sap hana network settings for system replication communication listeninterface

properties files (*.ini files). The XSA can be offline, but will be restarted (thanks for the hint Dennis). Operators Detail, SAP Data Intelligence. After TIER2 full sync completed, triggered the TIER3 full sync SAP Note 1876398 - Network configuration for System Replication in SAP HANA SP6. A shared file system (for example, /HANA/shared) is required for installation. SAP is using mostly one certificate for all components (host agent, DAA, SystemDB, Tenant) which belongs to the physical hostname (systempki). The OS process for the dynamic tiering host is hdbesserver, and the service name is esserver. Network for internal SAP HANA communication: 192.168.1. If set on You just have to set the dbs/hdb/connect_property parameter to the correct value: In some cases, you may receive an error if you force the use of TLS/SSL: You have to set some tricky parameter due to the default gateway of the Linux server. DLM is part of the SAP HANA Data Warehousing Foundation option, which provides packaged tools for large scale SAP HANA use cases to support more efficient data management and distribution in an SAP HANA landscape. # 2020/04/14 Insert of links / blogs as starting point, links for part II If you raise the isolation level to high after the fact, the dynamic tiering service stops working. Introduction. Scale-out and System Replication(2 tiers), 4. Pipeline End-to-End Overview. General Prerequisites for Configuring SAP More recently, we implemented a full-blown HANA in-memory platform . For instance, third party tools like the backup tool via backint are affected. Binds the processes to this address only and to all local host interfaces. Please use part one for the knowledge basics. Below query returns the internal hostname which we will use for mapping rule. Starting point: Post this, Installation of Dynamic Tiering License need to done via COCKPIT. connect string to skip hostname validation: As always you can create an own certificate for the client and copy it to sapcli.pse instead of using the server sapsrv.pse. This option requires an internal network address entry. The secondary system must meet the following criteria with respect to the Scale out of dynamic tiering is not available. Removes system replication configuration. Dynamic tiering is embedded within SAP HANA operational processes, such as standby setup, backup and recovery, and system replication. Switches system replication primary site to the calling site. The customizable_functionalities property is defined in the SYSTEMDB globlal.ini file at the system level. And you need to change the parameter [communication]->listeninterface to .internal and add internal network entries as followings. It also means for SAP Note 2386973, the original multitier setup is(SiteA --sync--> SiteB --async--> SiteC), after step 9, the setup is most likely (SiteB--async-->SiteC; SiteA down), and the target multitier setup is (SiteB --sync--> SiteA --async--> SiteC), and then the steps 15-19 can be skipped, and adjusted steps 20-22, to registered SiteC to SiteA. Visit SAP Support Portal's SAP Notes and KBA Search. There is already a blog about this configuration: And there must be manual intervention to unregister/reregister site2&3. Name System (DNS). Primary, SAP Landscape Management 3.0, Enterprise Edition, What's New in 3.0 SP11 Enterprise Edition, What's New in 3.0 SP10 Enterprise Edition, Initial Setup Using the Configuration Wizard, Preparing SAP Application Instances on Windows, Installing SAP Application Instances with Virtual Host Names on Windows, Preparing Additional Hosts for Database Relocation, Preparing SAP Application Instances on UNIX, Installing SAP Application Instances with Virtual Host Names on UNIX, Configuring Individual User Interface Settings, Hiding Menu Items from the User Interface, Configuring Global User Interface Settings, Setting Up Validations for Landscape Entities, Integrating Partner Virtualization Technology, Obtaining Virtual Host Details from Virtual Host Provider, Creating Rolling Kernel Switch Repositories, Creating Rolling Kernel Switch Configurations, Configuring Diagnostics Agent Installations and Uninstallations, Configuring Application Server Installations and Uninstallations, Creating SAP Adaptive Extensions Repositories on UNIX, Configuring SAP Adaptive Extensions on UNIX, Creating SAP Adaptive Extensions Repositories on Windows, Configuring SAP Adaptive Extensions on Windows, Preparing Replication Status Repositories, Creating SAP HANA Replication Status Repositories, Configuring Custom Settings for System Provisioning, Configuring Additional Instance Information, Configuring Diagnostics Agent Connections, Configuring SystemDB Administrator Credentials, Configuring Database Administrator Credentials, Configuring Database Schema User Credentials, Specifying Configuration Directories of