laramie county school district 1 staff directory

Click this block to view the attached PDF document. For 7-12 grade virtual options contact your student's boundary school. Jeff Lewis, Coordinator Their co-star was Robert Fuller in the role of former gunfighter Jess Harper. Materials used to train Title IX personnel are available to the public to inspect at the District Office. Computer Science Teacher. Laramie County School District 1 | Cheyenne WY Laramie County School District No.2 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, sexual orientation, or disabilityin employment, treatment, admission, or access to educational programs and activities. Teacher & Staff Access. Email: Fax: 307-771-2699 Anyone listed who has a charge dismissed or is . The investigation has determined the LCSD2 student took a photo of himself and sent it to another student stating, "New gun." Reviews from Laramie County School District #1 employees about Laramie County School District #1 culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, . Approximately 2,200 staff members serve more than 14,000 studentsworking each and every day to ensure they receive a high quality education in a safe and orderly environment inspiring them to become lifelong learners and responsible, productive citizens. Big Horn County School District #3 Audit (Response Included) Fremont County School District #6 Audit (Response Included) Goshen County School District #1 Audit (Response Included) Laramie County School District #2 Audit (Response Included) Niobrara County School District #1 Audit (No Response Given) Teton County . 1780 East Pershing Blvd Twitter; . Laramie, WY 82070 Local Educator David Hardesty Among Nations Best K-8 Principals, Kindergarten Registration Information for 2023-2024, Dual Language Immersion Information & Application, Beitel Elementary Students Contribute Christmas Ornaments to D.C. Christmas Tree, Snowy Range FFA Takes Gold & Silver at the National FFA Convention, The U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC). (307)721-4445 Cheyenne, WY 82007. The publiccan obtain information regarding sex offenders either employed by the school district or attending a school at the school district by contacting local law enforcement (police or sheriffs department) having jurisdiction over the school campus as required by W.S. . The hours for the office this year will be 7:30 am-4:00 pm Monday-Thursday and Friday7:30 am-1:00 pm. Laramie County School District #1 spends $15,786 per student each year. Materials used to train Title IX personnel are available to the public to inspect at the District Office. Johnson Junior High School -- Laramie County School District 1 Johnson Junior High School Address: 1236 West Allison Road Mail: 1236 West Allison Road Cheyenne, Wyoming 82007-2752 United States County: Laramie Phone: 307-771-2640 Library details: Johnson Junior High School is a School library. District Profile - By the Numbers - General Information, District Profile - By the Numbers - Student Information. Staff Directory for Albany Elementary School. Laramie Schools Southeast Schools Torrington High School Torrington Middle School Trail Elementary 5500 Education Drive Converse County. Explore the Institute of Education Sciences, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS), National Household Education Survey (NHES), Education Demographic and Geographic Estimates (EDGE), National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS), Career/Technical Education Statistics (CTES), Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS), Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems Grant Program - (SLDS), National Postsecondary Education Cooperative (NPEC), NAEP State Profiles (, Public School District Finance Peer Search. The school board has insisted that the district recruit and retain only the best educators to ensure every one of our students learns at the highest level. CHEYENNE As of Friday afternoon, just five days into the new school year, there were more than 170 active coronavirus cases and exposures in Laramie County School District 1 schools. District Parent/Student . . [ ] indicates that the data are missing. Data provided on student membership and staffing are from the official district level data for 2020-2021. [ ] indicates that the data are not applicable. Cheyenne, WY 82001 LINKS Bell Schedules College and Career Center Course Selection District Parent/Student Handbooks 2022-2023 International Baccalaureate Library Lockers Parking Pass PBIS Flowchart Search. Laramie County School District 1; Laramie County Spelling Bee . Laramie County School District 1 covers 1,592 square miles in southeast Wyoming and includes three rural elementary schools, 26 city elementary schools, three junior high schools, three high schools, one alternative high school and a charter school. Junior/Senior High School 600 East Park Street, PO Box 290 Fort Loramie, OH 45845 (937) 295-3342 Travis Miller. All people listed here are innocent until proven guilty. Please contact 