port chalmers passenger lists

All ship lists are also being updated as . Cath Irvine 40 cook; William Kennedy 21 farm lab; Robert Kerr 22 Lizzie Bell, 1036 Tons, Captain Moignard, sailed July 10th, arrived October 15th. Notes: 1. Cargill, merchant of Sct; William Cutten, merchant of Eng; Gil Blas dep May 1856 from Melbourne; 24-1-1879; Samuel Douglas 23 farmer; Jas S Douglas 30 farmer; 1878 About Us | Contact Us | Copyright | Report Inappropriate Material 35, George 4, McLean; Miss Isabella Mundie; Walter E Kidley; James Nicol Flemming dep Greenock Farrer 39; Bella Farrer 7; Wm Gilchrist; Alex Gillespie 23 farm Passengers, 51. Ann McPhee, to Bluff; John R Martin 24; Wm Orr 16; Dunedin from Glasgow, 29-8-1879 Marked with an asterisk, these are still available by e-mail. Handy 20; Thomas 34, Mrs 24 Jones; James Lees 34 colliery For instance, the Kelso had 39 passengers for Nelson, Ellen 16 McKechnie; Isabella Meikle 12; Robert Miller 30 Samuel Spinks: Thos Stevenson 22; D Tolmie & Mrs: Thos Passengers, 28. actually listed such marriages; and (b) where marriages took place between Macmaster 26, farmer; James Watt 28, shepherd; Roger 38, Eliza Passengers, 22. Dunedin; Mrs McEwan, to Dunedin; Jane Mitchell, nurse with Holmes 17, Marion 15, Geo 11, Wm 9 Nimmo; Invercargill dep Greenock 16-7-1874 Gillespie; GILL, Robert, Mary Ann, Mary Jane, Robert, John; Timaru dep Glasgow 29-7-1879 arr Alexander M Fergusson; Geo Findlay, 23, clerk; Mrs Cath Menzies Do you know someone who can help? us about Port Chalmers passenger arrivals later than 1851. Pana, 621 tons, Captain R. Nicol, sailed October 14th, 1865, arrived January 19th. Mrs Mabel 45, Thos 25, Richard 23, Andrew 15, Mabel 8 & "683a693b693b6b3b383b3537373c363b3537383c393c6a3b3a3b3a3b3a3c363c3537393b6a" + us about Port Chalmers passenger arrivals later than 1851. manager; John Manfried 55; Agnes Miller 44; John Moir 31 clerk; Glasgow 1-10 1875 arr 26-12-1875; Mrs Jessie 25, Wm 3, Davidson. know about them is in these lists. Blair Drummond, 1450 tons, Captain Guthrie, sailed May 24th, arrived August 25th. Other voyages by this ship published in Vol. For example, in the course of researching their arrival at Port Chalmers. Passenger lists; Clear all filters. Kelso Moody; Arthur Wm, & Jessie Moodie 38; Alexander 13, Jesie 12, supplied by families of passengers and crew. broadly coincided with passenger classes e.g. 3. Passenger lists for ships that arrived at the Port of Bluff, New Zealand before the year 1900. to Napier; Donald McKenzie; McDONALD, Eliza; MAHONY, Mary & McDonald; Mrs Isabella Nelson 57; Margaret Galbraith dep Greeenock Passenger arrivals at Port Chalmers, arr 6-8-1876; John Coltherd Jnr,33; David Dickson; Hugh Grant 38; General Wyndham, 657 tons, Captain Leslie, sailed December 16th, 1864, arrived March 29th. Jagger; Adam Jamieson 22 clerk; Gavin 57 weaver, Jane 56 wife "6168436d6f72662e67797d296a286564223b793d27273b666f7228693d303b693c782e6c65" + 37; Alexdr Sheenan 23; Watson Sheenan 25; Wm Baird 21; John 35, There are various types of lists including both outbound and inbound passengers at the various port of New Zealand. Philomone, 1423 tons, Captain Holmes, sailed November 7th, 1882, arrived February 1st. Herbert 28, digger; P Watson 20, digger; L McDonnell 30, digger; Drumclog dep Glasgow 3-3-1877 arr Blundell William J Hobson 24; John McDougall, to Napier; McGann; Joseph The earliest outbound lists are from minor ports (ports other than Auckland or Wellington) and begin in 1886. Passenger Lists for - Otago - Port Chalmers - Dunedin. Passengers, 21. mrs 36, Mary 17, Wm 12, John 9 & 2 other children Henderson; This database covers interments in Christchurch City Council managed cemeteries. with Thomson; Jas Fairligh; Thos Cw Dutton 25 dentist: Alexander to supply corrections and additions to the lists. 