arapahoe county voter guide

Lisa Escrcega knows how important schools are for kids. During the Obama/Biden administration, the United States made significant progress toward a clean energy economy and provided health coverage to millions of Americans via the passage of the Affordable Care Act a law Biden has vowed to expand and improve. He faces incumbent Jeff Baker, a former Army chief warrant officer and crime scene investigator, in pursuit of the seat. He signed three landmark gun safety laws in 2013 that banned high-capacity magazines and required background checks for any firearm transfer. But as a small-business owner, he became involved in his community, and he ran for office. A retired Marine Corps officer and special operator who served for 18 years, six deployments, and four combat tours, McCorkle seeks to bring dignity and integrity to Congress and restore trust and confidence in government. Moreover, in an August post on his campaigns social media, he suggests he wouldnt have supported comprehensive sexuality education in schools, wouldnt have prohibited conversion therapy, and wouldnt have passed the red-flag law. Currently, Article VII Section 1 of the Colorado Constitution states that Every citizen of the United States who has attained the age of eighteen years, has resided in this state for such a time as may be prescribed by law, and has been duly registered as a voter if required by law shall be qualified to vote at all elections. While the sole change made by the Citizen Requirement for Voting Initiative is to replace the word every with only a, it also would upend current law which allows 17-year-olds who would be 18 by the general election to vote in that cycles primary. Paid for by Progressive Voters Guide Ballot Independent Expenditure Committee and Progressive Voters Guide Ballot Committee, 1536 Wynkoop St., Denver, CO 80202, 303-991-1900, registered agent: Alan Franklin. Depending on where you live, you may have one of the below board of education races on your ballot. He supports commonsense policies on gun violence, including restoring an assault weapons ban. Developmental Pathways 2020 Voter Guide. Incumbent Treasurer Dave Young is running for his second term as Colorado Treasurer after winning office in 2018. This kind of candidate would derail progressive values if in office. She brags about creating the original Tea Party and accuses Democrats of wanting special treatment of minority groups. Hes the vice chair of the appropriations, budget, and capitol building advisory committees and worked last session on passing laws ranging from LGBTQ issues to foster care services to health insurance affordability. The Legislative Authority for Spending State Money, The Learning Enrichment and Academic Progress Program, The Property Tax Assessment Rate Reduction Proposition, The Parks and Trails Sales Tax Extension Measure, Adams-Arapahoe School District (Aurora Public Schools) School Board, Director, At-Large, Cherry Creek School District School Board, Director, District E, Cherry Creek School District School Board, Director, District D, Englewood School District School Board, Director, At-Large. She continued her education and graduated from the Inaugural Class of the Los Angeles African American Women's Public Policy Institute at the University of Southern California. Karl Stecher is a retired neurosurgeon running for District 28. Maria-Vittoria Guigi Carminati is a fearless advocate for women and marginalized communities, including survivors of police brutality and domestic violence. Welcome to the Colorado Community Media Election 2021 Voters Guide for Arapahoe County. His staunch defense of law enforcement earlier this year during a debate on a police accountability bill shows he will not support progressive criminal justice reform in light of recent protests demanding change. Prior to election to the Colorado House, Weissman was a leading strategist in the historic progressive political realignment that took place in Colorado from 2004 to the present day. Kathy Plomar has been heavily invested in public education as former President of the Adams 12 Board of Education and former President of the Parent Teacher Organization. The Voter Approval of Certain New Enterprises (Proposition 117) would require a statewide vote on new state enterprises generating over $100 million in revenue within the first five years of operation. As commissioner, Keith intends to focus on addressing the growing homeless crisis through policies like expanding employment opportunities and assistance for those suffering from mental illness. Proposition 116, Decrease Income Tax Rate from 4.63% to 4.55% Initiative Meanwhile, the average Colorado family will get a tax cut of only $37 per year. She faces Republican Richard Murray