stfc officers that increase cargo size

(PvE), Justice Dealer - If the opponent is a Hostile, Shev increases the damage of the Energy Weapons of the ship by 5%. What is Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)? As opposed to her captains ability, this ones a little bit better. Romulan Tenacity - If the ship survives an attack that depletes its shields and is destroyed in one of the following attacks during the same battle, the battle is lost but Vemet heals 5% of the Hull Health and the ship survives. Ten of Eleven gets +75% synergy when assigned with Science and Engineering officers to the bridge. Tritanium Miner - K'Bisch increases the Mining Rate of the ship by 50% when mining Tritanium. Bolstered - If the ship is a Battleship, Livis increases its maximum Hull Health by 20%. By rank 5, this officer increases cargo size by 60 percent. Evasive Maneuvers - When the shields are depleted during during battle, Kerla increases the Dodge of the ship by 50%. Break Through - When defending the Station, M'Benga increases the Armor Piercing, Shield Piercing and Accuracy of the ship by 10%. Epic. Star Trek Fleet Command Officer Assignments. Other than Marla McGivers, who has a prominent role in Space Seed, and Joachim, who shows up in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, all the others here are much smaller parts. May 18, 2021 Download Star Trek Fleet Command on PC At the moment of writing, there are 132 different Officers that you can recruit in Star Trek Fleet Command, all of which come from the different shows, seasons, and even alternate universes, and that offer their own variety of skills and stats. So each time youre getting a critical hit because of Khan, the damage from that hit will be bigger and bigger, as you promote Kati. Bolstered - If the ship is a Battleship, Livis increases its maximum Hull Health by 20%. This STFC officer guide will help you better understand the characters and various ways to use them. Interceptor Affinity - If the ship is an Interceptor, Woteln increases its Dodge value by 15%. These officers are hard to obtain. If mobile gaming is your passion and you want to get paid to create guides, youre in the right place. Check out our other guides about Star Trek Fleet Command if you liked this guide! Interceptor Trainer - Darwin increases the Ship Experience gained on Interceptors by 20%. Battleship Trainer - Frank Leslie increases the Ship Experience gained on Battleships by 20% each turn. Cargo sucks, but you are going to move your G3 mats fast. Mining is a risky business in Star Trek Fleet Command. Savage Tenacity - Everytime the ship is hit by a Defense Platform, Khan increases the Critical Hit chance by 1%. Chirurgical Precision - If the opponent is a Hostile, Vel increases the damage made by the Kinetic Weapons of the ship by 7%. On the Hunt - M'Ral increases the Armor Piercing of the ship by 20%. Jaylah Borgified: Five of Ten increases the Shield deflection, Armor and Dodge by a Percentage of the Total Health of all Officers on the ship. You can farm Hostiles for certain materials or XP and these officers provide a bonus boost. Kobayashi Maru - Increases the Shield Deflection, Armor, and Dodge of the ship by 12%. This crew focuses on maximizing mining speed, adding Four of Eleven to increase cargo size to carry more Tritanium on each mining trip. Armor is Obsolete - When hitting the enemy with a Kinetic Weapon, Azetbur has a 20% chance of causing a Hull Breach for 2 rounds on the opponent's ship. Disrupting Field - Yuki Sulu decreases the Shield Health of the opponent's ship by 10% for each round. T'Pring is an excellent addition to any mining crew, and she offers an increase of the protected Cargo. Hold Position: When defending on a TC node, increase your Officer attack by X%. And for some reason, Kati (who looks JUST a little bit different in STFC, see below) is doing the Frug. Click the plus icon to open up more information.The information will be constantly updated as updates come out. Increases to 30% at Rank 5. Honor Guard - Every time the ship gets hit, Decius increases its Weapon Damage by 6%. Acid Bitterness - Mirek increases the Damage against Federation ships by 25% of the crew's Defense. With the unique ability to fill its cargo and then exceed it by stealing a % of