This color pattern became so marked in the Butler cattle that it often was referred to in later years as "Butler color." Sales Headquarters:
Trusted Butler Favorites . He served as president of TLBAA for 2 years and was well appreciated. She was white with red ears and a few small specks of a light roan hair coat. I'm talking about all culled out, all handpicked cows. Many were the smallest horned and most solid colored of the seven families. When Milby Butler died, his cattle were almost lost. As a result heat has played a role in color patterns
The single family line-bred herds have not sold well except in well managed Butler family sales. We bred Cranberry Wine (Mother of RC Pacific Mermaid) and when she crossed with Tejas Star something magical happened. Milby also used the MB brand at times. them to dominantly dark bulls with no more than a few white spots. The brand apparently stood for her initials. All Rights Reserved. Cattle of many brands mingled as they drifted in one huge herd across the partially timbered, salt grass lowlands. problem. The biggest dollars spent on Longhorns are for those with the long horns, and thats just fine. Eventually League City won out.) Registered Butler Texas Longhorn Cattle JKG Longhorns are Registered Texas Longhorn cattle of the Butler family owned and raised by Jeff, Kristi, Kacie and Jodie Ging. William's older brother, John Woodward Butler, left their Mississippi home in 1849 with Burnell's instructions to look for new land. Most of the original stock were dispersed by his family just after his death. We are extremely fortunate to have acquired this little guy from Kaso Kety with the Little Ace Cattle Company in Folsom, LA. Rocky has 50 straws of Measles Super Ranger AI# 40, 20 straws of Monarch 103 AI# 47, and 30 straws of Bail Jumper AI# 238, (who is also known for producing show ring cattle). The interest rate was 17 percent. black, including the nose area, the inner ear, under parts and ankles. Emil Marks was a friend of Cap Yates and did at times trade or sell to the Yates family. Best Western 512-620-0300 . This availability creates WR bulls in large numbers and therefore they normally sell fairly economically. Several Butler sub-families- Partlow, Holman, Leppers, Bevo and Bold Ruler- have extended the influence of this gene pool which many modern breeders consider to be true Texas Longhorn type. We pay distinct attention to color, face, structural correctness, horn shape, horn length, and a cow's ability to stay in good shape. Longhorn purity cannot be determined by modern blood typing due to the lack of a data base on all families of pure Longhorns during the true time of breed origin. He holds a unique designation in that he has sired numerous highly respected sons & also daughters. Worth., Texas Stock Yards the largest bronze monument in Texas has been errected with seven bigger-than-life Longhorn steers to memoralize the seven pioneer Longhorn herds. ears and ankles. Dalgood is the home of Delta Rockette and . Johnny Hoffman, Betty Lamb, Blackie Graves, and JW Issacs are legendary breeders who are still recognized for their contributions to the Texas Longhorn cattle breed. to check what your wife likes. Our customers are like our extended family and we want to help you successfully market your cattle. Value colors sometimes are hard
Bison Sale. Burnell was a deaf mute, but he was a strong willed man, determined to make his way in the world. Butler was a Mississippi boy, born June 20, 1834 in Scott County to Burnell and Sarah Ann (Ricks) Butler. Adding
All the while, we were learning about the breed and modifying our program. When Kacie and Jodie began showing cattle in the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association (TLBAA) show circuit, our small herd of two quickly grew to eight after just our first show. There was great controversy of his genetics due to his early superiority in the breed. I have no answer for that one. Note: The Butler Texas Longhorn Cattle, by Dewitt Meshell, was reprinted with permission from The Longhorn Scene, February, 1982. A more detailed account of this historical family was featured in the Texas Longhorn Journal Summer 1980 issue entitled the "Texas Ranger Legacy.". 22245 S. Lower Highland Rd. Jackie and her bull calf are the total. Additional lodging conveniently located in San Marcos & Austin, Texas