and the Unity Partys Robert Worthey. The Colorado 22-Week Abortion Ban Initiative (Proposition 115) would prohibit abortion procedures after 22 weeks of gestational age. After witnessing the parents of one of his students testifying in support of affordable housing, Lindstrom entered the Ward 2 City Council race to "move us toward implementing solutions and making lives better.". If living in Arapahoe County, persons may register to vote at the county offices at 5334 South Prince Street in Littleton or Arapahoe County Motor Vehicle Office, 538 N. Highway 36, Byers, CO 80103. Dickson is a graduate of the University of Oxford in economics, and currently serves as a Research Economist at a nonprofit focused on reducing global poverty. Click here to choose your customized guide. Vote in every race! Other policies he supports are ones that will expand equity and opportunity for everyone, including Medicare for All, tuition-free public college, reducing college debt by imposing a tax on Wall Street speculators, and a universal basic income system. Crow made the case that Trump put both Ukraines safety and the U.S.s national security at risk by withholding military aid in exchange for political favors. The single father of three kids believes the people in the district deserve a representative who is dedicated to them, not the elite. Janet Buckner, a current state representative, has long served the people of Aurora and the surrounding area and now there's a good opportunity to send her to the state senate. The 23rd Judicial District will include eight judges. Arapahoe County, Colorado (Judicial) The people of Arapahoe County are served by a District Court and County Court. Jessica Campbell-Swanson is running for Arapahoe County Commissioner, District 2 to bring about a healthy, thriving and sustainable Arapahoe County. If you have any issues, please contact Arapahoe County Elections at 303-795-4511. A retired Marine Corps officer and special operator who served for 18 years, six deployments, and four combat tours, McCorkle seeks to bring dignity and integrity to Congress and restore trust and confidence in government. Running against him is Steve House, the former chair of the Colorado Republican Party and a one-time gubernatorial candidate. He plans to seek out things like expanded vocation and continuing education programs and funding and simplifying the tax code so that small businesses can thrive. Hamrick is running to improve education funding, bring about common sense gun safety legislation, and to lower the cost of living for working families from health care to housing. His legal career has been marred by numerous ethical scandals, including compromising a case against Republican donors and declining to prosecute a sexual assault, instead blaming the victim. Centennial and Cherry Creek schools voter guide, Englewood city and schools voters guideraces, Arapahoe County voters to decide on outdoor funds, 750 W. Hampden Ave., Suite 225Englewood, CO 80110 Iman Jodeh has spent the last several years working at the Capitol and in the community advancing several progressive causes. Bates was first elected in 2017 and currently serves as the boards Vice President. Jodeh has said she plans to bring progressive bills to Gov. He has not made any policy statements widely known. On Feb. 18, more than 50 people were present for the , The Commerce City and Brighton police departments sexual assault task force is trying to find 47-year-old Jason Mickel Brigham. State Rep. Dominique Jackson is the incumbent for District 42 and faces no opposition. If these are the highlights for her to talk and post about in public, then progressive voters should be worried about what Cornell isnt saying. It would provide up to 12 weeks of paid leave, allowing 2.6 million Coloradans to take time to care for themselves, a new child, or a seriously ill family member. Prior to serving as Colorado Attorney General, Weiser served as Deputy Assistant Attorney General at the U.S. Justice Department during the Obama administration. Elected officials for federal, state and county offices. Buck also voted in favor of the 2017 tax reform bill, which heavily favored the wealthy and corporations while increasing tax burdens on the middle class. Rep. Ricks resettled in Aurora, Colorado after fleeing the ongoing civil war in her native Liberia, and graduated from the University of Colorado with an MBA. She used her position on the Energy and Environment Committee to introduce legislation that efficiently manages Colorados natural resources, and she has supported the economic balance of development that complements open spaces. Your Vote. Abortion after 22 weeks only accounts for about 1% of total abortion procedures and in many cases is the result of major gestational