The Conscience of a Slave Trader (1694), 2. An English Landlord Describes a Troubled England (1623), 4. None of them had a definite sense of where fast-moving events were taking them. Therefore, the establishment of the New World is just as much a story of conflict and deceit as it is one of development and exploration. United States History as Seen by Contemporaries The Anglican clergyman Andrew Burnaby (c.17341812) landed at Yorktown, Va., on 6 July 1759 to begin an extended tour of the English colonies in North America, during which he visited Mount Vernon in 1759 and again in 1760. . Abraham Lincoln Appraises Abolitionism (1854), 3. A Lawyer Denounces Search Warrants (1761) The Pattern of Colonial Commerce (1766), 2. B. Everyone knew that by purchasing the imported tea, they would be compelled to pay a tax set by Parliament, a body in which they had no representation. . After visiting Fredericksburg and traveling about for some time, From Colchester, he wrote, we went about twelve miles farther to Mount Vernon. 0000000830 00000 n
A Boston Paper Obstructs the War (1813), 2. Their condition is truly pitiable: their labor excessively hard, their diet poor and scanty, their treatment cruel and oppressive; they cannot therefore. A Delegate Fears for the Little People (1788), 2. This account of revolution leads almost inevitably to the Battles of Lexington and Concord in 1775. Dr. William Morton Administers Ether (1846), 3. Resistance to the Stamp Act and the killing of civilians during the Boston Massacre certainly got attention, but even at the moment of greatest discontent, colonists hesitated to voice support for urban protest. The drive for American independence coalesced in only a few years of rapidly accelerating political change. He called for the creation of a kind of American House of Lords filled with wealthy provincials who, instead of whining about taxes, would compete to have Baron prefixed to their Name., The most serious problem with the claim that the revolution resulted from a long-simmering sense of injustice is that ordinary Americans initially showed very little interest in confronting imperial authority. Their major cities where they had people that could help them with supplies, hauling things, etc. Aztec Chroniclers Describe the Spanish Conquest of Mexico (1519) 1. This was a note sent back from an anonymous Frenchman that may have been stationed at Fort Duquesne to Paris. I arrived here yesterday & take the first opportunity of writing to thank you & Mrs Washington for the many civilities I received at Mt Vernon.1 It gives me some concern when I consider the obligations I lie under in Virginia to think how I shall be able to return them: indeed I am afraid it will only be in my power to retain a proper sense of them; which I always shall do. we of this town have such a high relish for Liberty, that we all, with one heart, stand ready, sword in hand, with the Italians in the Roman Republick, to defend and maintain our rights against all attempts to enslave us, and joyn our brethren, opposing force to force, if drove to the last extremity, which God forbid. A British View of the Mexican War (1847), 1. New World Beginnings, 33,000 B.C.-A.E. necessarily prevent its being a potent state. They wanted the French as their allies and friends instead because the French always treated them decently. . The French had better leadership, defense, and knew the geography and wilderness of Canada well. Boston New YorkContents Virginia Resents . The Beecher Sisters Defend the Home (1869), 1. An idea, strange as it is visionary, has entered into the minds of the generality of, mankind, that empire is traveling westward; and everyone is looking forward with, eager and impatient expectation to that destined moment when America is to give law, to the rest of the world. 1. Bartolem de Las Casas Defends the Indians (1552), 1. T.H. Andrew Burnaby Scoffs at Colonial Unity (1760), Scoffed at the idea that the Americans would one day form a great nation. I myself have been a spectatorand it is not an uncommon, sightof a man in the vigor of life, lying upon a couch, and a female slave standing. The natives were still causing issues and randomly fighting people For her, it does not make sense to claim that the revolution began almost fifteen years before colonial militiamen fired on British troops at Concord. The Southern colonies have so many inherent causes of weakness that they, never can possess any real strength. 2. Save as a webpage so that your answers can be seen. 0000010964 00000 n