He was ruthlessly blood tested by his opponents searching for impurities. The Peeler cattle have size, lots of milk and they are protective mother cows deluxe. These majestic creatures can do it all. I have experienced that when breeding Butler bulls to Butler cows you will get a faster horn growth. The Butler Color Foundation. Tiny Predator is still too young to properly evaluate as a herd sire but we have high hopes for this little guy. animals often change with the seasons to embrace a smoky or silver gray tone
Today with over 200,000 registered, many read his book and join the preservation call. We now have a small herd of high quality registered Butler and Butler-blend longhorns. is tropical or subtropical. The WR cattle are intensely inbred. some more years of serious breeding, and at this time a lot of money to put
Some of these old family herds just don't have any recorded beginning. The sixty-ninth congress in 1927 provided "that not to exceed $3,000 . The late J.G. All Rights Reserved. Breeders blended these two cattle to create an animal better suited to specific environments and conditions. In recent years grullo has been a unique value color because
Bright mixing of bold colors in crazy designs often will attract a buyer
The first story housed his buggy, with pens and stalls for milk cows and horses. Office: 660-679-6535. to carefully approve cattle for registration purity, the highest percentage
sell for higher prices. The Texas Longhorn Trails (ISSN-10988432, USPS 016469) is published monthly by the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America, 221 W. Exchange, Ste. As more Brahman cattle and English breeds were crossed with the native cattle, however, pure Longhorns became scarcer. "Milby Butler died October 16, 1971, a few months before his 83rd birthday. The WR cattle were selected from smaller obscure herds, although the rangers travelled right in the same area of the major herds of that day. Although the
. Yates cattle lovers have selectively bred for the families with the most color and there are some over 50" horned Yates cows. Some had a long goatee like growth of hair hanging from the top inner ear protecting it from tropical insects. The breed is known mainly for it's characteristic very long horns. This is not the case with all WR bulls. Today we see some beautiful colored Yates cattle which were not a normal thing years ago. Long horn cattle had less fat in the longissimus muscle and the fat present was unsaturated.It is unknown the degree to which this difference in fatty acid composition is due to cattle type or to the level of fat present. Butler breeding originally made its way into the Wright Texas Longhorn herd by way of the first TLBAA sales. "2022 Butler Breeder's Invitational"
color has an extra attraction for the winning bidder. George Washington Butler, Milby's father, was 9 years old when his family arrived by ox-train from Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, bringing with them lumber from Louisiana to build their home. reds and on downward to dark browns or black legs like a bay horse. Milby was put to work operating a soda fountain in a drug store. One Phillips and one Butler bull were used. Many purchasing selections involve the final OK by the wife. $132.14. Non-pigmented eye areas have historically been a major weakness
WR 2936 AI# 81 - 4 straws available, $5 per. Doubly stunned by the inflation of all cost factors and the recession of cattle prices, cattlemen are actively seeking new "profit genes" for their beef herds. Africa. Milby for many years searched for outside blood that could strengthen the genetic base of his cattle, without detracting from the long, Texas-twist horns that were characteristic of his herd. At Red Peak Ranch, we are breeders of Texas Longhorn Cattle and Read More . more hours, and more miles. In 1923, Milby separated the Texas Longhorns from the rest of his cattle. Home. When evaluating WR bulls, their horns are more curled forward and up like the Spanish fighting bulls, rather than the wider lateral horn spreads that are more popular today. Shop. Color, horn, fertility, calving ease and beef. The Museum documents the rich multicultural heritage of the region through farming and ranch history. George W. owned stock pens where the Butler Ranch joined the G.H. Kaso Kety 985-796-3918 or Michael McLeod 361-782-0155, Copyright 2012 by Butler Texas Longhorn Breeders
This painful chapping causes owners much unwanted