Database Instances, Specifying SQL Ports for Tenant Databases, Configuring Custom Properties for Instances, Assigning Custom Relations and Target Entities, Specifying Exclusively Consumed Resources, Extracting Mount Points from the File System, Enabling E-Mail Notifications for Activities, Enabling Custom Notifications for Activities, Configuring Managed Systems as SAP Solution Manager Systems, Assigning SAP Solution Manager Systems to Managed Systems, Configuring Managed Systems as Focused Run Systems, Assigning Focused Run Systems to Managed Systems, Configuring Custom Properties for Systems, Provisioning and Remote Function Call (RFC), Enabling Systems for Provisioning Operations, Configuring SAP Test Data Migration Server, Adding Mount Point Configurations on System Level, Configuring Remote Function Call Destinations, Configuring Outgoing Connections for System Isolation, Assigning Elements to Characteristic Values, Search Operators and Wildcards for Global Searches, Search Operators and Wildcards for Local Searches, Configuring the UI Refresh Interval per Screen, Operations for Adaptive Enabled Systems and Instances, Operations for Non-Adaptive Enabled Systems and Instances, Allowing One Instance to Run on One Host at a Time, Allowing Multiple Instances to Run on One Host at a Time, Managing SAP Adaptive Extensions Installations, General Prerequisites for Instance Operations, Starting Including Preparing Systems and Instances, Stopping and Unpreparing Systems and Instances, Relocating Not Running Systems and Instances, Restarting the AS Java Instance of an AS ABAP/Java System, Restarting and Reregistering an Instance Agent, Registering and Starting an Instance Agent, Executing Operations on Instances with an SAP Solution Manager System Assigned to Them, Executing Operations on Instances with a Focused Run System Assigned to Them, Description of the Rolling Kernel Switch Concept, Installing the License for ABAP Post-Copy Automation, Setting the Target Status for an Instance, Clearing the Target Status for an Instance, Getting A List of Users Who Are Logged On, Active/Active (Read Enabled) System Replication, Enabling or Disabling Full Sync Replication, Performing a Forced System Replication Takeover, Registering a Secondary Tier for System Replication, Starting Check of Replication Status Share, Stopping Check of Replication Status Share, Stopping Replicated Multi-Tier SAP HANA Systems, Unregistering Secondary Tier from System Replication, Unregistering System Replication Site on Primary, Assign Replication Status Repository Workflow, Moving a Tenant Database Near Zero Downtime, Near Zero Downtime Maintenance on Non-Primary Tier, Performing Near Zero Downtime Maintenance on Non-Primary Tier, Near Zero Downtime Maintenance on Non-Primary Tier Workflow, Near Zero Downtime Maintenance on Primary Tier, Performing Near Zero Downtime Maintenance on Primary Tier, Near Zero Downtime Maintenance on Primary Tier Workflow, Performing a Near Zero Downtime SAP HANA Update, Near Zero Downtime SAP HANA Update Workflow, Near Zero Downtime SAP HANA Update on Primary Tier, Performing a Near Zero Downtime SAP HANA Update on Primary Tier, Near Zero Downtime SAP HANA Update on Primary Tier Workflow, Register Primary Tier as new Secondary Tier, Registering a Primary Tier as new Secondary Tier, Register Primary Tier as new Secondary Tier Workflow, Removing Replication Status Configuration, Remove Replication Status Configuration Workflow, Updating Replication Status Configuration, Update Replication Status Configuration Workflow, Deactivating (OS Shutdown) Virtual Elements, Deactivating (Power Off) Virtual Elements, General Prerequisites for Provisioning Systems, Refreshing a Database Using a Database Backup, Executing Post-Copy Automation Standalone, Monitoring a System Clone, Copy, Refresh, or Rename, Installing Application Servers on an Existing System, Creating SAP HANA System Replication Tiers, Destroying SAP HANA System Replication Tiers, Configuring SAP Host Agent Registered Scripts, Creating Provider Script Registered with Host Agent, Parameters for Custom Operations and Custom Hooks, Creating Documentation for Custom Operations, Rearranging the Order of Custom Operations, Parameterizing Values for Provisioning Templates, Saving Activities as Provisioning Blueprints, Saving Provisioning Blueprints as Operation Template, Grouping Templates available in the Schedule, Filtering Templates available in the Schedule, Downloading Activities Support Information, General Security Aspects and Relevant Assets, Assets SAP Landscape Management Relies On, Setting Authorization Permissions for Operations and Content, Setting Authorization Permissions for Views, SAP Note 2211663 - The license changes in an, SAP Note 1876398 - Network configuration for System Replication in, SAP Note 17108 - Shared memory still present, startup fails, SAP Note 1945676 - Correct usage of hdbnsutil -sr_unregister, Important Disclaimers and Legal Information. If you plan to use storage connector APIs, you must configure the multipath.conf and global.ini files before installation. Follow the You can use SAP Landscape Management for Recently we started receiving the alerts from our monitoring tool: In my opinion, the described configuration is only needed below situations. Stop secondary DB. Setting up SAP data connection. As mentioned earlier, having internal networks are essential in production system in order to get the expected response time and optimize the system performance. global.ini: Set inside the section [communication] ssl from off to systempki. For more information, see Assigning Virtual Host Names to Networks. mapping rule : system_replication_internal_ip_address=hostname, 1. Use Secure Shell (SSH) to connect to your EC2 instance at the OS level. You can copy the certificate of the HANA database to the application server but you dont need to (HANA on one Server Tier 2). Credentials: Have access to the SYSTEM user of SystemDB and " <SID>adm " for a SSH session on the HANA hosts. SAP Host Agent must be able to write to the operations.d With MDC (or like SAP says now container/tenants) you always have a systemDB and a tenant. SAP HANA and dynamic tiering each support NFS and SAN storage using storage connector APIs. must be backed up. The below diagram depicts better understanding of internal networks: The status after internal network configuration: Once the listener interface has communication method internal, the two hosts (HANA & DT hosts) can communicate securely and their internal IP addresses reflects in parameter -> internal_hostname_resolution, Installation of Dynamic Tiering Component. For your information, I copy sap note network interface in the remainder of this guide), you can create SQLDBC is the basis for most interfaces; however, it is not used directly by applications. In this example, the target SAP HANA cluster would be configured with additional network * Dedicated network for system replication: 10.5.1. Pre-requisites. need not be available on the secondary system. In a traditional, bare-metal setup, these different network zones are set up by having SAP HANA Native Storage Extension ("NSE") is the recommended approach to implementing data tiering within an SAP HANA system. network interface, see the AWS Checks whether the HA/DR provider hook is configured. ########. In most case, tier 1 and tier 2 are in sync/syncmem for HA purepose, while tier 3 is used for DR. Wanting to use predictable network device names in a custom way is going, * Two character prefixes based on the type of interface: Chat Offline. SAP HANA system replication provides the possibility to copy and continuously synchronize a SAP HANA database to a secondary location in the same or another data center. automatically applied to all instances that are associated with the security group. primary system: SAP Landscape Management 3.0, Enterprise Edition, What's New in 3.0 SP11 Enterprise Edition, What's New in 3.0 SP10 Enterprise Edition, Initial Setup Using the Configuration Wizard, Preparing SAP Application Instances on Windows, Installing SAP Application Instances with Virtual Host Names on Windows, Preparing Additional Hosts for Database Relocation, Preparing SAP Application Instances on UNIX, Installing SAP Application Instances with Virtual Host Names on UNIX, Configuring Individual User Interface Settings, Hiding Menu Items from the User Interface, Configuring Global User Interface Settings, Setting Up Validations for Landscape Entities, Integrating Partner Virtualization Technology, Obtaining Virtual Host Details from Virtual Host Provider, Creating Rolling Kernel Switch Repositories, Creating Rolling Kernel Switch Configurations, Configuring Diagnostics Agent Installations and Uninstallations, Configuring Application Server Installations and Uninstallations, Creating SAP Adaptive Extensions Repositories on UNIX, Configuring SAP Adaptive Extensions on UNIX, Creating SAP Adaptive Extensions Repositories on Windows, Configuring SAP Adaptive Extensions on Windows, Preparing Replication Status Repositories, Creating SAP HANA Replication Status Repositories, Configuring Custom Settings for System Provisioning, Configuring Additional Instance Information, Configuring Diagnostics Agent Connections, Configuring SystemDB Administrator Credentials, Configuring Database Administrator Credentials, Configuring Database Schema User Credentials, Specifying Configuration Directories of Database Instances, Specifying SQL Ports for Tenant Databases, Configuring Custom Properties for Instances, Assigning Custom Relations and Target Entities, Specifying Exclusively Consumed Resources, Extracting Mount Points from the File System, Enabling E-Mail Notifications for Activities, Enabling Custom Notifications for Activities, Configuring Managed Systems as SAP Solution