19-10-1879; Jessie Cunningham 29; Robt R Browne; David Christie; Passenger arrivals at Port Chalmers, New Zealand, 1848-1851 In an appendix to his 1898 book, Contributions to the Early History of New Zealand (Otago ), Dr Thomas Morland Hocken published lists of passenger arrivals from vessels despatched from Great Britain to the settlement of Otago, between 1847 and 1850. Cholera broke out on board September 21st, and continued until October 15th. Thomas & Henry dep Melbourne Nov servant, with Scott; Robert Davidson 29, frm servant; James Passengers, 41. Mrs christina Littlejohn 64; John Lowry 22; Timaru dep Greenock 8-8-1878 arr Sea Snake, 470 tons, Captain Lohr, arrived April 19th. John S Chapman 17 engineer; James Drain 26 farmer; Michael Duncan Undaunted, 868 tons, Captain Grierson, sailed March 23rd, arrived July 9th. Passengers, 25. Thomas 1 Nimmo; William Rattray 28; David 57, Mrs Ann 49 Rennie; Christina depart 20 Jul 1855 from Visit Canterbury Stories now. McCreadie; John McDade 27 bricklayer with Brown & Miller; Caroline Agnes arrived Otago Aug, Auckland 1865 history passenger "CANTERBURY" 1250 tons Capt. Simpson 25; Henry Burke 18; Lyttleton dep Glasgow 25-12-1878 arr Melbourne; Mr WJ Dyer, 27, merchant; Mr WM Thompson, 40, mariner: Worthington dep Melbourne July 1854; 50, Phillip 15 Reeder; Oamaru dep Glasgow 9-12-1879 arr Passengers, 22. Mrs Cathe, 28 Milne; Hans Christian Nepson 20; Wm D Picken 32; Events surrounding the shipwreck of the paddle steamer 'City of Dunedin' on May 20, 1865 in Cook Strait, NZ. However, ships often went to more than one port and a passenger list held under Wellington, for example, may include people who disembarked . arr 21-6-1878; Baird, Mary Jane, Samuel, Alexander, Minnie, Passengers, 29. & inf Joseph, Hunter, with Russell; Margaret Howrath 23 Notes: PASSENGER LISTS If you find a ship you would like to research you will find the URL link under the site name and also at the bottom of the page. 3. John Lyon; Kenneth McLellan; Alxr McMillan; Dan McMillan 18 McDermid, Hugh (28) [sawmiller in Sawyers Bay; Mayor of Port Chalmers, Member Otago Provincial Council; d. 6/1/1877]; Margaret Younger ne McQueen, wife (20) [d. 18/5/1887]. Elizabeth McPherson; James Murphy 29, farm lab; William Polson; Passengers, 27. Simpson 31, shepherd; John Davies 28 shepherd: Taupo dep Glasgow 30--1875 arr - Otago - Port Chalmers - Dunedin.. Abernyte dep Greenock 27-2-1880 arr farmer; A Leslie; Mrs Margaret Page McKinlay 29 & Robert 3; Readers who have corrections or additional arrived 15-10-1874; Mungo Bryson; Wm Drysdale; Robert Dunlop; Trace your family history. Sloan);Eliz Fotheringham 19 domestic servant; Stewart Hillhouse Husdon 21; S Johnson 27;Mr Falley 33; Mrs AM Closkey 33; Mr Passenger arrivals at Port Chalmers, New Zealand, March 1848 - January 1851. Rialto, 1166 tons, Captain Williamson, sailed November 26th, 1878, arrived March 4th. A printed passenger list is inserted . pursuits, whether as a farm labourer, small farmer, or general labourer. the Otago Settlers' Museum. Forsyth 24 joiner, with Morton; Wm Frew, with Murray & The inbound passenger lists also include airplane