307-771-2111 with any questions or if you need additional information about employee benefits and plans. Schools and district offices will be open on a regular schedule Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2023. Staff Directory; Contact; FOLLOW US. 2022-2023 Staff Calendar; B. Quick Cards are available on the . Home - Laramie County School District 1 null Account Online prekindergarten registration will be held from March 1-15. HOURS: M-Th: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; F: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. | TITLE IX On Saturday, February 11, 2023, The Laramie County Sheriff's Office (LCSO) was notified by Laramie County School District 2 (LCSD2) of a social media post where a LCSD2 student was holding a firearm. Fax: 307-771-2679, Brodie Epler, School Support Administrator, Courage Office (A-G): 307-771-2694 Fax: 307-771-2478. ADOPTED JUNE 11, 1984 . Albany County School District #1 null Account Logout Following My Feed My Information News What's an SRO? School District Audits - 2017. Social Studies, Assistant Football Coach, Head Coach Girls' Softball, Chemistry Teacher, Science Department Chair, Head Swim Coach, School Counselor & Student Council Advisor, Assistant Principal-10th Grade; 11th Grade (A-L), Special Services Case Manager Laramie High School & Whiting High School, Business, Head Coach Girls' Basketball, Assistant Football Coach, Social Studies, Head Track Coach; Cross Country, Indoor, Outdoor. 82070 (307) 721-4420 (307) 721-4499 (307) 742-3719. | Laramie County School District 1 About Us Schools Family & Students Community Staff Calendar Tech Help Contact Us Toggle the user drawer null Account Logout My Calendar Following My Feed My Information View All Staff C Community Relations District News Dr. Crespo Update 1-6-23 Facebook Strategic Plan Update Connect Annual Report Cards If calling from within district, Office Hours: Mon-Fri 7:30 am - 4:15 pm Criminal History Background Checks 150 . Robert Crawford, Jr. was a child actor best known for playing Andy on the TV Western series Laramie (1959). extension 54445 If you are motivated and willing to make a difference in the lives of our students, please visit our online portal to view current employment opportunities and/or to submit an application. Click on Willadsen Info on the top link above for online directions to the school. Email: Converse County School District #1. Social Studies, Assistant Coach Cross Country, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track. John McKain. Email : Fax: 307-771-2393, Fairview Elementary School - 3rd-6th Monthly child day care is eligible. Select Contact Us above for online directions to the school. Pine Bluffs, menu Cheyenne, WY 82009. Why did Hoagy Carmichael leave the Laramie series? Search. 311 East 8th Street. Clear. 7-19-303(h). LARAMIE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NUMBER ONE CHEYENNE, WYOMING BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICIES ADOPTED JUNE 11, 1984 REVISED AUGUST 12, 1985 JULY 28, 1986, MARCH 9, 1987, JULY 13, 1987, SEPTEMBER 14, 1987, OCTOBER 12, 1987, MARCH 14, 1988, MARCH 28, 1988, MAY 2, 1988, JULY 11, 1988, AUGUST 8, 1988, AUGUST 13, 1990, APRIL 8, 1991, REVISED AUGUST 12, 1985 . Pine Bluffs, Click this block to get to the online maps. 2. Pre-tax payroll deduction for medical and/or dependent care expenses: For more information about LCSD1 employee benefits and plans, please contact 307-771-2111, Sexual Harassment / Discrimination Reporting (Title IX), Flexible Spending Accounts (Section 125 Plan). Employees can contribute a maximum of $19,500of their annual income to a participating 457 investment company. Benefits and Insurance; C. CCSD Content Area for Staff; Check Email Online; Coach and Sponsor Guidelines; Create a Lunch Menu; E. [ ] indicates that the data are missing. 807 Coolidge St., Cheyenne WY 82001 Laramie County School District #1 Wyoming, MI, United States Found in: Jooble US - 1 hour ago Apply Description Position Type: Classified Job Postings/On Call Bus Drivers Date Posted: 2/6/2023 Location: TRANSPORTATION Closing Date: 02/28/2023 $18.03/HOUR NO BENEFITS Job Title: Driver - SUBSTITUTE Revised Date: June 2020 Department: Transportation Our outstanding classroom teachers, exemplary schools, and programs support student achievement. Staff Page - Laramie County School District #2 Staff Directory Contact Us Laramie County School District #2 311 East 8th Street Pine Bluffs, WY 82082 View Map & Directions Phone: 307 245-4050 Fax: 307 459-6300 Stay Connected Box 489, Pine Bluffs, WY 82082, 307-245-4050. Phone: 307 245-4050. [ ] indicates that the data are not applicable. 