There'a a multitude of ways to get involved with the Museum! However, just because a cow has 80 inches of horn tip-to-tip doesnt mean shell produce long horned offspring. These cattle are bred for horns. The MIlby Butler- started with cattle rescused from shipment to Cuba by way of the family owned stock pens in League City, Texas. The Peeler cattle are truly professional range cattle. Even so, Meshell says, there are not very many Butler cattle around today. It was very rare for him to ever let a cow go. For all his years of experience with the cattle, Milby Butler did not claim to be an expert Texas Longhorn breeder. Our goal with our ranch is to actively participate in the preservation of the traditional Texas Longhorns. AI. Click to play video. The Butler Longhorn Museum tells the story of this amazing comeback, and in doing so, tells a compelling chapter in the story of the American West. Registered Longhorns today trace to ancestry verified for purity by this careful visual inspection. 3) The need to reestablish longhorns after sending so many to market in the 1800's. 4) The development of the . The country between Houston and Galveston was all free range then. ---Johnny Hoffman. Their shoulder height will range from 52" to 54". Texas Ranger JP was the first AI Certified bull -- #1. Very few breeders can say this. None of the WR purchases were from other major herds of that day. Put our 13 years of breeding experience to work for you. They were excellent milkers and raised big fat calves. JENNIFER REYNOLDS/The Daily News Some almost homely heads and narrow faces may be found which was typical of many early TL cattle. I do not pretend to write down all the individual good or bad traits of the seven herds. They lived in semi-desert, lots of mesquite, diamond back rattlers and timber wolves. Starting out on a small hobby farm for a few years as a child, it wasnt far into adulthood that I found a way into ranching ourselves. In the fifties and sixties many people started raising Longhorns because of the colorful old Graves Peeler, a retired Texas Ranger, of Atascosa County, Texas. USDA Market Report. If the right bull is not available consider
Over a period of time, all the cattle in the Cuba shipment were unloaded in the Butler stock pens before resuming their rail journey to the coast via the G.H.& H. The Butlers also had a slaughtering house through which many Longhorns passed. Many Butler bulls became popular, such as Classic, Superior, Unlimited, Blue Horns, Dixie Hunter, Tabasco, Dixie Rebel, Conquistador, Bold Ruler, Man O' War, Monarch, Holman B1, Sam and others. Cattle drives were a major economic activity in the 19th and early 20th century American West, particularly between 1850s and 1910s.In this period, 27 million cattle were driven from Texas to railheads in Kansas, for shipment to stockyards in Louisiana and points east. They fall to a white color often with dark ears, nose, eyes and ankles. In 1872, he bought 20,000 cattle at $1 a head, paid in gold with money borrowed from T. W. House in Houston. They normally do school groups and field trips, but tell them you have interested visitors and see if they can have you stop by to see the cattle. From now until then, here are some mating suggestions to produce value colors: Reprinted courtesy of the Texas Longhorn Journal ~~ photo illustrations added. Why aren't there some Yates bulls with 50" horns like Yates cows? Welcome to Ross Ranch Horns! This large number of WR cows makes it important for producers to utilize bulls of the other six families. Dark colors
and genetic changes. The Butler family came to the grassy lowlands between Houston and Galveston in 1855, and is believed to have been the first family to settle on the "bald prairie" that would be the site of League City. The city developed around the Butler Ranch and Cattle Station and whose history stretches all the way back to before the Civil War. The cows were carefully selected and put in each pasture with the bull that Mr. Butler thought would give him the length, base, and corkscrew-type horn. Longhorn Sale. The government herd always had staff carefully record this information. The original, traditional WR cattle were not of the horn growth, conformation or pretty colors their modern cattle possess. The Peeler cattle are truly professional range cattle. Some say if it had not been for the growth factor that Texas Ranger added to the breed, commercial ranchers would have never appreciated and respected Longhorns as they do today. More data reveals that four-fifths of the world, where cattle are raised,
This survival color pattern may be on a predominantly white critter,
Unless management selects for total white faces and
Office: 660-679-6535. . color patterns, face markings, unusual colors, brindles and bold patterns have
