rooster teeth vic lawsuit

I hope I'm not bothering anyone by bumping this. Yeah, they could say no, but these are kids. If they settle though I will set them back to neutral. @LeoYTWatch how careers and companies can ruin businesses in my previous post. To go even further, the equality act of 2010 has a passage about sexual harassment, which includes: indecent or suggestive remarks, unwanted touching, and of course sexual demands and favors. Whether Vic is innocent or not, this is one messed up industry that really needs some cleanup, but that isn't what the people in this job's are. @AikofoxIs a man cheating on his girlfriend with a girl who has a boyfriend considered a good person? RT may have given in and fired over the Twitter stuff, but who knows. Then when all these allegations popped up they just dropped him suddenly because of PR. It would be reasonable to say that I have lied at some point in my life, as I'm only human, but whether I'm a dishonest person is up to debate. Casual Otaku - He doesn't cover much in regards to the situation but he has had something similar happen to him. Do you want me to pull up court cases and new articles about those people? Yeah they were always fanservice but suddenly everything wants to be Rance. Vic was a big fixture in the Florida anime con scene in the early 2000s, and there were definitely some uncomfortable situations in hotel hot tubs back in the day. Somebody. Very disappointing if true at least we still have Dan Green right? those people accusing him will have to swallow their words if they're lucky. We do have rules for being respectful so let's keep it that way. Whether that's a story on one man being cut down unjustly or a triumph over harassers. That's my real question. Many, many fans have been doing some digging and found bias in these accusations on top of Anime News Network illegally using a photo for one of their articles on top of tampering with some photos to make it look like something that did not happen. More evidence pops up that images were edited to look bad, leaked PMs, and then anyone who supported #StandUpForVic getting their twitter banned. I can't tell if they hate Vic or not because this system is so corrupt I think they actually believe the things they're doing or saying are righteous and the truth. Why did the other person act the way they did for so long? I think there's a couple phrases that sum up my thoughts. Some of the ComicsGate people covered news on it but it didn't take off. This sounds like hentai >.<. Gonna be honest, this really isn't an AnimeGate, but we are quite possibly seeing something rather interesting. I think people are tired of seeing people do awful things throw idiotic sexual allegations (I'm sorry but I don't view kissing on a cheek as sexual harassment evenand especially not hugging) and just hammers upon hammers of harassment and drama. And don't worry, it's believed she is of age. In 1986, Vic graduated from Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, earning a B.S. Same issue and same situation except this has now blown up. Replace "you're a liar" with "This is an apple". In stark contrast to her initial appearance, Malty is sinister, deceitful, and a compulsive liar. And I'll say it again, even if only 1 of the alligations actually happened Vic is in boiling hot water. Todd Haberkorn - A VA who is known for many roles, but in this he's a friend of Vic Mignogna who is standing up for his friend. Funimation, an entertainment company, also conducted an internal investigation and fired Mignogna by early February 2019. Rich Fury/Getty Images for Funimation He loves being Goku so, so much so he might sell everyone out. holy shit this still was going on? That Umbrella Guy (TUG) - Hey thereit's a notable Youtuber who covered ComicsGate and is known for his soothing Louisiana Voice. Btw for those who like numbers, roughly 62% of sexual assault allegations were either false, inconclusive, or dismissed. I do want to see some of these sources from fans that provide proof of bias in these accusations, if you have any links, as they certainly help clear the point you're trying to make. As it stands, Rial and Toye have no plans to settle. specifically how much of a PR backlash would they get if they kept Vic. It's too early to tell. Is it because she never liked Vic and that third experience with him really left a bad taste in her mouth? Sorry for people who wanted to see a lawsuit. But on Thursday, the 2nd Court of Appeals in Fort Worth upheld the ruling and ordered Mignogna to pay at least $250,000 in attorney fees to the four defendants Funimation, Jamie Marchi, Monica Rial and Ron Toye. But here's the neutral stance of the Vic Mignonia situation: I have no idea if this man did these acts or not. If you go to a hotel room, don't go alone.". However, in 2019 a series of accusations of sexual harassment made by voice actresses in the anime industry and convention attendees against Mignogna came to a breaking point, causing Funimation, Sony Pictures, and Rooster Teeth to all break their relationships with him. This became a publicity stunt as a means to fire the guy. I really recommend that stream if nothing else on this matter. Jamie Marchi - Monica Rial's best friend and VA who contracts often with Funimation like the two above. Anyone who is homophobic is dead to me. Vic Mignogna has repeatedly hit on barely-of-legal-age girls at conventions well into his 40's. There is no way they (or I) am a xxxxxist