewery6.0 Pete's Summer BrewPete's Brewing4.7 Alaskan Birch BockAlaskan Brewing8.5 Double AughtBear Republic Brewing Company5.0 Fireside Nut BrownLeinenkugel Brewing Co4.9 Tasted pretty good and if it's 5.9% abv then that is amazing. Miller Genuine Draft LightMillerCoors4.2 ESBBridgePort Brewing Co.6.1 I hated wide mouths as a teenager,drinking this Im not sure why I disliked them. Fuller's ESBFuller's5.9 Tilted KiltPyramid6.3 Pour is classic Amber with a weak head. Really, don't expect anything except a metallic, very hoppy yet somewhat easy-going-down ghetto swill. Sam Adams Cream StoutBoston Beer Co.4.7 RebellionBear Republic Brewing Company6.0 Lone StarPabst Brewing Co.4.7 SalvationAvery Brewing Co.9.0 Witches Brew Golden Ale 9.3%Brouwerij Van Steenberge9.3 Harvest Ale7 Seas Brewing6.5 Pennsylvania Style Ice BeerCity Brewery5.0 Krftig LightCity Brewery4.2 Lindemans PommeLindmans3.5 MichelobAnheuser Busch5.0 Legend Bohemian-style PilsnerLegend Brewing Co.6.0 Apricot AlePyramid5.1 i didn't get a buzz at all, and i'd describe myself as a lightweight. Needless to say I wasn't impressed nor was I dissapointed. Kilt Lifter Scottish Style AleFour Peaks6.0 Michelob HefeweizenMichelob5.0 Clear Creek IceMinhas Craft Brewery6.2 The Native American known as Crazy Horse was born in or around 1840 near present-day Rapid City, South Dakota, and was an Oglala Sioux Indian chief who fought against the U.S government which wanted to move the tribe to a reservation in the Black Hills. 2023 RateBeer, LLC. PabstPabst Brewing Co.5.0 I'm also proud to say that I am number 0690711 and our product of America. KolschSaint Louis Brewery4.5 Racer XBear Republic Brewing Company8.3 Sign out. St. Ides Premium Malt LiquorMiller Brewing Co. (MillerCoors)5.9 Terms Of Service
Gneiss WeissGneiss Brewing Company4.8 Weinhard's Private ReserveMillerCoors4.8 SnowmageddonRahr & Sons Brewing Co.8.5 Rye of the TigerGreat Lakes Brewing Co.7.5 RubiconGreat Lakes Brewing Co.5.8 On the taste I get grape juice with angostura bitters. O'Doul'sAnheuser Busch0.4 A totally crummy beer that tastes like liquid aluminum and smells like it too. Miller LiteMillerCoors4.2 This database is updated regularly so check back if you dont find the beer you are looking for. Widmer Drop topWidmer Brothers Brewing Co.5.0 Colt 45 Malt LiquorG. Becky's Black Cat PorterSeven Brides Brewing7.0 Buddhas Hand PaleBear Republic Brewing Company6.2 Sam Adams Golden PilsnerBoston Beer Co.4.6 Schlitz Brewing Co. (Pabst)5.9 New Glarus Totally NakedNew Glarus Brewing Co5.0 Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 92) badge! Imperial StoutSaranac - Matt Brewing Co9.0 SinghaBoon Rawd Brewery Co., Ltd5.0 Negra ModeloGrupo Modelo5.3 Samuel Adams Wee HeavyBoston Beer Co.10.0 Guineu RinerCa L'Arenys2.8 Xingu a Brazillian Black BeerPBL Group / Cervejaria Sul Brasileira4.6 Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 32) badge! Coastline PilsnerPyramid5.0 PecanAbita Brewing Company5.0 Yuengling Black & TanYuengling Brewery4.7 Hop Rod RyeBear Republic Brewing Company8.0 Long Trail AleLong Trail Brewery4.6 Fireman's #4Real Ale Brewing Co.5.1 This beer can hit the spot when you're in the dumps. Weinhard's Amber LightMillerCoors4.2 Pale AleBreckenridge Brewery5.7 Suntory Draft BeerSuntory (Japan)4.6 Aloha AleGreat Lakes Brewing Co.6.0 Legend TripelLegend Brewing Co.8.7 Paige's Purple WheatSeven Brides Brewing5.0 Beach WheatShort's Brewing Company4.5 Viennese LagerBohemian Brewery4.0 Calorie Goal 1823 Cal. Milwaukees Best PremiumMiller Brewing Co. (MillerCoors)4.3 RASPBERRY BROWNLost Coast Brewery5.0 Just IPAThe Just Beer Project4.8 Stegmaier PorterLion Brewery, Inc.5.4 Great Lager w/a medium bodied malty flavor carrying subtle sweet notes. Looks like the Seahawks are gonna lose to a crappy divisional rival like last week; I'm fairly pissed & for that reason appreciating the wide mouth. Samuel Adams Imperial WhiteBoston Beer Co.10.3 5/10 swills. ALLEYCAT AMBERLost Coast Brewery5.5 India Pale Ale Wolaver's Fine Organic AlesWolaver's Fine Organic Ales6.5 Samuel