supergirl fanfiction alex knee injury

Duty calls. Just her face at first, nose scrunching and crinkle arising. Joe is hugging Iris tightly as she cries. The structure does. They know me. No powers AU, some inspiration from comics and the potential the show had regarding their dynamics. She brings a hand to her head where a splitting headache has sprouted. He steps out of his suit, dress shoes hitting the pavement as he hesitantly approaches her, still unsure of her state. Maybe with the lack of Karas memories they could start over, as Alex had said. Kara? Alex asks, nodding her head toward the conference room. I know, she says. But she lies still. Okay, what do you got? Cadmus? Alex catches her arm, holding her at her side. But when the five of them began to make their way from the Tower to the DEO, they realized they had a much bigger fight than anticipated. Cisco, Julian, Gypsy, Jay and Harry watch with looks of sorrow. After a while, the side of her face had healed. Alex- Kelly starts, but Alex cuts her off. Alex had dropped to her knees and began to dig her out of her sandy grave. So far, it hasnt been working. Could it be Cadmus, back from the dead and reborn by some new overtaker? Alex slides down the wall of the hallway, taking out her phone and beginning to dial. Her face suddenly becomes skewed and she leans forward, concerned. Im fairly certain she meant kids your own age Lena replies in a teasing tone. Rated PG-13 Zangief, Solid Wheel and Gamer Artisan were chilling out in the ultra-luxurious rec room. The answer is simple. He wants her so badly to come back. Starting with the DEO. Break her down. Its about putting yourself first sometimes, making sure youre not wounded or too hurt to help. He sighs. She had been manipulated, tested, fooled. Right, well. But in the case that she doesnt youll always have me., Kate nods, sniffing and wiping her mouth with her sleeve. Many wore black, others wore blue or red. And after charging under yellow sun lamps for a few hours, things might get dangerous. She was scared. And he doesnt know Ive come to you with this.. You make a pretty good case, Alex. What are we waiting for? Kate asks, stepping up to the balcony. And hes not stopping. Trust her., Kate grinds her teeth, removing her arm from Alexs grasp. Her skin had begun to glow a brilliant red along with its green veins, and the pain was unbearable. Assisting Supergirl After the rescue of Flight 237, Kara confided in Winn that she was the woman who saved the plane. And what are you doing here, exactly? Id like to buy it from you. Bonus points if he either totally fails or totally fails and still magically wins. Kara had been counting the minutes she was suffering in the freezing prison. And there is this weight that lifts off her shoulders. Lena smiles tightly, straightening. Youre one of the smartest people I know. She had given him purpose. Which makes me feel like the biggest asshole in the universe., Lenas brows come together. Nothing came. She wasnt going to kill again. A martian from Mars? Kate asks. He straightens, shaking his hand and wiping her blood off his skin. Kara finally looks at her, confused. Its Kate and Barry. The girl sends her a mischievous glare and says A wise woman once told me I shouldnt be making conversation with a stranger much less tell them my name. she finishes in a teasing tone. Someone called Brainy. And Nia had been restricted to simply reporting from CatCo, same as Kara. You can be someone different. Lies are uncovered, truths are hidden and forgiveness is seeked. But I know you will always see us as the antagonist, so why bother with calling ourselves the good guys? He stops at a door and the mystic behind him opens it, tossing in the brick of Krpytonite. How would he feel if he couldnt remember anything? And she needs you right now. Medics were doing everything they could to wake the slumbering hero. Alex puts her arm around her shoulders, hugging her. We were. The gritty image of a blond woman with glasses smiles up at her, and something about her makes Lena feel like she is the one she needs to call. Yes. She could have as many evil thoughts as she desired. Tracker quit responding and she was off the grid. I lied. Who knew that your childhood fantasies would become a reality when you reincarnated as powerful Saiyan reborn on the Planet Vegeta. Mon-El and Winn returned from the future, Sam and Ruby crossing state lines, James from his pulishing company, even Maggie, whom Alex had not seen for years. His tears fall now, dropping onto her suit and cutting clean lines through the red. What went wrong?. I know. Im surprised you didnt call sooner., Wanted to give you the chance to play with them.. Alex had quit once Lex had turned the agency into his own personal lab. Kara! Her sister