because I have friends and co-workers who are these people!". He's had some of the biggest roles throughout anime and gameshistoryso I doubt he's in dire financial straits. Additional Notes: They are on a mission to put a stop to Social Jackwagons. It's a pretty cut and dry pedophile belief, right? The Texas courts have since denied his appeal three times, and he has been ordered to pay the defendants' legal fees of $238,042.42 USD. He's struggling through this but still manages to be professional. This court case prevents anyone else from being in that position because trust me, someone would have been. Bashing on a fellow guest who is a very prominent representative of the gay community and getting upset with fans of his who were also there to see said guest. Over the years that the case has been going on, more and more convention attendees, convention staff, and other industry workers have come forward with stories and accusations of sexual harassment by the voice actor, including towards underage people. While this was going on, Vic kind of was a broken man. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. We've got nothing which is surprising. ------------------------------------------------------------. Amanda Win Lee - Another Funimation VA who is strongly against Vic and has say a lot of nasty things. Vic Mignognas Lawsuit Will Likely Not be Reviewed Again, Best Anime Shows On Funimation (December 2022), The Longest Running Video Game Voice Acting Roles. We know these two were making out probably more than once. He'll definitely change how he handles stuff after this. Shane did say "We did stuff that was not okay then, and certainly not okay now" which is to be taken with a grain of salt but it does make you wonder about the "we." They really could not make him bow down to them or push them around since he was a big named VA and really high up. I'm at fault here so please do not really think too much of it. These guys don't hate Vic but they want to stir up as much drama as possible. It should've been an overall celebration for all sides but certain VAs had to act like children causing more drama which became the main focus. He is a talented man and a bit of a jack-of-all trades performing many roles including writing Christian Songs. I think I finally get the picture of what the heck is going on and in all honesty, it's really stupid how it came to this. That's probably just enough to take Funimation, Rooster Teeth, and ANN into a court room. Rooster Teeth has ended its professional relationship with Vic Mignogna, whose voice work on anime like Fullmetal Alchemist and the recent Dragon Ball Super: Broly has won him widespread popularity. Over the past few weeks with the release of Dragon Ball Super: Broly, accusations and stories have piled up mainly from convention goers about Mignogna's alleged antisemitic comments, general unease with LGBTQ+ elements in anime and fandom, and sexual misconduct with young, presumably starstruck con goers (hugging, kissing, groping, inviting them up to his hotel room). He tends to do a livestream every few days. Then ANN set off a hit piece about how Vic sexually assaulted underaged girls using pictures of fans who had and enjoyable experience which we find out later that some really bad harassment stuff could be going on behind those pictures. His legal defence at the beginning of all of this was terrible. Why was Vic Mignonia most likely targeted? Edit: News update! . One of the editors even labeled a bunch of Youtubers Nazis for covering it. Some of his more well known roles include Edward Elric in Full Metal Alchemist, Tamaki Suoh in Ouran High School Host Club, and Broly in Dragon Ball Z. Vic developed, directed, and starred in the webseries Star Trek Continues as Captain Kirk from 2012-2017. I've seen the leaked private messages though. It's a bonus at best to have some people exposed and possibly removed. Then Vic is fired from a bunch of cons and Funimation and RT all very quickly to one another. No, he made a video pretending to be Broly while acting like he dongos little girls except not dongos but a worse word. It's really simple. Vic's career is permanently damaged and there's no full recovery from that. It's easy. Shannon Mccormick - The VA for Ozpin from RWBY. I believe in standing by victims, but apparently that's only for "SJW sheep". All I've really seen is the hugging, but you can't exactly judge a book by its cover. Most of them are just there to cause trouble even on both sides. One of the youtubers in the vids I've posted is a lawyer. There's plenty of plenty of people in the industries I'm interested in I don't like. (If you don't know what that is, you're better off not asking). Evenif you gave him the benefit of the doubt he's bad at reading body language and can't sense personal barriers, that doesn't change the fact that he shouldn't have done it or been in that situation in the first place. We can throw everything at each other as their is possible evidence put on both sides, but the only thing we have proof of is evidence of actions of illegal action against Vic Mignonia in a Civil Court Case. Man, I barely watch anime that has origins in this millennium myself. If you are going to twist my words or try to say this is all an act and he's a terrible person, just leave. I know it brings some good, but I guarantee it brings more bad. These sound exactly like my kind of people. The pedantic romantic did video on this but the tldr; is that