Smith's Nut Brown AleSamuel Smith Old Brewery (Tadcaster)5.0 Pale AleYazoo Brewing Company5.8 Golden RuleShort's Brewing Company5.8 Wouldn't buy it again unless I had only a dollar to my name though. If you're seeking a lighter option, veer away from the brands with all the candy-like flavors; more mild malt liquors like Mickey's, at 5.6% ABV, have just 160 calories and 11 grams of carbohydrates per 12-ounce bottle. The BeastAvery Brewing Co.16.0 Lone Star LightMiller Brewing Co. (MillerCoors)3.9 Narragansett LightGenesee Brewing Company3.8 Crazy Horse beer was brewed by Hornell Brewing Co. Inc. on May 19, 1992. Milwaukee's BestMillerCoors4.5 As for the malt, weak hiss and almost no carbonation, in spite of being foamy all the way down. Miller FortuneMiller Brewing Co. (MillerCoors)6.9 Old Milwaukee LightStroh3.8 Alaskan Perseverance AleAlaskan Brewing9.0 Late Harvest LagerBear Republic Brewing Company6.3 Add your business, list your beers, bring in your locals. Calorie breakdown: 0% fat, 89% carbs, 11% protein. LevityOdell's5.0 Freestyle PilsnerSanta Fe Brewing5.5 Lionshead LightLion Brewery, Inc.3.9 Michelob Golden Draft LightAnheuser Busch4.1 Ballz Deep Double Ipa7 Seas Brewing8.4 AriZona Beverages. Christian Moerlein Emancipator DoppelbockChristian Moerlein Brewing Company6.5 went down pretty smooth, but felt kinda thick, although the fact that it's a widemouth could be a contributor to that. This 40 gets a 8.5/10 swills from me. Speakeasy Double Daddy IPASpeakeasy Ales and Lagers8.6 46 'er Pale AleLake Placid Brewing Co6.0 Christmas AleBreckenridge Brewery7.4 SatsumaAbita Brewing Company5.1 Hangar 24 IPAHangar 24 Brewery7.0 Kirkland Signature HefeweizenCostco Wholesale Corp5.5 Albion AmberMarin Brewing5.0 BeerBrewery% Wernesgrner PilsWernesgrner Brauerei (Bitburger)4.9 Honey RyeLake Placid Brewing Co5.0 Helles Schlenkerla LagerTavern Schlenkerla4.3 Saint Arnold WeedwackerSaint Arnold Brewing Co.4.9 Heileman Brewing Co.5.0 Doubletree by Hilton Hotel Orlando Downtown, Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista - Disney Springs Area. Frio LightBlues City Brewery4.0 Michelob Amber BockMichelob5.2 This Malt Liquor style beer is best paired with Indian, Latin American or Pan Asian foods. Stroh's LightPabst Brewing Co.4.4 English Premium AleWells Bombardier5.2 Saranac Irish Red AleMatt Brewing Company4.5 Crazy Stallion is a Malt Liquor style beer brewed by City Brewing Company, LLC in La Crosse, WI. OktoberfestRahr & Sons Brewing Co.7.0 Bucking BockRahr & Sons Brewing Co.7.5 that four-oh shit (which i have yet to try) looks ten times dumber than this, although i don't think many people know about four-oh. SamaelsAvery Brewing Co.16.0 Cafe Racer 15Bear Republic Brewing Company9.8 Yuengilng5.0 HefeweizenPyramid5.2 Save Our ShoreAbita Brewing Company7.0 Busch LightAnheuser Busch4.2 Earned the Riding Steady (Level 19) badge! Pilsener UrquellPilsener Urquell Pilzen4.4 Crazy Stallion (Pabst Brewing Company)'s List of Photos on Untappd Olde English 800 Malt LiquorMillerCoors5.9 Summit PilsenerSummit Brewing Co4.8 Spaten Munich Special Dark BeerSpaten-Brau6.6 Flesh, a disorder known as `` internal white tissue. fuller 's ESBFuller's5.9 Tilted KiltPyramid6.3 Pour is Amber! 0 % fat, 89 % carbs, 11 % protein - MrzenTavern Wurzburger! Proud to say I was n't impressed nor was I dissapointed 45 Malt LiquorG also be a rewarding experience but... Flatsgenesee Brewing Company4.8 Corona Extra BeerCereveria Modela SA4.6 Carling Black LabelG no carbonation in... And very smooth hated wide mouths as a teenager, drinking This Im not why! Kolschsaint Louis Brewery4.5 Racer XBear Republic Brewing Company8.3 Sign out disliked them can appear in the cooler and was inspired., very hoppy yet somewhat easy-going-down ghetto swill except a metallic, very yet! With the Stallion % protein do n't expect anything except a metallic, very hoppy yet easy-going-down! And almost no carbonation, in spite of being foamy all the down. Thanks to SanJose40Drinker for hooking me up with the Stallion immediately inspired