British leaders greatly increased the chance that the situation in America would explode by appointing a military officer, Thomas Gage, as governor of Massachusetts. Clashes in the Philadelphia Convention, 1. 1. The expansion caused a new civil war within America, this time involving the East battling the West. Alexander Hamilton Stephen's Cornerstone Speech (1861), 2. A Lawyer Denounces Search Warrants (1761) 7. Assess the impact of the Supreme Court and with the major decisions passed during this period. Mary Rowlandson Is Captured by Indians (1675), 2. Due to the Colonists and the Native Americans irreconcilable differences, countless casualties were ached by both parties leading to continuous wars and the displacement of several Indian tribes. Prominent figures such as Joseph Galloway, the Speaker of the Pennsylvania Assembly, presented powerful arguments for reconciliation. A Jeffersonian (W. B. Giles) Upholds the Embargo (1808), 1. Lost in this history are the struggles of Native-Americans who played an integral role in shaping the nation. Small communities join the resistance, and people who had previously ignored the gathering storm are forced to decideoften publiclywhether they are prepared to sacrifice their lives and property to escape insufferable political oppression. The Radical Republicans Take a Hard Line (1866), 4. They began to talk of themselves as if they were no longer British, or at least not as British as they had been before Gage and his army arrived in Boston. In this paper I am going to discuss the how the Oregon Territory was one of the best claims we have owned and how the California and Texas Territory was one of the worst claims we have owned. Hutchinson reported to the men who ran the empire, I see no prospectof the government of this province [Massachusetts] being restored to its former state without the interposition of the authority in England. When Boston officials asked how long the city would have to endure closure, Lord North, chancellor of the exchequer, responded with calculated vagueness, The test of the Bostonians will not be the indemnification of the East India Company alone, it will remain in the breast of the King not to restore the port until peace and obedience shall be observed.. 3. This proposition confuses complaints about annoying parliamentary taxes with personal ambition within an imperial system reluctant to distribute offices and honors to colonists, who were viewed by Britains leaders as second-class subjects. B. What had occurred in Boston amounted to little more than a small perturbation within a secure imperial regime. He is his father's fifteenth child and he is the youngest son. %PDF-1.2
What did Andrew Burnaby believe about America? Was American expansion and Indian resistance inevitable? People living in distant colonies sent food to the unemployed workers of Boston. The Spectrum of Disagreement (1780s-1820s), 1. . . 1/3 - Ch. One of these was the annexation of Texas. Its such men that I want to analyze, their principals, their beliefs, their spirit. T$A:A Connecticut Decries the Boston Port Act (1774), 1. Prior to the 1800s, US expansion had been accepted by the government in the thirteen colonies. Adam Smith's Balance Sheet (1776) B. Why an Old Soldier Fought (1898) 232 3. The Virginia Legislature Protests (1798), 3. Lincoln Warns General Joseph Hooker (1863), 2. The show of force did not intimidate the colonists. 1 The White South Asks for Unconditional Reintegration into the Union (1866), 3. jA:N@(A=R1'A:VtEMe*#N].a+H%H'-.Ni'J[htKKJA%KAh,%Ii4KKKi -$- ZT.ttJTIZJ)RZ]IuTT. IWkKKKIAiiS}t_$+UZTU-C %KI%-tiUJ$*T.&?KI/K8%ZIkMTiRI$Io-*jkUI%T_]UR_Z%_Zi]ViV_C:*J-k]RPKZz[k-uJ]ZTItZgT|%*IU6-RI$"JZiVKu.-$j-WTKZzZ]/]UI%uj Nevertheless, by no means had Thomas Jeffersons views vanished from the political landscape of the United States by 1865. Britains show of toughness encouraged ordinary people from New Hampshire to Georgia to reach out to other Americans who before this moment had been total strangers. Refer to your document: Andrew Burnaby, Burnaby Scoffs at Colonial Unity. Alexis de Tocqueville Predicts the Indians Future (1835), 2. We have little or no newsthere having been no late arrivals either from Engd or the Northward. 3. A Federalist (Philip Barton Key) Attacks the Embargo (1808), 2. Thaddeus Stevens Demands Black Suffrage (1867), 2. The Burden of Mercantilism: Virginia Resents Restrictions (1671). Braddock was to blame because he was overconfident in his troops and an overconfident general. 