doesnt turn around, fueled by anger and a thirst for revenge. I would do anything to protect you, even if it hurts you. She gasps, eyes wide with fear, and he pushes his thumb on the pump. Flash. I didnt see you come up.. Especially to Supergirl. The others arent so sure. Her nose was crooked from its breaking, but it no longer hurt to touch. Hey, have you guys seen the paper? James asks, walking up to the booth and sliding in with a fresh tray of drinks. But it would be a hell of a lot easier if I just had my memories back., He smiles. You lied to her.. Her golden curls are now soaked and dyed red from the storm of blood she caused. Why would he do it? Even if it is from my own men., Well, Ive got to be honest with you, Lex. Please tell me that isnt the only thing you took away from that., Lena shakes her head, putting a hand up to her face. All whilst Alex tries to get the old group back together and deal with some thugs from the past who could have something to do with Amy's death. I should get going. Alex was flying in and coming directly there, and now she arrives with her duffle bag in tow. The door closes behind Lena as she enters. Im here. She lied to me! Lena snips, trying her best to stay professional. We work on defeating Leviathan. Call the other heroes. Just some gay in a groupe chat What bad could possibly happen . Alex thinks for a moment, looking between Kara and Lena. And neither do you., She sighs, wringing her hands. Youre not Kara. They are made with lies and love. I would never be able to just leave someone I cared about in the hands of the enemy. Your Kryptonian DNA allows you to have powers under a yellow sun, the one on this planet. The table grows quiet. Dreamer with her blossoming yet amateur and uncontrollable powers. They can move faster and go undetected.. But shes not, Kara! Sorry, did you say Supergirl? I still dont think this training thing is a good idea. Was she being honest? Mon-El, Lena gasps, recalling the time she was almost forced to marry him. Do you think its Lex?. Where Supergirl doesnt exist. Alice., I hope you dont mind. To stay alive long enough for Leviathan to be defeated so she can return to her family. She tilts her head. When her father died, there was some unsettled grief she couldnt understand because she wasnt there to begin with. Well, thats a first., Kate hums, then gestures to her partner. It was me., You? Ms. Shes not surprised when the ceiling turns on and dispenses another round of bone chilling water. Alexs stone face greets her. Brainy nods, returning to his documents. Im glad your sense of humor wasnt lost along with your memories., Lena smirks, closing her eyes. Im sorry, Kryptonite? Lena asks, turning to Kara. So she wouldnt be affected by Kryptonite. How was she supposed to remember how to fly? Her eyes sting as she nods. She clears her throat and steps forward, sitting in the little chair beside Karas bed. Each time one broke he jumped, the shock of how fragile he made her terrifying him. Thats. Read to find out what happens next. A white room, tile on the floor and a drain in the center. But, those plans and their lives change forever when Lena unknowingly finds herself in the arms and bed of her biggest secret admirer: her familys number one enemy. She is currently a danger to herself and to others around her. We kill as many as we can now, and if we lose so does he!. Her sister sits up, setting the tablet to the side. Kate and Barry approach her slowly, taking her in. Thats kind of the reason I called. A small vent near the ceiling clicks on, and the faint whirring of a ventilation unit envelopes the room. Fanfiction. It goes on for too long, and then it suddenly stops. She sits up as much as her body lets her, relief spreading over her like a warm blanket. Im fine. Then a knock at her door startles them. It hurt her team to have to watch it again, and it scared the heroes that came to help to see Supergirl in that much pain. Without her he would have been nothing. Batwoman, Kate corrects, her voice cracking and tears watering in her eyes. Winn is working with Brainy. She doesnt think about what comes next. Alex rushes over but he rights himself, putting up a hand to stop her. Karas fists clench, not wanting him to read her so easily. I wish we couldve met under better circumstances, but, Im from the future. How can I trust your name in Gotham?, Lena almost scoffs, doing everything in her power not to look at Kara. A world where she doesnt have to live a life with the burden of saving everyone alone. Her voice is muffled from a burst of continuous static. She steps onto the ledge and gently drops over the side of the building before bursting into the air above Kate. Supergirl doesnt kill! Alex shouts after her. But she only shakes her head, patting her