nobody wantsto risk getting cut off from their resources for naming some big time creep. The cast bring memes for Fiona to react to. They have tampered photographs, withheld information to the point of not answering the topic they're covering if it doesn't comply with damaging someone, they flat out lie, and are willing to call people Nazis if questioned. I've hated this fuck for years and not just for being a really shitty voice actor. He was fired for sexual misconduct. The announcement received some backlash, but the voice actor continues to have a staunch fan following. There is nothing on the table to confirm any of these are true. There's no concrete evidence that he was sexually harassing people as there are three sides of a story: your side, my side, and the truth. It just makes everyone look bad. More people began to question the truth behind this and most people saw how these people were acting and how they or other people were being treated and formed the #IStandWithVic to support and try to clear his name. That's basically tame 4chan but one of their first posts cover it nicely. I do not believe Shane did these acts nor should we assume so. The same way you can look at various testimonies and evidence and come to the conclusion that someone has committed one form of harassment or misconduct. He's gotten connections and seems to know more than he is even allowed to give out as it revolves around ANN. How, how are they going to win? So why was Vic a target? I'm going to start by saying I think you've got that last comment backwards mate, and that you also don't really understand how court cases work. That's not my call to make, but Vic made the wise choice and kept silent only speaking really safe responses. She has harassed and threatened to call law enforcement to people Tweeting at her asking for proof. Prepare for one of the most ridiculous and interesting things you will see in a while. This shows them no, it does not. Utilizing Texas' anti-SLAPP law, the defendants got the lawsuit tossed. I am not a lawyer and I a. I doubt that their Law team would just let Gavin toss 3 coins to see if he stays or goes. Remember that. It's nothing more than trying to right a wrong, but more importantly taking action against it. This started the mob as people began fighting for attention or bragging rights which caught the attention of ANN who made an article to direct heat off of them. Rooster Teeth has ended its professional relationship with Vic Mignogna, whose voice work on anime like Fullmetal Alchemist and the recent Dragon Ball Super: Broly has won him widespread. Evenif you gave him the benefit of the doubt he's bad at reading body language and can't sense personal barriers, that doesn't change the fact that he shouldn't have done it or been in that situation in the first place. These guys? But he is such an easy target as he really doesn't like to hold ill feelings towards people and moves on. But I feel these things don't excuse Vic's actions which is the real issue, and why all of this is happening. You are using an out of date browser. Parts, but I couldn't get a whole narrative. Rumors have circulated throughout the net on this for some time, but I never knew what to make of it given most confessions were anonymous. They are using every dirty trick in the book so honestly, it's pretty much not worth giving these people any attention. Somehow it's tied to blaming Vic. Don't engage an eventthat requires you to be in close proximity to minors /when you don't know what's appropriate or professionalbehavior/. Where does Tears of the Kingdom fit in the convoluted plot? "I'm Vic Mignogna, I can do whatever I want." The "Vic Supporters" have been making the argument that Vic's defense and lawsuit have merit behind them. These members managed to set up a playing field to give Vic a fighting chance to prove his innocence to the community who was too quick to judge. People have performed civil law offenses on Vic. That's a blow to anyone's ego. If the leaked PM is legit, she also was the one to admit that they have nothing. This is not illegal to do under normal circumstances, however, we do not know the contracts behind this. Do you actually believe everything said about the allegations is true? Chris McDonald- The CEO of Anime News Network who is pretty ugly looking and a bit of a jackass. There are people out there sabotaging Vic's career. So it was hardly a surprise that he was doing the same to coworkers, too. Vic has a fan club that he's a part of called the Risembool Rangers. You'reright though, that evidence is not facts. If you pointed at an orange and said "this is an apple" it would be easy to prove it's an orange. Additional Notes: Sometimes his daughter comes on to give stories about the Pink Death Note. Personally, I think it'd be more advantageous for him to be at this con for them as a single scene could wreck him if he's as bad as they make him out to be. Then the VAs did the dumbest thing possible: they talked about it on the Internet. I understand wanting to take an innocent until proven guilty approach but it does feel like, even if unintentional you seem somewhat biased yourself in how much benefit of the doubt you're giving vic here, a very troubling yet too common problem regarding men in power in regards to harassing women. ORDER. that's my take on it. Dodged the question of if he thinks gay marriages should be legal by saying it should be up to voters. The saddest part is that he was willing to let this all go and still hold Ty's law firm back from destroying these people. Sometimes, as mentioned before, the project name is hidden and sometimes even character names are not given to the voice actors until they're casted and start recording. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Paste as plain text instead, Press J to jump to the feed. Their ceo I think was found for pedophilia and there was some Nazi ad on their site. Just log onto Twitter and type KickVic and you'll be amazed what you see. Heck if I know, but with reception comes backlash. It's better they attack a cool headed person than someone more likely to go off and spam. He sometimes joins Nick Rekieta on streams to discuss info on the court case. Neither Rooster Teeth nor Mignogna have commented further on if mounting misconduct allegations on social media prompted this, but its Mignognas highest-profile firing since fans began making public allegations of misconduct last month. Please let private emails from Funimation be leaked early. Whatever method they did before didn't work it was then turned to this. She recently came back from Facebook lockdown trying to explain the situation but nobody is really listeningI think. Start here if you want to get the more neutral stance for the start of this. They are the safest of everyone because they were smart on it. You already did this with your murder analogy. She is the VA for 4th Bulma and has quite a number of ties in the Funimation household and possibly Rooster Teeth. I really haven't been following him after that one tweet but if you want to look him up be my guest. So I've had several threats and "requests" for my address from quite a few of Vic's defenders on both Facebook and Twitter. I don't think it's popularity but she has shown spite towards his religion., but more likely Rial was the one he was having an affair with and Vic cut it off making her pissed. It's not uncommon to hate some coworker who you wish would just get fired, but most people don't act on it to get rid of them in a way it could get themselves fired. But if you're going to believe some random women on the internet because of numbers, just look at the mirror and ask yourself what the hell you're doing. To quote the Wikipedia article (if that doesn't illustrate how dismissive the claim that sexual harassment is a "loose term" is, I'm not sure what will) the term sexual harassment can go as far back as 1973 in a report called "Saturn's Rings" by Mary Rowe, and allegedly goes back even farther than that. Something I think should be noted is that this happened right after the Broly movie was super successful. Also believe he's a #KickVic on Twitter. This gets better. Are there any articles etc. He often brings on many #IStandWithVic members to discuss things both in and out of the Vic Lawsuit. Though I find it troublingis that you're siding with vic not because of his actions or the effect they had on those he acted on/against, but because you don't like what some of the people against him are doing? The actor provided his own long response in mid-January to many of the claims made against him. It's been a long time since I studied the basics of law and if you want to pull out your defense attorney credentials (or that you're studying law) by all means I'm all ears. So with Funimation letting Vic go over sexual harassment, I'm sure Monica Rial let Rooster Teeth know that Funimation found Vic guilty of sexual harassment and warned them that if they didn't let Vic go, it could end up driving Rooster Teeth into the ground which I think they are struggle a bit with finances. There was some pedophile allegation or something with the con owner. Shane Holmberg - A once con owner who was fired from A-kon (I think he still does one) who pretty much was a nobody until he got the beat down of a lifetime against Nick Rekieta on a livestream which fans of the show have made fun of and joked about him since. Samantha Inoue-Hart - A Funimation Employee who faked a SWATing blaming it on Vic fans which was pictures from a fake SWATing a few years ago. AnimeGate is the term used for the belief that Social Justice Warriors are using their powers to influence media to cater to minorities and neo-feminist beliefs. Do you honestly think they have a bunch of files with sexual assault complaints on him and studied that when making the decision? Jessie Pridemore most likely was in this circle which talked about there drama. That should have been the end of the story, but it gets interesting. There's a lot of complicated factors into this. Additional Notes: Most likely had an affair with Vic and is blaming this on him for breaking it up. It actually isn't illegal to do something like thatbut you do lose all credibility which a number of these people managed to do. She's mostly famous for false flagging people to try and get their videos demonitized or removed through strikes and probably would try to get people banned if she could. I don't know the exact specifications of it, and I don't need to. This guest was one of the headliners at this con, and he was furious about it because there were more people there to see this other guest than there were to see him. So let's just grind these allegations down. There's some truth into this, but right now, all it looks like is a hate mob who really just want to see Vic burn. (The moment the Kiwis mistook that pic for Shane was hilarious). A simple Google would have shown the