its target's cargo, it is specialized in raiding large quantities of resources from enemy stations. Weve already covered Khan, Ravi, Pan, and Rima and you can click on them to find those articles. On Google Play, STFC has an average user rating of 4.1 stars out of 161k votes at the time of writing this review, which is an average rating. Advanced Training - Christopher Pike increases the Ship XP earned by combat by 20%. Joy in Vengeance - At the beginning of each round, if the opponent's ship is Burning, Nero increases the Damage of the weapons by 40%. Born Engineer - Scotty increases the total Hull Health of the ship by 10% of its original Hull Health. Fake Communiques - At the beginning of each round, Vixis has a 6% chance of delaying the opponent Weapon Fire by one round. These officers provide a bonus for attacking NPC Hostiles which are useful for missions or farming for resources. Deceptive Weakness - When the ship becomes attacked while mining, at the beginning of combat, Barot decreases the opponent's Hull Health by 10%. She was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1977, and this is what prevented her from returning for The Wrath of Khan. Warp Theory - Increases the Warp Distance of the ship by 3. Interceptor Overseer - Koth decreases the time needed to repair the ship by 20% if it is an Interceptor. Miracle Worker - Scotty reduces the time needed to repair the ship by 10%. Advanced Training - Christopher Pike increases the Ship XP earned by combat by 20%. James T. Kirk. Excellent Medicine - Every time the ship gets hit, McCoy increases the Defense of all the officers on the Bridge by 10%. Also, Id like to apologize again for the site being down this morning. Goes up to 50% with maximum Synergy Bonus. When attacking or defending against other players you need to maximise your attack to quickly eliminate the other player as fast as possible, whilst boosting your defence so that you outlive their attacks. Security Plans When attacked while on a Capture or Mining Node by a player, decreases the opponents's damage by 30%, Scavenger: Increases the amount of resources you get by 100%(^) while in Franklin(A), The Beasts and the Shouting: When on Franklin and fighting Swarm, increase the number of shots by 1(^), Face of the enemy: Increases Weapon Damage of the ship by 5%(^), Empathic: Increases shield deflection, Armor, and Doge of the ship by 15%(^), Hypospray: Increase the Health of all officers on the ship by 10%(^), The Dancing Doctor: Increases the effectiveness of the Captain Maneuver by 10%(^), The Measure of a Man: Increases the Attack, Defense and Health of all Officers on the Bridge by 8%(^), Power Play: Increases the Weapon damage of the ship by 5%. If you dont have Khan, she can still be useful, just not nearly as much. Station Knowledge - 0718 Increases the Critical Hit Chances by 4% when defending the Station. Kobayashi Maru - Increases the Shield Deflection, Armor, and Dodge of the ship by 12%. Complete Star Trek: Fleet Command Officer Guide, How to Get and Use Super Missiles in Metroid Prime Remastered. Levelling your ship can either be done using Ship XP tokens or via PVE combat or Hostile Hunting. Lastly, a new Prime Node focused on improving station combat. Joaquin increases the Mining Rate of the ship by (40% 60% 80% 100% 125%) when mining Corrupted Data and Decoded Data. This guide will cover many mining crews that can benefit beginners and advanced players. Learn how your comment data is processed. Fine Tuning - As long as the ship is in the Station, Keenser increases its Shield Health by 20%. Depending on what you are mining, assign one of these as your captain to maximise mining speed. While 4 of 11s officer ability, Cargo Optimization Algorithms, increases cargo capacity by 40 percent. Goes up to 40% at Rank 5. Thank you. Star Trek Fleet Command Mining LocationsHere are some of the best Star Trek Fleet Command Mining Locations for Dilithium, Crystal, Gas and Ore in Star Trek Fleet Command. Do Not Test Me - When the ship is getting hit by a Critical Hit, Sulu has a 40% chance of inspiring Morale to the ship for one round. Youll have to weight that advantage against the combined bonuses of the two science officers with Khan. They are all available through the regular recruitment, premium recruitment and ultra recruitment options. Teaching Moments - Christopher Pike increases the effectiveness of all the Officer Abilities on the bridge by 20%. We then show you our recommended assignments based on common tasks in the game. Interceptor Overseer - Koth decreases the time needed to repair the ship by 20% if it is an Interceptor. Energy Absorption - Decreases the Energy Weapon Damage of opponent players by 10%. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Tim Trott and Lonewolf Online with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. The Enterprise historian Marla McGivers who chose to go to Ceti Alpha V with Khan during the events of Space Seed, and was killed by the Ceti eels before Wrath of Khan, Marla McGivers was portrayed by actress Madlyn Rhue. Captain Ability. Base value: 200%. Station Expert - When defending the Station, Zahra increases the ship's Hull Health by 10%. Modulation Frequency Found When fighting players, as long as the ship has Morale, removes either 8, 10, 12, 16 or 20% from the Shield Mitigation of the opponents ship. So as Im writing this, were just at the end of the Outlaws arc, waiting to see what comes next. Click For an Officer Guide Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Critical Strike - Increases the Critical Hit Damage of the ship by 8%. This guide covers officers and crews that are best for mining Dilithium. Tactician - Increases the Weapon Damage of the ship by 8%. 1 Guidelines for converting your old Star Trek characters to the new rules will likewise revisit where one has gone before Generally only one class of ship appears on-screen, or the faction is clearly described as. Hidden Stash - T'Pring increases the protection of The Cargo by 50%. History Repeats Itself - Marla increases the Repair Speed of the ship by 20%. (Including a fun mistake.). Wartime Repairs - Livis decreases the time needed to repair the ship by 10% if it is a Battleship. Goes up to 100% with maximum Synergy bonus. Dogs of War - If the ship deals a Critical Hit to the opponent's ship while it has a Hull Breach, Chang has a 30% chance of delaying its next weapon attack by 1 round. Players at your level are probably not surveying in Parsteel systems looking for miners to attack.. Ranking Fire - When the ship has Morale, Sulu increases the total damage made by Energy Weapons by 15%. . Motivational - Increases the Attack, Defense, and Health of all Officers on the Bridge by 20%. Minor Damage Control - As long as the ship's Hull Health is under 35% of its value at the beginning of combat, Leslie restores it by 5% at the end of each round. Snarky Genius: When defending, reduce the enemys Armor Piercing by X%. Goes up to 50% with maximum Synergy Bonus. Reinforcements - If the ship is a Battleship, Javaid increases its Armor by 15%. Vemet decreases its Shield Health by an amount equal to 20% of the Health of all Officers on the ship. Shatter Defenses - As long as the opponent's ship is Burning, D'jaoki decreases the opponent's crew Health by 20%. Romulan Tactitian - When the ship's Hull Health goes under 70%, Charvanek has a 80% chance of Burning the opponent for 3 rounds. Romulan Grudge - Yuki Sulu increases the Damage against Romulan ships by 25% of the Health of the crew on the ship. Klingon Tactics - When the opponent's ship Shield Health are depleted, Yan'agh increases the Weapon Damage by 10%. The mobile game Star Trek Fleet Command is a game where you have to create your crew to pilot ships.These ships are used to explore, defend your base or attack enemies. Illogical - While the ship has Morale, Spock restores Shield Health to an amount equal to 25% of the Defense of the Officers on the ship. When your ship reaches maximum cargo capacity while mining, it will stay on the node, but it will be unable to harvest more resources. With that said, lets move on to our Star Trek Fleet Command advanced guide, featuring some useful tips, cheats and strategies! If you don't own some of these officers, you can replace these with other rare officers. Minor Damage Control - As long as the ship's Hull Health is under 35% of its value at the beginning of combat, Leslie restores it by 5% at the end of each round. Critical Avoidance - If the opponent is a Hostile, Gaila decreases the damage from its Critical Hits by 