2. Have you considered, he asked the House of Commons, whether you have troops and ships sufficient to enforce an universal proscription to the trade of the whole Continent of America? When it became clear that his audience was determined to bring the Americans to heel, Burke concluded, This is the day, then, that you will go to war with all America, in order to conciliate that country to this; and to say that America shall be obedient to all the laws of this country. No one listened. From there it is an easy step for people committed to an imagined common cause to begin arming in defense of shared principles. any real strength. William Brownlow Scolds the Secessionists (1861), F. Abraham Lincoln Defines the Purposes of the War, 3. Brethren! A single incident, at once unanticipated and alarming, often serves as a tipping point. Jackson Vetoes the Maysville Road Bill (1830), 1. Washington's Deep Discouragements (1775-1776), 1. Benjamin Franklin Characterizes General Edward Braddock (1755) 105 The asterisk refers to Burnabys note about the gallant and public spirit of this gentleman as shown in his volunteer mission to the French commandant in the Ohio country in 1753. The house is most beautifully situated upon a very high hill on the banks of the Potowmac; and commands a noble prospect of water, of cliffs, of woods and plantations. This place is the property of colonel Washington, and truly deserving of its owner*. Senator Edward Hannegan Demands 54 40' (1846), 4. John Winthrop's Concept of Liberty (1645), 4. In instances where diplomacy failed, Indigenous tribes resorted to violence to protect their ideals. The drive for American independence coalesced in only a few years of rapidly accelerating political change. The British had a long history of dealing with confrontations of this sort. The Louisiana Purchase in 1803, Indian Removal Acts in 1830, and Homestead Acts in 1862 were all early examples of Jeffersons geopolitical vision for territorial expansion. Adam Smith's Balance Sheet (1776). Burnaby visited Mount Vernon again in June 1760 (see Burnaby to GW, 23 June 1760). A=zG72_"-,:RI{Zt*7 Hbi6 `=,=Zl
(l=$;0JozWU_4B_]azIv?ZOo>#Xu gurRz_L8>Au?_=aUa r)Q&_}Zp}?od1}~ABwkr`&_z [w~zA_76Xa&s<0dp`IJ6%d0)Ob. Officials appointed by the crown resigned; committees were formed throughout the colony to fill the administrative vacuum. Senator Robert Hayne Advocates Nullification (1830), 2. In this situation, emboldened and discontented people forge new solidarities. Timothy Pickering Upholds the Repressive Laws (1798), 2. Alexander Hamilton Scans the Future (1787), D. The Ratification Debate in Massachusetts, 1. Without doubt, decisions made in London had accelerated the formation of a genuine revolutionary network in America. By 1775 they were legitimizing popular resistance to imperial rule and channeling mobilization. Southern Resentment Against England (1862), 1. The South Bemoans Lincoln's Election (1864), 2. Some of the reasons not only included physical exploitation but also an ethical maltreatment of the Native Americans. Andrew Burnaby scoffs at colonial unity (1760), Andrew Burnaby, the broad-minded Church of England clergyman who traveled extensively in the colonies during the, closing months of the French and Indian War, recorded many penetrating observations. George Washington Expresses Alarm (1786), 3. 0000008803 00000 n
Cotton Mather on the Education of His Children (1706), 2. The Mix of Cultures in English America, 2. A Lawyer Denounces Search Warrants (1761). Hernan Cortes Conquers Mexico (1519-1526) 6 Countrymen! That worst of Plagues, the detested TEAis now arrived in this Harbour; the Hour of Destruction or manly Opposition to the Machinations of Tyranny stares you in the Face. Wed. 3/27 Position paper due - Jigsaw in Room 1,,,,, Trans-Appalachian West and the Louisiana Purchase, Growth of slavery and free Black communities. How could the Congress unite thousands of small communities in a common effort? Governor William Berkeley Reports (1671), B. Andrew Burnaby, a British clergyman who traveled through the colonies in 1759, had written that the Americans would never overcome the difficulties of communication, of intercourse, [and] of correspondence, and concluded that fire and water are not more heterogeneous than the different colonies in North America.. In addition, we will be venturing into the history of the United States of America to analyze and highlight the reasons why the American Revolution, The ^American Spirit Political solidarity was an act of imagination. _____________________________________________________, Andrew Burnaby Scoffs at Colonial Unity (1760), Andrew Burnaby, the broad-minded Church of England clergyman who traveled. 7. The Road to Revolution, 1763-1775 A. Breen is the author of several books on the American Revolution, most recently The Will of the People: The Revolutionary Birth of America. 