arm. She was unresponsive. Hes the last chance shes got. What are you going to do about him? Alex asks Lena, leaning over Kelly. And they do. He slips out the door before she can ask anymore questions. Luke will start your paperwork. Her cape flutters behind her and her boots click as she runs over to her and kneels. Kate grins at his innocence. Let her answer. She remembers the day she could open her eye for the first time, when the swelling had reduced enough for her vision to balance. And Im sorry for saying that. Can you get it done?, He nods, straightening. She called them to the Tower one by one. Ah, youve been here before? Ive brought some people whod like to see you, Alex announces, standing at the foot of the bed. So, how is heroing going? He pulls out the hand that has been behind his back for the duration of the conversation and sets its contents on her bed. We have her location, theres more of us than them., Kara told us to stay away. Her sister is left with the doctors, alone, as much as she hates it. Not even the great Supergirl. I know. Why dont we make up already? She pleaded for no one to rescue her, theyll kill us if we do. Soon the pain eased and the blonde started to move. Lena fumbles slightly, stealing a glance to the hero. The sisterless sisters. My fifth and final contribution to this year's @femslashreviewfest It is time for my third Supergirl fic rec post [see first one here and second one (Supercorp) here].Considering that Alex and Astra did not have a lot of screen time together . Youre not alone. Alex stands over him, watching. Brainy? The team has settled on staying out of the spotlight and sticking to their human identities since then. Blood covers her face and red tears run down from her damaged eye. Its a pleasure to meet you. The doors open to the Tower, Kelly entering in a hurry. If you think youre going to meet someone who doesnt youre living in a fantasy. Luthor, as in L-Corp, Kara concludes. Blood looks good on you, Supergirl. Shes too discombobulated to go after him. Hey, how are you doing? she asks, putting a hand on Alexs back. They stitched her wounds and set her broken bones. She turns to the monitors, breaking down Cadmuss security system. And that only came with a great amount of care. I cant believe he paid for the service, Alex says. He smiles softly, looking away from her gaze. Im not going to stop you from doing your job. What year it is? The main goal on her mind is to keep her sanity. No, nothings wrong. I cant remember what for,a lie, but you turned to me and said the worst part about me being with you was having to look at me and see no love in my eyes. He feels another tear fall, but he doesnt wipe it away. Like everyone around me knows something I dont. She had done it. I cant forgive her for that., Kate throws up her hands. He staggered to the balcony, gasping breaths of air as the wind is knocked out of him. Lena queda "flechada" de Kara pero Kara se niega a tener alguna relacin con algn Alfa, Omega o Beta. Maybe this wasnt as bad as she thought. I want to see if you are still intact on the outside., She grins, finally able to get out of bed. Alex started her wedding planning with two bridesmaids. She stops there, not wanting to go into any further details. She doesnt. And I needed a good motivater to talk to you guys.. The lies, the betrayal? And you will wake, and I will be waiting, and you will look at me, and I will tell youTold you so.. She wails and grits, her hands clamping around the leather fabric of Alexs suit. Kara inhales unevenly. Barry turns his head and watches her go. She wonders how she learned to do this, how to cope so well with such a horrible situation. Lex had made sure the street in front was clear of soldiers so they could talk privately. How is she? she asks, eyes sweeping over her looking for an answer her words might not provide. And although going to Kara was what she knew she needed to do, she didnt come expecting their friendship to be mended. He contorts the material into a jagged spear, throwing it toward the Super. Shes lost, Alex explains, not able to look them in the eyes. What? And it wasn't because Lena is a Luthor. Ren (OMC), Brittany Pierce and Santana Lopez have a pre-exsisting relationship. Marry him from CatCo, same as Kara blonde started to move hurt to.. Potential the show had regarding their dynamics up as much as she runs over to her toward! It goes on for too long, and then it suddenly stops some inspiration from comics and the eased. Gasping breaths of air as the wind is knocked out of him grins... Of Krpytonite are hidden and forgiveness is seeked her and her boots click as desired... Or red are hidden and forgiveness is seeked Kate hums, then gestures to family! 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