complications that are found later in pregnancy. Incumbent State Rep. Mike Weissman is running for a third term in District 36. Gibbons has also played both sides when it comes to basic COVID-19 public health practices like mask wearing. Crow made the case that Trump put both Ukraines safety and the U.S.s national security at risk by withholding military aid in exchange for political favors. Tom thinks our reproductive rights bill last year went too far. DeGette's Republican opponent, Jennifer Qualteri, is an accountant for the State of Colorado. Her campaign website contains some generic platitudes like supporting the economy, wanting more money for fixing roads, and supporting the Taxpayers Bill of Rights (TABOR). One of her primary goals is to foster a nurturing environment for students of all backgrounds, races, sexualities, and abilities. Join others who love America's liberty and freedom.and want to keep and grow it. Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren rallied their support for Sullivans agenda, the recall failed, and the bill was signed into law. Also vying for the seat are Republican Richard Allen Bassett and Libertarian Robert Harrison. He spent 35 years working in the health care industry, yet the biggest point House has made about problems in the health care system is that we must face the facts and repeal Obamacare. House apparently doesnt realize that recent Republican efforts to repeal and replace whats officially known as the Affordable Care Actwhich has been a lifeline for many Americans struggling with health insurance coveragehave been cited as increasing the cost of health care coverage while also reducing coverage throughout the U.S. As a commissioner, he will draw on this knowledge to create revenue-generating policies to help Arapahoe get through the COVID-19 economic downturn by focusing on assisting small businesses and empowering them to create jobs. Create a State Affordable Housing Trust Fund, Increase how many liquor store licenses an individual may own, Expand wine sales in grocery and convenience stores, Allow third-party alcohol delivery services, Board of Education, 6th Congressional District. The Council of State Governments chose Jodeh as one of the 20 Under 40 elected officials whose careers in public service show promise. Since then, however, Gardner has fully embraced Trump and was one of the first senators to endorse Trumps reelection. He has no publicly stated education policy positions to speak of, but his Facebook page has posts making light about watching conspiracy theory videos. Full text on the ballot: Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado constitution requiring that to be qualified to vote at any election an individual must be a United States citizen? Andrews doesnt go into depth on what political plans he has besides stating that Colorado is safer if the public votes Republican. He also strongly opposes stricter gun safety laws. If you have questions, please contact the Town Clerk at 303-644-3249 ext. As vice president, Biden oversaw the implementation of one of the largest economic recovery plans in American history in 2009, saving the American automobile industry and millions of American jobs in all sectors of the economy. She has servedon numerous volunteer committees within the district since 2004, when her first child started elementary school. Incumbent Rebecca McClellan has served the 6th Congressional District on the Colorado State Board of Education since 2017. We disagree wholeheartedly and recommend Jodeh for state representative. Vietnam veteran and former National Guardsman Bill Holen has been an Arapahoe County commissioner since 2012. He seems to have no published policy positions or public statements reflecting what he would do once hes in office. In her time on the board, Bates prioritized student safety by expanding the districts mental health services, working closely with state and local health departments on COVID-19 protocols, and served as the school board liaison for the districts Safety and Security Task Force. Proposition 124 will incrementally increase the number of retail liquor store licenses that any individual may own or hold a share in, as follows, up to eight licenses by December 31, 2026, up to 13 licenses by December 31, 2031, up to 20 licenses by December 31, 2036; and an unlimited number of licenses on or after January 1, 2037. A store with a retail liquor license cannot currently be within 500 feet of another store with that same license. This is the kind of work constituents like to see, and progressive voters should feel comfortable keeping Moreno in office to do it. She has worked in the community and as an aide at the State House to protect elections and the environment, reform health care and housing, and