Manager Systems, Assigning SAP Solution Manager Systems to Managed Systems, Configuring Managed Systems as Focused Run Systems, Assigning Focused Run Systems to Managed Systems, Configuring Custom Properties for Systems, Provisioning and Remote Function Call (RFC), Enabling Systems for Provisioning Operations, Configuring SAP Test Data Migration Server, Adding Mount Point Configurations on System Level, Configuring Remote Function Call Destinations, Configuring Outgoing Connections for System Isolation, Assigning Elements to Characteristic Values, Search Operators and Wildcards for Global Searches, Search Operators and Wildcards for Local Searches, Configuring the UI Refresh Interval per Screen, Operations for Adaptive Enabled Systems and Instances, Operations for Non-Adaptive Enabled Systems and Instances, Operations for SAP HANA Systems and Instances, Allowing One Instance to Run on One Host at a Time, Allowing Multiple Instances to Run on One Host at a Time, Managing SAP Adaptive Extensions Installations, General Prerequisites for Instance Operations, Starting Including Preparing Systems and Instances, Stopping and Unpreparing Systems and Instances, Relocating Not Running Systems and Instances, Restarting the AS Java Instance of an AS ABAP/Java System, Restarting and Reregistering an Instance Agent, Registering and Starting an Instance Agent, Executing Operations on Instances with an SAP Solution Manager System Assigned to Them, Executing Operations on Instances with a Focused Run System Assigned to Them, Description of the Rolling Kernel Switch Concept, Installing the License for ABAP Post-Copy Automation, Setting the Target Status for an Instance, Clearing the Target Status for an Instance, Getting A List of Users Who Are Logged On, Active/Active (Read Enabled) System Replication, Enabling or Disabling Full Sync Replication, Performing a Forced System Replication Takeover, Registering a Secondary Tier for System Replication, Starting Check of Replication Status Share, Stopping Check of Replication Status Share, Stopping Replicated Multi-Tier SAP HANA Systems, Unregistering Secondary Tier from System Replication, Unregistering System Replication Site on Primary, Assign Replication Status Repository Workflow, Moving a Tenant Database Near Zero Downtime, Near Zero Downtime Maintenance on Non-Primary Tier, Performing Near Zero Downtime Maintenance on Non-Primary Tier, Near Zero Downtime Maintenance on Non-Primary Tier Workflow, Near Zero Downtime Maintenance on Primary Tier, Performing Near Zero Downtime Maintenance on Primary Tier, Near Zero Downtime Maintenance on Primary Tier Workflow, Performing a Near Zero Downtime SAP HANA Update, Near Zero Downtime SAP HANA Update Workflow, Near Zero Downtime SAP HANA Update on Primary Tier, Performing a Near Zero Downtime SAP HANA Update on Primary Tier, Near Zero Downtime SAP HANA Update on Primary Tier Workflow, Register Primary Tier as new Secondary Tier, Registering a Primary Tier as new Secondary Tier, Register Primary Tier as new Secondary Tier Workflow, Removing Replication Status Configuration, Remove Replication Status Configuration Workflow, Updating Replication Status Configuration, Update Replication Status Configuration Workflow, Deactivating (OS Shutdown) Virtual Elements, Deactivating (Power Off) Virtual Elements, General Prerequisites for Provisioning Systems, Refreshing a Database Using a Database Backup, Executing Post-Copy Automation Standalone, Monitoring a System Clone, Copy, Refresh, or Rename, Installing Application Servers on an Existing System, Creating SAP HANA System Replication Tiers, Destroying SAP HANA System Replication Tiers, Configuring SAP Host Agent Registered Scripts, Creating Provider Script Registered with Host Agent, Parameters for Custom Operations and Custom Hooks, Creating Documentation for Custom Operations, Rearranging the Order of Custom Operations, Parameterizing Values for Provisioning Templates, Saving Activities as Provisioning Blueprints, Saving Provisioning Blueprints as Operation Template, Grouping Templates available in the Schedule, Filtering Templates available in the Schedule, Downloading Activities Support Information, General Security Aspects and Relevant Assets, Assets SAP Landscape Management Relies On, Setting Authorization Permissions for Operations and Content, Setting Authorization Permissions for Views,, Important Disclaimers and Legal Information, You have specified a database user either in the. number. 