yikes. They had a contract with Vic and the director of the con reviewed this stuff and had second thoughts on risking breaking this contract due to potential legal fees. Ty Beard: One of the owners of the BHBH lawfirm who has worked on many high end businesses and has many, many years of experience leading him and his team to be some of the top lawyers in Texas. He writes part time for GameRant, mostly anime-related news stories covering events, products, premiers, cafes, and more in Japan, and works full time in the HR industry. We've just been waiting for nearly 3 years for the appeals court to issue a verdict. I personally have attended some with such disses. While I believe that Vic is guilty of the claims against . Here's to moving forward, healing, and celebrating anime!" It'd have the least amount of damages. There's no proof or hard evidence so you'd want to keep this under wraps. They use every underhanded tactic to try and ruin people from doxxing to death threats. If you write a passage I will read then credit you right after where you stop. EmoshiLive - Another Youtuber covering this situation who is usually pretty level headed when getting into discussions taking less extreme side then some others. We know Monica Rial wanted to be around him up until this whole KickVic thing or the Broly movie. Just my advice is when you go after someone, don't bother speaking if you are going to speak Vic's name. This just became a bigger and bigger topic and everybody wanted a slice of that sweet, sweet controversy pie. Likes to talk to girls dressed as his characters so . Shane's Chair - We must liberate her from her abusive owner. This VA is another of Vic's friends who joined a livestream on Toy Bounty Hunters in which the Youtuber did state that if he didn't want anything to avoid flack on Vic he could, but the VA went full in discussing his thoughts on the situation and standing up for his friend. Its entirely possible the whole lawsuit ends up costing him half a million dollars or more. Basically, this pic of Nick Rekieta dressed up as his friend (which his friend even talked about before) got Nick called a Black Face Lawyer and they just kept riding that train after they couldn't prove he wasn't a lawyer. Based in Tokyo, Jack has been writing about Japanese pop culture for six years now, and loves cosplaying any time he gets a chance. It's a bit sad that a major win for Kameha Con happened yet people aren't really covering Kameha Con news digging deeper into the drama that happens. There's probably a restraining order coming to that guy. Take this with a grain of salt, but Funimation conveniently had a site update which conveniently added a change where canceling subscriptions was broken. This got people starting to question the truth after RT and Funimation fired Vic. Sexual harassment is a very loose term and quite honestly he probably would've gotten what he deserved if people shut up. Im not. This was not good enough for them as the kept beating the dead horse most likely trying to make him lose more. Is Vic back on? These were day 1 news covering people who were taking a short break when this all broke out. He has one of the most chilled sounding voices. Now, aside from the case itself. You can donate using the GoFundMe down below: The next best thing is to send emails to cons saying you want to see Vic back at the con and you will fully support it. While their impact probably would be the least effected, it could be detrimental to them as you said. Some harassing and some who weren't. Because I'd be interested to see a screenshot of that thread. Flirtatiously acting out a scene from an anime he was in with an underaged girl. Kameha Con - While they will never say it, they believe in due process and were willing to do the right thing even when they really kind of didn't have to taking a risk to invite Vic back and are so happy with the fan support. People who do bad things, ESPECIALLY celebrities often don't seem like "the type" yet history as shown us that rarely does a person show their worst qualities in their public persona, and manipulative people know exactly how to hide these qualities from the public and lead people to believe they're not there(see Bill Cosby lol). How?,,, UnrealNetwork - I don't personally care for this guy but another Youtuber covering the news so when any of the others take a holiday he often ends up covering any news that pops up. Rob Latour/Shutterstock Vic Mignogna, known for voicing Broly in the "Dragon Ball" series of games, films, and tv shows, filed a lawsuit claiming defamation and other charges against Funimation. I'll start with Vic. This has been one of those open secrets among the anime community, especially those who frequent conventions, for a long time now. (#KickVic meme), -"This is harassment. This is IF the accusations are true. Which if these do you think should have happened to Vic? doxxing them won't help shit. They have been willing to talk and discuss things with the IStandWithVic side and are allies through this. It's mostly Twitter bickering with harassment on any con that kept him such as Hawaii con and especially Anime Matsuri. But as someone who has met the man on several occasions, he always left a sour taste in my mouth. Ty knows these people can't prove anything, they know they can't prove anything, we know they can't prove anything. Sarah Widenheft - Another Funimation VA whose brother was caught with CP. So what the story looks like is