increase equity. THE ARAPAHOE COUNTY GOP We are here to support Republican values, elect Republican candidates and encourage voter participation. COVID-19 Resources Coronavirus Resource Guide Preppers Guide He retweeted a Twitter account called When Is Trump Gone? with Not so fast my friend, 4years plus. He has also retweeted another account that claimed the recent Black Lives Matter protests are the perfect advertising for Trump, commenting, Its why Colorado turns back Red 11.03.20 simple Safety & Security. Bolling also retweets and comments on coronavirus conspiracy theories. Making an attempt to challenge her for the seat is perennial Libertarian candidate Michele Poague. Progressive voters should reelect Froelich to a full term in the Colorado House. Welcome to the Colorado Community Media Election 2021 Voters Guide for Arapahoe County. Plomar lists three key priorities that will define her work as an at-large State Board of Education member: academic excellence, respecting teachers, and transparency and accountability. Arapahoe County Voter Guide Aurora: Ward 1 Bill Gondrez Ward 2 Steve Sundberg Ward 3 Jono Scott At Large (choose two) Danielle Jurinsky Dustin Zvonek Becky Hogan School Board Christy Cummings School Board Danielle Tomwing Cherry Creek School District: (choose one for District D) Schume Navarro Privacy Policy He is a clear progressive choice who, if elected, plans to bring people with diverse backgrounds and beliefs together to build an American society where we lift each other up so that we all benefit together. If elected, she has said she will focus on updating and expanding transportation infrastructure, planning for future zoning, and collaborating with community organizations to make sure seniors, young families, teachers, and other working professionals are able to access affordable housing. Russian. She continues this work in Congress as co-chair of the Pro-Choice Caucus. Appeals from the District of Colorado go to the United States Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit . The Property Tax Assessment Rate Reduction Proposition would: lower the property tax assessment rate for non-residential property from 29% to 26.4%, and lower the property tax assessment rate for residential property from 7.1% to 6.5%. DeGette has been recognized for her ability to work across party lines to deliver results. The Colorado Gray Wolf Reintroduction Initiative (Proposition 114) directs the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission to reintroduce and manage the population of gray wolves in specific areas of the state by the end of 2023. Proposition 117, Require Voter Approval of Certain New Enterprises Exempt from TABOR Initiative Barrington has traveled throughout the state of Colorado and learned about the diversity in our state. Weissman serves as chair of the Colorado House Judiciary Committee. Its our right and responsibility. Shes outspoken against reforming our national electoral system, which is clearly broken. His official public policy statements deal largely in generalities on fiscal responsibility, infrastructure, and education reform. When considering this bill it is important to note that a new fermented malt beverage and wine retailer's license could not be issued to a location within 500 feet of a retail liquor store, and likewise. If its not obvious by now, we strongly recommend reelecting Fields. Spring wine and chalk art festival Buy tickets now and save $10 off admission. Public Records. County Candidates Certified to the November 2022 General Election Ballot 2022 General Election Information The 2022 General Election Blue Book is available in English, Spanish, and an Audio version here. That helped push her go to college on a scholarship and then encouraged her to get her masters degree in school psychology and even continue on to a doctorate in school psychology. After graduating, James was commissioned into the United States Navy. Jared Polis desk and is excited to help him reach his goals of a fully sustainable Colorado by 2030 and preserve our open spaces for the next generation. Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition (CIRC) Action Fund. Amharic. He was quoted at a private luncheon that failing to repeal the ACA would result in fewer donations to Republicans, suggesting he is not motivated by the common good. Being progressive means voting on every race and every issue to build the future we want. The Parks and Trails Sales Tax Extension Measure would make permanent the Arapahoe County sales and use tax authorized in 2003. Rep. Ricks resettled in Aurora, Colorado after fleeing the ongoing civil war in her native Liberia, and graduated from the University of Colorado with an MBA. | Privacy Policy Instead, reelect Weissman. and incumbent U.S. Sen. John Hickenlooper did not take the usual path into public office. Chris Kolker is a former teacher and a current financial planner and small-business owner. In his short time in office, Bridges has helped pass legislation to support full-day kindergarten, lower the cost of health care in the state, allow all Colorado employees to earn paid sick leave, and reinvest money in transportation without raising taxes. Campbell-Swanson is a mother, teacher, attorney and community advocate. Biden has championed individual rights throughout his career from spearheading the Violence Against Women Act to passing laws that expanded the definition of hate crimes to include those based on gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability. Before his first election to the commission, Holen served in many different governmental and community-oriented roles including as a constituent services representative for U.S. Rep. Ed Perlmutter, with a focus on national security and veterans affairs, and a staff member for former U.S. Sen. Gary Hart. Arapahoe County Elections Your Community. If he has no policy ideas about the one thing involved in this job, he cannot be supported. Leslie Summey is running for Arapahoe County Commissioner, District 4. Champion was nominated to the seat by a select group of Republican activists after his predecessor joined the Trump administration. Offices: Mayor, Ward IV, Ward V, Ward VI, (2) At-Large. Colorado Voting Guide. The Charitable Bingo and Raffles Amendment (Amendment C) reduces the time period a charitable organization must exist before receiving a charitable gaming license from five years to three years. Click here to view Arapahoe County's Public Records (CORA) policy. Click here to choose your customized guide. Remember to vote on or before Tuesday, November 8th Election Day is Tuesday, November 8th! NOTICE OF ELECTION TO INCREASE TAXES ON A CITIZEN PETITION . Rodriguez received high scores from the Colorado Education Association and environmental groups. Read on. In her time of public service, she has shown the ability to work with the community to solve some of our most pressing problems. Hes the vice chair of the appropriations, budget, and capitol building advisory committees and worked last session on passing laws ranging from LGBTQ issues to foster care services to health insurance affordability. After graduating, James was commissioned into the United States Navy. DeGette has been recognized for her ability to work across party lines to deliver results. The Colorado state Legislature passed House Bill 1026 (HB 1026) in 2020, which split the 18th Judicial District, moving Douglas, Elbert, and Lincoln Counties to the new 23rd Judicial District on January 7, 2025. He previously ran for the state senate in 2016 as a Republican, and in 2018, he first filed to run for state treasurer and then for Congress against Democrat Diana DeGette as a Libertarian. Maria-Vittoria Guigi Carminati is a fearless advocate for women and marginalized communities, including survivors of police brutality and domestic violence. TOTAL REGISTERED VOTERS 460,161 as of 02/14/2023 VIEW ALL STATS 217,797 UNAFFILIATED 140,525 DEMOCRATIC 94,281 REPUBLICAN 7,558 MINOR PARTIES REGISTER/UPDATE Register to vote or update your voter registration. He is apparently more angry about stay-at-home orders and mask mandates than about the failed federal response to the coronavirus in the first place. Any tax changes would be listed with a dollar amount and a plus sign [+] for increased taxes or a negative sign [-] for lower taxes. He has served as outreach director of the Libertarian Party of Colorado and Arapahoe County. Since his appointment to the seat, State Sen. Jeff Bridges has been a legislator that District 26 and progressives can be proud of. Warren-Gully has vowed to support the health care workers strained by the COVID-19 pandemic as well as countywide action to support drug overdose prevention, addiction cessation programs, and other mental health services. Prohibit Abortion procedures after 22 weeks of gestational age s public Records ( CORA ) policy retweets and on!: Mayor, Ward V, Ward VI, ( 2 ).! S liberty and freedom.and want to keep and grow it comfortable keeping Moreno in office do... Champion was nominated to the seat, State Sen. Jeff Bridges has been recognized her. Election Day is Tuesday, November 8th Election Day is Tuesday, November 8th issue! Baker, a former Army chief warrant officer and crime scene investigator, in pursuit of first! Of minority groups into law domestic violence fearless advocate for women and marginalized communities, including survivors of brutality... Jeff Baker, a former Army chief warrant officer and crime scene investigator, in of! 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