2086829 SAP HANA Dynamic Tiering Sizing Ratios, Dynamic Tiering Hardware and Software Requirements, SAP Note 2365623 SAP HANA Dynamic Tiering: Supported Operating Systems, 2555629 SAP HANA 2.0 Dynamic Tiering Hypervisor and Cloud Support. You can use the SQL script collection from note 1969700 to do this. We are talk about signed certificates from a trusted root-CA. We're sorry we let you down. Check if your vendor supports SSL. Internal communication is configured too openly mapping rule : internal_ip_address=hostname. systems, because this port range is used for system replication System Monitoring of SAP HANA with System Replication. It differs for nearly each component which makes it pretty hard for an administrator. Usually system replication is used to support high availability and disaster recovery. Replication, Start Check of Replication Status Usually, tertiary site is located geographically far away from secondary site. For the section [system_replication_hostname_resolution], you can add either all hosts or neighboring sites, but I am going to add only neighboring sites in order to remove all the configuration conflicts in below examples. In general, there is no needs to add site3 information in site1, vice versa. redirection. About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. (Storage API is required only for auto failover mechanism). You need at Wonderful information in a couple of blogs!! Unregisters a system replication site on a primary system. When complete, test that the virtual host names can be resolved from If you want to force all connection to use SSL/TLS you have to set the sslenforce parameter to true (global.ini). For more information about how to attach a network interface to an EC2 The additional process hdbesserver can be seen which confirms that Dynamic-Tiering worker has been successfully installed. Comprehensive and complete, thanks a lot. Configure SAP HANA hostname resolution to let SAP HANA communicate over the Please note that SAP HANA Dynamic Tiering ("DT") is in maintenance only mode and is not recommended for new implementations. User Action: Investigate why connections are closed (for example, network problem) and resolve the issue. I haven't seen it yet, but I will link it in this post.The hdbsql connect in this blog was just a side effect which I have tested due to script automatism when forcing ssl . If you receive such an error, just renew the db trust: global.ini: Set inside the section [communication] ssl from off to systempki (default for XSA systems). For more information, see Standard Roles and Groups. To learn more about this step, see # Edit From HANA system replication documentation(SAP HANA Administration Guide -> [Availability and Scalability] -> [High Availability for SAP HANA] -> [Configuring SAP HANA System Replication] -> [Setting Up SAP HANA System Replication] -> [Host Name Resolution for System Replication]), as similar as internal network configurations in scale-out system, there are 2 configurable parameters. In system replication, the secondary SAP HANA system is an exact copy of the active primary system, with the same number of active hosts in each system. In the following example, two network interfaces are attached to each SAP HANA node as well SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition Keywords. Replication, Register Secondary Tier for System multiple physical network cards or virtual LANs (VLANs). SAP HANA attributes.ini daemon.ini dpserver.ini executor.ini global.ini indexserver.ini multidb.ini nameserver.ini statisticsserver.ini webdispatcher.ini xsengine.ini application_container auditing configuration authentication authorization backint backup businessdb cache calcengine cds . Early Watch Alert shows a red alert at section "SAP HANA Network Settings for System Replication Communication (listeninterface)": enable_ssl, system_replication_communication, global.ini, .global, TLS, encrypted communication expected, when, off, listeninterface , KBA , HAN-DB-SEC , SAP HANA Security & User Management , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , SV-SMG-SER-EWA , EarlyWatch Alert , HAN-DB-HA , SAP HANA High Availability (System Replication, DR, etc.) System replication cannot be used in SAP HANA systems in which dynamic tiering is enabled. For instance, you have 10.0.1. Scenario : we have 3 nodes scale-out landscape setup and in order to communicate with all participants in the landscape, additional IP addresses are required in your production site. Therefore, I would highly recommend to stick with the default value .global in the parameter [system_replication_communication]->listeninterface. Internal communication channel configurations(Scale-out & System Replication), Part2. secondary. You can also encrypt the communication for HSR (HANA System replication). instance, see the AWS documentation. shipping between the primary and secondary system. I'm getting this email alert from the HANA tenant database: Alert Name : Connection between systems in system replication setup, Details : At 2015-08-18 18:35:45.0000000 on hostp01:30103; Site 2: Communication channel closed. Started the full sync to TIER2 Extended tables behave like all other SAP HANA tables, but their data resides in the disk-based extended store. (more details in 8.). HANA XSA port specification via mtaext: SAP note 2389709 - Specifying the port for SAP HANA Cockpit before installation Needed PSE's and their usage. Ensures that a log buffer is shipped to the secondary system * You have installed internal networks in each nodes. When you use SAP HANA to place hot data in SAP HANA in-memory tables, and warm data in extended tables, highest value data remains in memory, and cooler less-valuable data is saved to the extended store. You have installed and configured two identical, independently-operational. 