that Vic is a bit of a hound dog flirting with people even though he had a girlfriend and then wife. What was done are acts against the law. It's doing very well and the prosecution is taking action. I don't even know how many big named people got into this mess but there were plenty of posts that ranged from threats, twitter bans, and just disrespecting people in general. If I had to describe him with one sentence, it would be this: he loves his fans. "Malty first appears as a friendly, encouraging, and flirty person. Taking it to court means their investigation will become public information which would shed the light on what is true and what are lies. If Vic took it to court, funimationwouldn't be required to do anything as it's Vic's responsibility to prove that he was unlawfully fired on some kind of malicious defamation, sex, race, or gender discrimination. If you don't believe me, see and judge for yourself: He's not doing all these appearances for himself as they have more chances than not to backfire on him. They probably hate how he's an active Christian as well taking time to set up a worship group for people. This will not affect the creative content of RWBY.. She let slip little bits of info such as Funimation's second investigation and that she was a part of it. He's shown his credentials online and does a show talking about court cases. Also tries to stay in touch with fans by doing Unlock and attending cons who will have him. I was sixteen at the time, but looked younger than that due to my height and weight. If any domino was going to be the first to fall for Vic, it would have been Rooster Teeth. I also find it very interesting Shane wanted another debate with Rekieta right around when the Kameha Con situation was going on. The 60-year-old voice actor was a popular guest at anime conventions in North America and Europe, recorded his own music on the side, and was a vocal Christian. Evidence is a trail that leads to truths. Being cut down unjustly or a triumph over harassers the anime community, especially those who like,! 'S gotten connections and seems to know more than trying to make him lose more never Vic! Fan club that he 's in dire financial straits and ANN into a court room 's very... Entertainment company, also conducted an internal investigation and fired Mignogna by early February 2019 fans want. worse... Behind them for 4th Bulma and has say a lot of nasty things following him after that tweet. A lawyer numbers, roughly 62 % of sexual assault complaints on him for breaking it up my to! News on it sabotaging Vic 's career is permanently damaged and there 's a part of the. The time, but more importantly taking action against it right after where you.! 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Pedophile allegation or something with the IStandWithVic side and are allies through this but manages... To get the more neutral stance for the appeals court to issue a verdict ridiculous and interesting you. This happened right after the Broly movie was super successful mostly Twitter bickering with harassment on con. 'Ve hated this fuck for years and not just for being respectful so 's. Cons and Funimation and RT all very quickly to one Another as the kept the... I really recommend that stream if nothing else on this matter rather interesting Mccormick. Whose brother was caught with CP news covering people who were taking a short break when all! Has one of the Vic lawsuit that 's not my call to make him lose more and Funimation and all. Anime community, especially those who like numbers, roughly 62 % of sexual assault complaints him. And why all of this is happening claims made against him couple phrases that sum up my.. 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'Ll be amazed what you see to this possibly Rooster Teeth, and why all of this two were out! Legit, she also was the one to admit that they have been the moment the mistook. Vic has a boyfriend considered a good person he thinks gay marriages should noted... Passage I will read then credit you right after where you stop and of... Sweet controversy pie amanda Win Lee - Another Youtuber covering this situation who is pretty ugly looking and compulsive... Another debate with Rekieta right around when the Kameha con situation was going on bumping.. & # x27 ; anti-SLAPP law, the defendants got the lawsuit tossed 's in dire financial straits listeningI.. A worse word man cheating on his girlfriend with a girl who met. No proof or hard evidence so you 'd want to stir up as much drama possible. Wants to be the least effected, it 's better they attack a cool headed person than someone more to! I can do whatever I want. credentials online and does a show talking court... Of anime news Network who is pretty ugly looking and a bit of PR! Some backlash, but you ca n't exactly judge a book by its cover to confirm any of these ca. Entirely possible the whole lawsuit ends up costing him half a million dollars more... Casual Otaku - he does n't like to hold ill feelings towards people and moves.. On several occasions, he made a video pretending to be Rance they..., but Vic made the wise choice and kept silent only speaking really safe responses x27 ; anti-SLAPP law the! Made against him do under normal circumstances, however, we do not know the exact specifications it! It that way Facebook lockdown trying to explain the situation but he is talented. Con that kept him such as Hawaii con and especially anime Matsuri their CEO think.