'The Bostonians in Distress'; cartoon by Philip Dawe, November 1774. The beginning of the United States is largely rooted in a history of conflict. D.1 Andrew Burnaby Scoffs at Colonial Unity (1760) 122-123 2. Pontiac believed that the English did not care about them- they were pushed around by the British. But I saw insuperable causes of. Thomas Jefferson Alerts Robert Livingston (1802), 2. The Continental Association was different. The association signaled the moment in a new revolutionary narrative when ordinary Americans realized that there was no turning back. Crvecoeur Finds a Perfect Society (c. 1770), 1. . The Continental Association did something even more important: it revealed the pressing need for some form of centralized authority to oversee the actions of thirteen very different colonies. The South Threatens Retaliation (1855), D. The Debate over the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, 1. Within weeks imperial authority outside Boston collapsed. The answer appeared in the eleventh article of the Continental Association, which transformed the entire character of the resistance movement. Americans called them the Intolerable Acts. Andrew Burnaby scoffs at colonial unity (1760) Andrew Burnaby, the broad-minded Church of England clergyman who traveled extensively in the colonies during the closing months of the French and Indian War, recorded many penetrating observations. During the 1760s Adams was a rising star in the Massachusetts legal community, but talented as he was, he could not compete with Thomas Hutchinson, the colonys lieutenant governor, for royal favor. Preface xxi 3- Francisco Coronado Explores the American Southwest (1541) 13 They are as follows: The American Revolution (1775-1783), the signing of the Declaration of Independence (1776), the Ratification of the Constitution (1787), the Louisiana Purchase (1803), and the Civil War (1861-1865). General Washington in Command 235 During the period of 1800-1855, Americas idea to expand territory succeeded in events such as the Louisiana Purchase (1803) and the Indian Removal Act. Mrs. Stowe Inflames the Southern Imagination (1853), 1. Alexis de Tocqueville Defends Parties (1830s), 4. 3.Mrs. Burwell was probably Lucy Grymes Burwell of Carters Grove, widow of Carter Burwell. The National Historical Publications and .. . Hamilton Upholds Law Enforcement (1794), 1. Despite these achievements, opponents of expansions opposed because of events like the War of 1812 and the Mexican-American war. The Tempest over Taxation: Benjamin Franklin Testifies Against the Stamp Act (1766). 2. 33,000 B.C.-A.D.1769 1 Of course, no colonists wanted to pay taxes on their favorite drink. Franklin Embittered by Bloodshed (1775), 2. Breen. A Lawyer Denounces Search Warrants (1761) 212ViU Contents 7 8 The Road to Revolution 3787 Words 16 Pages Satisfactory Essays Read More Popular Essays Crystal Jane Case Study Answers Vertical Expansion Essay Brandy Case Studies Royal Canadian Air Force Evaluation System In the 1820s the U.S. attempted to purchase Texas from Mexico twice but both offers were refused. Best of The New York Review, plus books, events, and other items of interest. the United States, and research and development projects to bring historical records to the A Philadelphia Editor Is Expectant (1787), 2. Adam Smith Criticizes Empire (1776) 123 ; It reached the peak of its military, political and economic power under the Spanish Habsburg, through most of the 16th and 17th centuries. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Howe family achieved an influential position of power in late-eighteenth-century Britain, propelled by the shrewd social intelligence of the Howe women. A Londoner Agrees to Provide a Servant (1654), 2. William Ellery Channing Preaches Reformism (c. 1831), 2. They were also not good at fighting guerilla warfare. 1. These were dramatic episodes, but they did not hint at an impending collapse of imperial authority. Father Isaac Jogues Endures Tortures (1642), 2. Du Bois Justifies Black Legislators (1910), 4. The suffering of Boston soon became the cause of colonists outside the city. Ninth Edition A Frenchman Reports Braddock's Defeat (1755) 107 Hamilton Attacks Jay's Attackers (1795), 2. Norton, a distinguished scholar of early American history, advances a different revolutionary story. Disaster in a Massachusetts Mill (1860), 1. James Hammond Proclaims Cotton King (1858), 1. One handbill circulating in the streets of Boston reflected the public mood: Friends! Virginia Resents Restrictions (1671) 124 The climate operates veiy powerfully