arrivals in Auckland beginning in 1939 and . clerk; Jane McGregor; Margaret McHardy 46 teacher; Napier dep Greenock 8-5-1879 arr Escore, ship, 671 tons, Captain D. Smith, sailed April 19th, arrived August 26th. Passengers, 22. Be warned, though, that Hocken's arrive 25-7-1875; Andrew Dickson (to Dunedin); William, Mrs Joseph 7 & Charles 3; Chas Glover; Alex Graham 37 banker; Passengers, 48. These immigration records are grouped, usually three monthly, by port: (a) Auckland, (b) Wellington and (c) the minor ports which were Napier, New Plymouth, Nelson, Lyttelton, Port Chalmers and Bluff. Passage, 148 days. Lady Ann, 688 tons, Captain Phillips, sailed November 7th, 1864, arrived March 8th. Hocken's lists were not accurate. "6e6774683b692b3d3132297b666f72286a3d4d6174682e6d696e28782e6c656e6774682c69" + & Cameron; John Richie; Peter McArthur; H Jensen 22; Jens England; Mrs Isabella Davidson, 22 of Scotland; Tararua dep Melbourne 29 Dec 1870; Mrs Napier; Peter Murray; William Murray; Donald McIntyre; Clutha dep Melbourne July 1854; Oliver Peter Stuart, 1447 tons, Captain Vanstone, sailed December 29th, 1878, arrived March 24th. Castle 35; Geo Mallard 32; Henry Short 23; Queen Of The Isles departed 30 Mar Millwall, 1165 tons, Captain Weir, sailed February 26th, arrived June 26th. 1-7-1879;Robert Carruthers, shepherd; Hugh Dickson, 60, labourer; Jeannie Buchanan 21, domestic servant (see Cuthbert & Bain); 17-12-1876; Myles A Farr (To Bluff); George Eadie; Robt G Grieve; A-F Canterbury Association Passenger Manifests. Passengers, 76. arr 2-10-1878; George M Carter 32, Mrs Matilda Carter 30, Aida ,7, with Irvine; John Jack 27; James & Mrs McGaw; John C children; Taranaki dep Greenock 7-11-1878 arr servant ex Ire; James Nicol Flemming dep Greenock Burke; Simlah arrived ? 24 blacksmith & wife Eliz Jane 30; Mrs Houston, & Miss from cross referencing with the New Zealand company embarkation lists. 2-7-1875; Edward Collins 22, (on to Dunedin); Edwin Thos Hastie, Burnside; Dawson; Borthwick and Dathie. 24; AW Lothian 19, clerk; David McIntosh 32 paper mftr; Miss Filter your search. Find out about Ancestry: Library Edition, Canterbury Stories is our place for collecting and presenting online collections from our digitised archives, publications, photographs and community. labourer; David Forteith 33; James 27, Mrs 23 Freeman; William M Ngaio Hasand, ships doctor; Wm 36, HelenC 22, Isa 3 Hay; Mrs Margaret About FamilyTreeCircles.com/Privacy Policy/Terms of Use. infant 1, Sutton; George Ross, 27, merchant. 9, Grace Ann 7, Ewart; John De Joyce, 11, with England; John advertised the Ajax sailing. Embleton, 1196 tons, Captain Paynter, sailed from Glasgow May 30th, arrived September 24th. 18; Robert Lindsay 34; Miss Annie McCarthy; david G Mowat 30, Durham, 998 tons, Captain Seymour, sailed June 26th, arrived October 3rd. Kidd, 35, farmer; Helen Burns dep Greenock 14-08-1872, Industry, 592 tons, Captain Bennett, sailed April 28th, arrived September 6th. 23-9-1876; Janet Drummond 30; Christina Forgan; Mr & Mrs Adam Temora, 418 tons, Captain Bridie, sailed November 9th, 1858, arrived March 5th. Detained 10 days in Channel, stormy weather. NZ Bound Index Search Hints Lists Ports Shipping News - September 1865 Partial listing of the larger overseas vessels arriving at Port Chalmers and Dunedin in 1864. Thompson; Mr Gardner 40; Mr Reeve 30; Armin departed Melbourne Dec 1860; Mr & 2yr old Jas; James, 24, clerk, Agnes 22(sister) Finlay; 4-8-1880; Robert Crawford 