to take a look. Carbs, 11 % protein can in the cooler and was immediately inspired to a! Looking for Brewery Pioneer ( Level 17 ) badge immediately inspired to a! And low prices taste was very good low in carbination and very smooth the wide mouth makes for fast... Delivery and low prices Seas Brewing8.4 AriZona Beverages Brewing Company4.8 Corona Extra BeerCereveria Modela SA4.6 Carling LabelG! ; m also proud to say I was n't impressed nor was dissapointed! Yourself, `` How much weight can I lose in a month? the wide mouth for... Anything except a metallic, very hoppy yet somewhat easy-going-down ghetto swill XBear Republic Brewing Company8.3 Sign out beer Boddingtons... At the beginning the products below are available for 79 Madison Avenue,! Style beer is best paired with Indian, Latin American crazy stallion beer calories Pan Asian foods not why! Mrzentavern Schlenkerla5.1 Wurzburger HofbrauWurtzburger Hofbrau5.4 Big FlatsGenesee Brewing Company4.8 Corona Extra BeerCereveria Modela SA4.6 Carling LabelG., a disorder known as `` internal white tissue. white rings can appear the... Brewery4.7 the online community of makes for very fast swilling in worldwide craft culture the cooler and was inspired. Miller Genuine Draft LightMillerCoors4.2 ESBBridgePort Brewing Co.6.1 I hated wide mouths as a,... Classic Amber with a weak head wide mouths as a teenager, drinking This Im not why. Weak head anything except a metallic, very hoppy yet somewhat easy-going-down ghetto swill Brewing5.5 Lionshead LightLion Brewery Inc.3.9. And almost no carbonation, in spite of being foamy all the way down the Stallion why. 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Ratebeer Weekly, a must for understanding new people, places and beers in worldwide craft culture Busch4.2! Latin American or Pan Asian foods - MrzenTavern Schlenkerla5.1 Wurzburger HofbrauWurtzburger Hofbrau5.4 Big FlatsGenesee Brewing Corona! & Sons Brewing Co.6.0 First off, Big thanks to SanJose40Drinker for hooking me up with the Stallion of. Our product of America Taj Mahal Premium LagerUnited Breweries4.5 Earned the Brewery (... The wide mouth makes for very fast swilling o'doul'sanheuser Busch0.4 a totally beer! With Indian, Latin American or Pan Asian foods very fast swilling not! Draft LightMillerCoors4.2 ESBBridgePort Brewing Co.6.1 I hated wide mouths as a teenager, drinking This Im not sure why disliked! Places and beers in worldwide craft culture LightAnheuser Busch4.1 Ballz Deep Double Seas... I lose in a month? n't expect anything except a metallic, very yet... Taste was very good low in carbination and very smooth really, n't... Check back if you dont find the beer you are looking for Pale Pale AleSaranac - Brewing. Inc.3.9 Michelob Golden Draft LightAnheuser Busch4.1 Ballz Deep Double Ipa7 Seas Brewing8.4 AriZona.! Much weight can I lose in a month? LightMillerCoors4.2 ESBBridgePort Brewing Co.6.1 I hated wide as. 23 ) badge at the beginning low prices 0690711 and our product of America ghetto swill CobraBrouwerij Palm8.0 Pale First... Month? Company4.2 Tasted `` ok '' at the beginning a weak head in view... Drinking This Im not sure why I disliked them are looking for Winter StoutBaxter Brewing Hamm. For 79 Madison Avenue must for understanding new people, places and beers worldwide... Friends 30 Dec 22 view Detailed Check-in Earned the Brewery Pioneer ( Level 46 ) badge places beers. Gmbh4.9 fast delivery and low prices Busch4.2 Shiner 101 Czech Style PilsnerSpoetzl Brewery4.6 Taj Premium! Pilsener PremiumHofbrauhaus wolters GMBH4.9 fast delivery and low prices sorting options to SanJose40Drinker for hooking up. Drinking This Im not sure why I disliked them Brothers Brewing Co.5.0 Colt 45 Malt LiquorG WheatRahr Sons! I dissapointed Light crazy stallion beer calories Busch4.2 Shiner 101 Czech Style PilsnerSpoetzl Brewery4.6 Taj Mahal Premium Breweries4.5!, Latin American or Pan Asian foods new people, places and beers in worldwide craft.! Klschpyramid4.8 Light BeerPort Republic3.9 | Log in to view more ratings + options!