Many had a slight Brahman look and a V shape horn, rather than the straight out, lateral shape so popular today. There are said to be other unrelated families, but the numbers are very small and no other groups with origins this old are commonly referred to in Texas Longhorn circles. MARKS cattle were the thrill and satisfaction of Emil Marks to raise and enjoy. Thanks to G. I. Butler of League City, Texas; Toni Lambert of the League City Public Library; and DeWitt Meshell of Groveton, Texas, for their help in preparing this history. That said, Texas longhorn cattle tend to be 48-60 inches or 1.2-1.5 m long, on average. They are very different by body type and DNA. This will be our 25th. About 10% of the Dickinson Cattle Co. LLC herd is Wright blood. The bronze was cast by world famous sculptor Terry Kelsey of Guthrie, Texas. Ft. 127 Chambers Creek Cir, Maypearl, TX 76064. Milby was crippled for six months, but even an accident as serious as that couldn't keep him down. The first school in League City was built by George W. Butler on his land for the use of his children and his neighbors. Brindles are popular; the darker brindles
These parts
Keep up to date on our latest events, posts, and more by joining our email list! rate of gain and beef-eating qualities. Longhorn Sale. Non-pigmented udders
If you have a great totally red sire, compliment him with cows that are
The horns of Texas Longhorn cattle can extend to over 6.9 ft (2.1 m) tip to tip for steers and exceptional cows, and 5.9 ft . Wright cows are extra feminine, very trim necks and straight backs. Most of the Peeler stock were sold at the San Antonio Stock Yards, so pounds of meat were his goal. The Butler bulls that are used as herd sires should be around 42" at two years of age. Apparently resigned to the fact that Milby was born to be a cattleman, George W. gave his son the OT brand around 1907 or 1908. Office: 660-679-6535. The big horn cattle of Yates blood are steers, and some are very competitive in shows in their old age. Like, "Sort of brownish, with little yellowish specks of a smoky, roanish,
value colors. Stamina, intelligence, strong legs,
With bloodlines that can be traced back several generations, Butler Texas Longhorns allow us to achieve our goals within a supportive, like-minded community. cancer finds it's way to non-pigmented sensitive areas. Later, a Wright cow named Alma II became the grandam of Senator. Butler had red, white, and red and white-speckled cattle, and brown was a favorite color, also. Cap Yates liked the WR cattle and over the years traded bulls with WR several times. Elmer Parker, an employee at WR, felt the Yates blood did a lot to help the WR program. The dun cattle came from the coast and the flea-bitten (color) ones having white with red ears, came from East Texas. (Milby Butler willed me his famous brand, and I plan to use the Butler brand on some special cattle in the future.). Volunteer or become a member or a museum sponsor to help support education about Texas history. "They were a bigger framed cattle than most southeast Texas cattle. ears and a few small specks of a light roan hair coat. Call David Stanley at 254-722-9606 for more info or to arrange to see the herd. 0:29 . Elmer wheeled and got away. with judging for values, current day sale values and color values. Commenting on how the Longhorn had gradually changed over the years, he said, "The most noticeable change is in the thickness of the horns. value with color should be a business decision. This fabulous work of art is titled "Texas Gold. please contact Rocky at 210-414-3949. Only about 1% of the registered cattle could trace to any Butler blood prior to 1975. These are three of the Yates cows bought from Virginia Purdy. Contact: Mike Crawford , Email: Share: . Some Yates cows are very "long headed", "sway backed", and have high tail sets. They lived in semi-desert, lots of mesquite, diamond back rattlers and timber wolves. in a close call decision, 2% is the whole world. Fall round-ups were held before the herd drifted back to the lowlands. They are a true result of survival of the fittest. Explore within to answer your questions, to learn about Butler Texas Longhorn history, to see photos of influential Butler animals, and to contact Butler Breeders for specific genetics to add to your herd. the camouflage foundation colors. Choices are available and popular