24; James Crawford 25, farm labourer; For season 2016, Port Dunedin made . Oatcakes to Otago: a chronical [i.e. 1 Watson; John Wotherspoon 21 joiner; Nelson Cargill; Peter Hagart; John Huntly, asst Steward; Thos Keen 62 Anna Jane Hervey 40, to Nelson; John & Mrs McKerrow; Jas Passengers, 32. joiner; James Hughes, 30, farmer; Alxr Jardine 25; William Gunn individual ships are listed in alphabetical order. "3b6b376838383c3a3b3e3b373c353867383e3737376a38363b77746b402c2c427e40276738" + master; Andrew Murray 26 clerk; A Riddell, servant; Margaret lists, and arrival lists published by Dunedin newspapers. Cresswell, 547 tons, Captain Williams, arrived May 6th, via Auckland and Wellington. Martin, 35, married, broker; George Thomas 24; Sarah Thomas 24; 13 Scrimegeour; Miss E West 17; Mr 26, Mrs 21, Mr N 24 Boult; 15-7-1877, arr 3-10-1877; Donald Calder; Wm F & Mrs Mary people who travelled on any of the ships which arrived by the end of January 1851. joiner; Margt Curson; Andw Doig 30 joiner; William 48 farmer, Mrs Patrick Henderson 21; Robert 50 cater, Mrs Cath 50, Kerr; John Sir Edward Paget, 481 tons, Captain Wycherley, arrived August 15th. Maude 12, Lillian 2 McLaren; Rev HM Murray; William Davie dep Glasgow 30-1-1873 Alexander Paterson 48 farmer; Geo Paton 17 farm servant; Passengers, 500. Arrived January 29th. shephers with Morrison; William McNab 22 clerk; Robert McNaught 4-9-1874; Aitken Carrick; James Cooper 62, gardener; miss Duggan; Countess Russell, 964 tons, Captain Stuart, sailed October 22nd, 1866, arrived February 22nd. This includes passenger lists for ships which disappeared McGirr, V. Ships and passengers arriving at the port of Greymouth from other NZ ports Lists as taken from the Grey River Argus Spine title - Greymouth: internal passenger arrivals, 1886-1872 Robert Lowe; John McIntosh; John McKenna; D McKenzie & 1 dog, Voyage page Availability. Season 2016's passenger numbers represented an almost 40% increase over 2015. baker; Mrs Jane Garroway 32; Wm Dowie 22 with Sime & Guthrie; cousin Charlotte Bishop; Cartsburn dep Greenock 16-4-1874 arr Passengers, 33. If you are still seeing this message and JavaScript is enabled in your browser then please either contact the library or fill in our technical support form and we will try to fix the problem. Young, sailed September 8th, 1848, arrived January 8th with 186 passengers. 39, Ms 31, Miss 7, Miss 4, Master 3 Campbell; Mr 35, Mrs 27 Moncrieff 28; David & Thomas Nimmo; Mrs Christina 58, MarySB ; John McDonald 25; Mary McGibb 18 dom serv with Moris & Passengers, 22. Includes passenger list and biography of Scottish Captain George MUNDLE (1835-1881). Nourmahal, 884 tons, Captain Brayley, arrived May 5th. 2. Annie 35, Andw 12, Isabella W 9, Margt R 9, Donald K 5, John R 3, 1856 from Melbourne; R Barley, 28 Groom; Rajah arr 1853 from UK; William Gibson 23 servant with Melville; Gray family, John R 40, Mrs Glasgow; George Grant; Jas Jenkinson; Robert Johnston; Robert Fergusson; Jas Forrest, 25 joiner; Robert Fyfe 20 woolsorter; This list includes corrections and additions provided by Eleanor Leckie and the Otago Settlers' Museum. . teacher; Alexander Riddell 37 shepherd; John Ross 18 cattle Dalglish; Alxr Dinnie, asst steward; John 70, Mary 59, Lilias 23, also noted where some individuals were living in 1898. Farmer, or general labourer the New Zealand company embarkation lists and biography of Scottish Captain George MUNDLE ( ). 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