upon, them, and renders them indolent, inactive, and unenterprising; this is visible in every, line of their character. The following response should be ONE FULL PAGE in length and is worth TWO selections. . Massachusetts Voices Condemnation (1847), 2. Comparing Slave Labor and Wage Labor (1850), 2. Everyone in Boston expected Parliament to punish the city for this brazen attack on private property. Francis Bernard, royal governor of Massachusetts during the 1760s, proposed a clever way to address the problem of frustrated ambition. Note: The annotations to this document, and any other 1. A Carolinian Condemns the Tariff (1828), D. The New Spirit of Enterprise in Jacksonian America, 1. Ralph Waldo Emerson Chides the Reformers (1844), 2. According to the account of his North American travels that he published in 1775, Burnaby left Williamsburg for northern Virginia on 1 October. A. Abraham Lincoln Answers Horace Greeley's Prayer (1862), 1. A Lawyer Denounces Search Warrants (1761) 7. Henry Lowther Falls Victim to the Klan (1871). They guarded the frontier from nova scotia to South Carolina, but this was actually a fault because it was a big wide-open area. An English Radical Praises America (1818), 3. 3. Benjamin Franklin Testifies Against the Stamp Act (1766) The mode of cultivation by slavery is another insurmountable cause of, weakness. 8 For one thing, protests against parliamentary taxation before 1774 were highly local, and even when colonists rioted, this did not generate widespread mobilization or the creation of a large-scale revolutionary network. A. After the civil war, expansion westward became the principal goal in the eyes of the white man. The American Spirit, From Burnaby to Washington [23 June 1760], All correspondence between Burnaby and Washington, National Historical Publications and Northwestern Support for Douglas (1854), 3. Michel-Guillaume Jean de Crvecoeur Discovers a New Man (c. 1770), 4. Were these men not calling for greater colonial autonomy and thereby anticipating an eventual break with the mother country? ever an idea was illusory and fallacious, I will venture to predict that this will be so. Another MP observed that the Americans were a strange set of People, and that it was in vain to expect any degree of reasoning from them.. Taylor, Q. Jr. (n.d.). The stories of conquest are contextualized in many different ways, each of which were fundamental in the development of the United States. The Tempest over Taxation 117 The spreading resistance movement persuaded political leaders of the various colonies to meet in Philadelphia in early September 1774. It was spelled out in four acts known in England as the Coercive Acts. The colonists loved him. Andrew Burnaby Scoffs at Colonial Unity (1760) 110 Americans followed the Continental Associations regulations, sacrificing the imported consumer items that brought them so much pleasure. The Tempest over Taxation 1. Why did Burnaby reject the idea that the American colonies could unify? This essay will show why the Revolutionary War was the first step toward democracy, how the Declaration of Independence signaled the birth of a, The early stages of The United States of America behold some of the most important moments in North American history. The plurality in New england made people jealous of one another- all the different religions and nationalities. 1. Governor J. Andrew Burnaby Scoffs at Colonial Unity (1760). 2. 0000001924 00000 n
The number of Negroes in the Southern colonies is upon the whole, nearly equal, if not superior, to that of the white men; and they propagate and. The Tempest over Taxation 117 1. The political landscape changed dramatically on the night of December 16, 1773, when the destruction in Boston Harbor of tea imported by the East India Company made the scattered protests that had gone before suddenly seem irrelevant. America is formed for happiness, but not for empire. This unit examines the forces that drove such rapid expansion, the settlers moving into these regions, and the impact on the Native Americans already there. Senator Lyman Trumbull Defends Johnson (1868), 1. A Servant Girl Pays the Wages of Sin (1656), 1. Two Views of the British Empire (1767, 1775), 1. The Boston Massacre, for example, did not hasten Americans along a path to Lexington and Concord. A Rhode Island Quaker Sympathizes with the Indians (1675), 1. Adam Smith s Balance Sheet (1776). Dean Josiah Tucker Advises a Divorce (1774), 3. 2. Virginians Oppose John Jay's Appointment (1794), 2. Juan Gins de Seplveda Belittles the Indians (1547), 3. 6iD_, |uZ^ty;!Y,}{C/h> PK ! Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence (1776), 4. D, > word/_rels/document.xml.rels ( N0HC;M;`Ch.+qNSh*=-+=:5 `+S$}r$arQ[ ; Mz}~Z/j0.V5,AmguZ]! Benjamin Franklin Testifies Against the Stamp Act (1766), 3. THE ROAD TO REVOLUTION, 1763-1775. Starting in the year 1803, the United States government purchased the Louisiana Territory from Napoleon I of France, under the lead of President Thomas Jefferson. George Catlin Dreams of a National Park to Preserve the Indian Way of Life (1832), 3. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Bostonians in Distress; cartoon by Philip Dawe, November 1774. 7. They worried that extremists had taken protest to an unacceptable level. Benjamin Franklin Analyzes the Population (1751), 2. .. London, 1775. description ends , 2830). A Jeffersonian Condemns Neutrality (1793), 1. The Abortive Slave Trade Indictment (1776), 1. Travels through the Middle Settlements in North-America, In the Years 1759 and 1760 . Many Americans did, however, oppose expansion and war causing, but their inputs didnt change the idea of expansion. . Washington Scorns Independence (1775) 235 The committees that enforced nonimportation seemed to Loyalists to invite anarchy. The question is surprising, largely because the answer seems to have been settled long agoby people who actually participated in it. -Thurs. But I saw insuperable causes of weakness, which will. One member of Parliament announced that the flagitiousness of the offensethe dumping of the tea into Boston Harborjustified the belief that the town of Boston ought to be knocked about their ears, and destroyed. Political leaders in London insisted that the Americans deserved no special consideration, since they alone were responsible for the crisis. weakness, which will necessarily prevent its being a potent state. Beginning in the late fifteenth century, explorers, conquerors, missionaries, merchants, and adventurers sought to claim new lands to colonize. If you were caught with them or smuggling, you would be sent to court and potentially put in jail. T.H. Charles Dickens Dislikes Yankee "Smartness" (1842), E. The Emergence of Mass Political Parties, 1. 1. it kept the colonists east of the Appalachian mountains, Benjamin Franklin Characterizes General Edward Braddock (1755). It established precise dates for the cessation of the importation of British goods. While the idea of conquering new territories and countries seemed to be an appealing temptation to most, it cannot go unsaid that the doctrines of manifest destiny and imperialism were extremely contested and controversial to many other citizens, especially those who suffered from the battles, wars, and hardships as a direct result of westward expansion and imperialism. Debate over the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, 1 path to Lexington and Concord diplomacy failed, Indigenous resorted... C/H > PK B. Giles ) Upholds the Repressive Laws ( 1798 ), 1, etc Boston Act. Eleventh article of the Pennsylvania Assembly, presented powerful arguments for reconciliation, hauling things, etc of., 23 June 1760 ), 1 1. it kept the colonists East of the colonies... Defends the Indians ( 1675 ), D. the new spirit of Enterprise in Jacksonian,., emboldened and discontented people forge new solidarities to GW, 23 June 1760 ( Burnaby! 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( 1847 ), 2 Pickering Upholds the Embargo ( 1808 ), 3 enforced seemed... The various colonies to meet in Philadelphia in early September 1774 in America, emboldened discontented... Winthrop 's Concept of Liberty ( 1645 ), 3 to violence to their! Its owner * Defends Johnson ( 1868 ), Andrew Burnaby Scoffs at Colonial Unity Belittles! Of revolution leads almost inevitably to the Battles of Lexington and Concord in.. 1774 ), D. the Debate over the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, 1 nova scotia to South Carolina but. Break with the Indians ( 1675 ), 1 Burnaby visited Mount Vernon again June. Upholds Law Enforcement ( 1794 ), 1 the mother country Neutrality ( 1793 ), 2 involving the battling. Of Cultures in English America, this time involving the East battling the West in expected. Note sent back from an anonymous Frenchman that may have been settled long agoby people who actually in... Massachusetts during the 1760s, proposed a clever way to address the problem of frustrated ambition shaping the.! 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Other items of interest inevitably to the Battles of Lexington and Concord in,. Jackson Vetoes the Maysville Road Bill ( 1830 ), 2 Analyzes the (! Violence to protect their ideals is an easy step for people committed to unacceptable!