The girls showed for six years earning many honors, awards, and scholarships. Salebill; VIP-Valley Oaks Incentive Program. Beauty was the first cow recognized in the Texas Longhorn breed with over 60" tip to tip. Butler Breeder's Invitational Registered Texas Longhorn Cattle September 3, 2022 Dear Texas Longhorn Breeders, Welcome to the 2022 Butler Breeder's Invitational. These are often very twisted as they get old. The Butler cow, Beauty at 58" set an early record and her son Classic at 61" topped all bulls prior to 1980. Butler, MO 64730. By the mid-1920s, in fact, buffalo outnumbered Longhorns an especially remarkable statistic given that just 40 years previous, the North American Longhorn population was estimated at 40,0 00 head. In summary, all seven families are great cattle. They are the most numerous of all seven families because of availability at an annual surplus auction which began in 1942. . We look forward to preserving the breed and only raising the best. There is a commitment by WR management to perpetuate Spanish type or Longhorns as they historically were. Click for Catalog with Sale Results, 2022 BUTLER BREEDER'S INVITATIONAL SALE
At one time the historic Wright blood was intensely inbred. JKG Longhorns are Registered Texas Longhorn cattle of the Butler family owned and raised by Jeff, Kristi, Kacie and Jodie Ging. All had one of the three Y brands which was registered by Cap Yates. LT Little Jackie. The major show winning cattle have been "blends" of Texas Ranger, Butler, Wright and Wichita Refuge families. Calendar. Fortunately, each family compliments another when properly mated. It is not felt the old cattle were consistently highly colorful, which I'm sure is correct in general. We now have a small herd of high quality registered Butler and Butler-blend longhorns. They are individualistic and no other herds look exactly like they do. With only one documented exception, Milby never used a bull that he didn't raise. white udders, the natural evolution of colors, over time, will correct the
They were the Wright, Yates, Butler, Marks, Peeler, and Phillips families. At the beginning of the registry in 1964, a 100% visual inspection program was implemented to assure purity and type. Once there was a shipment of 49,000 head of Texas Longhorns bound for Cuba. Description: Tejas Meteorite is our newest herd sire. As a result of selection for black speckled bulls,
Market Video Gallery. Prior to that, the late M.P. Re: Longhorn Cattle Near Houston / Beaumont Texas. many were used with minimal horn and bred only for their bright colors. Longhorn Sale. own fan club. If a cow is white, don't mate her to a white bull. Yet a true black has every hair on the body
They were and are today a mix of breeds blended and refined by the elements of time, stress and survival. is also found from the White Park cattle of England to the N'Dama cattle of
Weve worked hard over the last 11 years to build on a foundation of proven Butler genetics. It appears the old Butler cattle have practically no blood found in the other six families as far as direct association. 2) the re they used in Texas's economic recovery after the Civil War. Newest additions to the museum are photographs of Butler Longhorn Cattle from the Johnson brothers and some old barbed wire from a local resident. You can also email us at To see how these cattle came to be, it is necessary to consider a time when pioneers came to southeast Texas to carve a life out of a grasslands wilderness. The tri-color can also go from light to very dark, even
These qualities are what set our breed apart, and we are excited to share the future of our herd with you. Mr. Yates felt that no breed of cattle offered the rancher what Texas Longhorns did in that harsh area of Texas desert. An interesting and informative museum specifically about Butler Longhorn cattle. Part of the judging clinics, that each approved judge must attend, deals
Brindles with splashes of white spots intruding into the vertical
. leg hair, udder and teats, plus the sensitive areas under the tail. Who cared anyway in 1929? Some 80% of the cattle were never accounted for, while the other 20% were scattered among different breeders. The most cattle that George W. Butler ever had under the OT brand at one time was about 25,000. We started raising Texas Longhorn cattle in 2008, when we purchased a heifer calf for Jodie to bottle feed for the bucket calf show at the county fair. Upon the death of Milby Butler in 1971, the cattle were gathered up and sold. Check out some of our one-of-a-kind artifacts and displays! As dominant cattle
It is a dark skin pigment and light
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