1948 Grand Avenue To register, visit the district's website, Careers; School Board; Student Safety; school. Pine Bluffs, WY 82082. Click the title to see the Town Hall Meeting dates, times and locations. Coverage effective date for all employees to be the 1st of the month following date of hire. Email: Additional information can be found at this link. her dedication and efforts are appreciated by all. lcsd #1 school supply list K-6 district-wide elementary list 1 Box of #2 Pencils (24 count) 2 Boxes of Tissue 4 Glue Sticks 1 Box of Broad Line Washable Markers (10 count) 715 W. 5th Ave., Cheyenne, WY 82001 Nicholas Lamp, Assistant Principal extension 52566 Materials used to train Title IX personnel are available to the public to inspect at the District Office. Laramie County School District #2. Carrier: Flexible Compensation Services - Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Wyoming, Flex Spending Account Link: Age Reductions: To 67 percent at age 70 and to 50 percent at age 75. Spouse: An amount between $5,000 and $25,000 in increments of $5,000. The city was founded in the mid-1860s as a tent city near the Overland Stage Line route, the Union Pacific portion of the first transcontinental railroad, and just north of Fort Sanders army post. Congratulations to Mrs. Graves, who has been selected as the 2022-2023Laramie County School District #2Teacher of the Year! Assistant Principal - Co-Athletic Director. Cheyenne, Wyoming 82007, Derek Nissen - Principal HOURS: M-Th: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.; F: 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. | TITLE IX Fax: 307-771-2378. BVSD is a leader in Colorado and beyond in academic excellence and instruction innovation. Did the TV show Laramie run a while the two began to develop a lifelong friendship in. Select 23-24 for the registration year and click Begin Registration. . Select this block to access the online maps for each school. LCCC Pathways Day set for Feb. 23 Spanish Teacher 8B Volleyball Coach, Assistant Principal - Co-Athletic Director, Laramie Middle School PE / Adaptive PE Teacher, PE Teacher 8th Grade Boys Basketball Coach Middle School Track Coach, Art, Design & Publication Photography Teacher, School Success Liaison/McKinney-Vento District Liaison. Eligibility: Permanent employees, certified staff working a minimum of 17.5 hours per week, all others working a minimum of 30 hours per week, Must elect to participate within 30 days of date of hire; beyond 30 days, enroll during open enrollment unless special enrollment circumstances (i.e., loss of coverage due to change in family status or spouse's employment status). (307)721-4445 Laramie County School District No.2 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, sexual orientation, or disabilityin employment, treatment, admission, or access to educational programs and activities. Crook County School District #1. During the 2023-2024 school year, two programs will be offered: Title I and Tuition Based. WY 82070 (307) 721-4445 If calling from within district, extension 54445 Email: | ACSD#1 shall not discriminate in . 3501 Evans Ave., Cheyenne, WY 82001 Inquiries concerning Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 may be referred to Director of Special Services, P.O. Sheridan County Schools #1 PO Box 819 Ranchester, WY 82839 District Office 307-655-9541 Virtual School 307-655-9542 Fax 307-655-9477 Established to cover eligible dependent care expenses that are deductible on IRS form 2441 "Credit for Child and Dependent Care Expenses". WY CHEYENNE The local sheriff's office has adjusted the method in which it provides service to Laramie County School District 1 schools. 861 talking about this. Current employee contribution to premium (subject to change): As long as disability continues, guaranteed benefit of 24 months for own occupation; if approved for permanent disability from any occupation, benefit will be paid until age 65. . Overall, the district spends $9,229.9 million on instruction, $5,710.0. ACSD#1: Entrusting and empowering everyone to excel. Email: 1948 Grand Avenue Click More > Online Registration on the navigation menu. Section 1 District Positions for Professional and Classified Staff 150 . Child(ren): You can purchase increments of $2,500 up to $10,000 for each eligible child. Math 8 Teacher, Geometry Teacher. | Every school that I have subbed in has had friendlt staff that are willing and ready to assist you. 2801 E. 10th St., Cheyenne, WY 82001 It has an annual revenue of $251,224,000. Mrs. Graves teaches science at Pine Bluffs High School, and is a tireless educator that regularly goes above and beyond for her students. 82053, Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), Flexible Spending Account (Further Login). Employee: An amount between $10,000 and $250,000 in increments of $10,000 not to exceed three (3) times your basic annual earnings. Train Title IX personnel are available to the School: 307-771-2694 Fax: 307-771-2478 public inspect! Am-4:00 pm Monday-Thursday and Friday7:30 am-1:00 pm amount between $ 5,000 and $ in. Held from March 1-15 at this link former gunfighter Jess Harper employees to be the of. Information can be found at this link 67 percent at age 70 and 50... By the Numbers - General Information, District Profile - By the Numbers - General Information, Profile... 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