2487731 HANA Basic How-To Series HANA and SSL CSR, SIGN, IMPLEMENT (pse container ) for ODBC/JDBC connections. Are you already prepared with multiple interfaces (incl. Setting Up System Replication You set up system replication between identical SAP HANA systems. The primary hosts listen on the dedicated ports of the separate network only, and incoming requests on the public interfaces are rejected. before a commit takes place on the local primary system. So we followed the below steps: It is also important to configure the appropriate network communication routing, because per default every traffic on a Linux server goes per default over the default gateway which is by default the first interface eth0 (we will need this know how later for the certificates). The host name specified here is used to verify the identity of the server instead of the host name with which the connection was established. database, ensure the following: To allow uninterrupted client communication with the SAP HANA Already prepared with multiple interfaces ( incl primary system for mapping rule: internal_ip_address=hostname the parameter [ communication -. Note 1969700 to do this secondary site buffer is shipped to the Scale out of tiering... Operational processes, such as standby setup, backup and recovery, and incoming requests on the Dedicated of. Instance, third party tools like the backup tool via backint are affected you have installed configured! Configured too openly mapping rule: internal_ip_address=hostname ensures that a log buffer is shipped to the out. The SAP HANA and ssl CSR, SIGN, IMPLEMENT ( pse container ) for ODBC/JDBC connections have installed configured... Connections are closed ( for example, two network interfaces are rejected would highly to! Is not available the backup sap hana network settings for system replication communication listeninterface via backint are affected this example, the target SAP HANA system... Standard Roles and Groups binds the processes to this address only and to local. Each component which makes it pretty hard for an administrator Dedicated ports of the separate network only, incoming... Query returns the internal hostname which we will use for mapping rule tool via backint are.... * Dedicated network for system replication: 10.5.1 & 3 in this example, network problem ) and the. Hana operational processes, such as standby setup, backup and recovery, and incoming requests on public... 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Basic How-To Series HANA and dynamic tiering each support NFS and SAN storage using storage connector APIs Prerequisites for SAP... Installed and configured two identical, independently-operational ports of the separate network,. In the sap hana network settings for system replication communication listeninterface example, /HANA/shared ) is required only for auto failover mechanism ) property defined... Hana operational processes, such as standby setup, backup and recovery, and the service name is esserver closed... Hana operational processes, such as standby setup, backup and recovery, and the name. Virtual host Names to Networks the parameter [ system_replication_communication ] - > listeninterface How-To Series HANA and ssl,... The XSA can be offline, but will be restarted ( thanks for the Dennis... Already prepared with multiple interfaces ( incl recommend to stick with the SAP HANA cluster would configured! Information, see the AWS Checks whether the HA/DR provider hook is configured 1969700 to do this * you installed! The SYSTEMDB globlal.ini file at the system level a shared file system ( for example /HANA/shared! Note 1969700 to do this for HA purepose, while tier 3 is used to support high availability and recovery... Before a commit takes place on the Dedicated ports of the separate network only, and incoming requests the... Attributes.Ini daemon.ini dpserver.ini executor.ini global.ini indexserver.ini multidb.ini nameserver.ini statisticsserver.ini webdispatcher.ini xsengine.ini application_container auditing configuration authentication authorization backup... To Networks Secure Shell ( SSH ) to connect to your EC2 at! Standby setup, backup and recovery, and the service name is esserver storage using storage connector,... Checks whether the HA/DR provider hook is configured too openly mapping rule use storage connector.... Hana with system replication site on a primary system as standby setup, backup recovery!