20%. Wolf Among the Ships - Yan'agh increases the Damage against Romulan ships by 25% of the crew's Health. Romulan Tactitian - When the ship's Hull Health goes under 70%, Charvanek has a 80% chance of Burning the opponent for 3 rounds. Find every single part to build the Jellyfish without spending out hard earned cash. Patient Tactician - When attacking a Station, Joachim has 50% chances of greatly increasing the mitigation of the ship for one round. Tritanium can be a scarce resource in Star Trek Fleet Command. Parsteel Hunter - Gaila increases the Parsteel rewards for defeating a Hostile by 25%. Weapons Expert - Carol increases the Weapon Damage by 20%. Adaptive Shielding - The ship mitigates 5% more damage to the Shield Health instead of the Hull Health. Hes certainly the guy you want anytime you send out your Botany Bay. Klingon Tactics - When the opponent's ship Shield Health are depleted, Yan'agh increases the Weapon Damage by 10%. Pack Rat - Stonn increases the Cargo size of the ship by 20%. Exploit Overheat - When the ship is Burning from the opponent, Severus increases the Damage of the ship by 20%. Leader - As long as the ship has Morale, Kirk gives all Officers on the ship a bonus of 40% to all their stats. Klingon Pursue - L'Nar increases the Damage against Klingon ships by 25% of the crew's Attack. Dilithium Hunter - Vel increases the Dilithium rewards for defeating a Hostile by 25%. Grush, Dupont, TPring. Gas Miner - T'Pring increases the Mining Rate of the ship by 20% when mining Gas. NS-Tier 7-cargo capacity 10,000, protected cargo 1,000. Defensive Tactics - At the start of combat, Linkasa increases the Armor of the ship by 25% of the total Attack of the crew. To increase the speed of your mining, replace one of those officers with Ten of Ten. "Managed and co-funded by, best walking shoes for plantar fasciitis and achilles tendonitis, Star Trek Fleet Command: Best Parsteel mining crew. Disclaimer, Privacy & Legal Sitemap Contact Me, Here are some of the best Star Trek Fleet Command Mining Locations for Dilithium, Crystal, Gas and Ore in Star Trek Fleet Command. This crew focuses on maximizing mining speed, adding Four of Eleven to increase cargo size to carry more Parsteel in each mining trip. Destroy the Defense platforms by triggering more Critical Hits! Youll want to use her with Khan as your captain for two reasons. Mind Games - At the start of combat, Charvanek increases the Armor Piercing of the ship by 100% of the Health of the crew on the ship. Thorough Scans - T'Laan increases the Ship Experience gained by fighting Hostiles by 15%. Goes up to 50% with maximum Synergy Bonus. Excellent Security - As long as Hull Health is below 60% of its value at the start of combat, Hendorff increases Dodge, Armor and Shield Deflection by 20%. Blood Oath - At the start of battle, Kang increases the Accuracy of the ship by 100% of the Attack of the crew on the ship. Still, you must ensure that Ten of Eleven stills gets the same synergies benefits. Dilithium is one of the most demanded resources in Star Trek Fleet Command. I hope you enjoy reading my articles as much as I enjoy writing them. Carnac | September 4, 2020September 4, 2020 | Augments, Officers. Check out the extensive guidebelow for more info on each officer. Blood and Honor - When the ship gets a Hull Breach from the opponent, Qa'ug increases Accuracy by 30%. Check out our other guides about Star Trek Fleet Command if you liked this guide! Best Buddies Turkey Ekibi; Videolar; Bize Ulan; stfc warp range officers 27 ub. Each officer will contain a type of synergy group which can be found at the top right side of the officer's icon. Critical Strike - Increases the Critical Hit Damage of the ship by 8%. Target That Signal - Uhura increases the Accuracy of the ship she's in by 40%. Officer Ability. If the ship is an Explorer and has Morale, TOS Sulu increases its Critical Hit chance by either 6, 8, 10, 12 or 15%, on every round. Creating Opportunities - When the ship hits the opponent with a Critical Hit, Gorkon has a 70% chance of causing a Hull Breach for three rounds on the opponent's ship. Discipline - At the beginning of each round, Kumak increases the stats of all Officers on the ship by 5%. (PvP). is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, License Fair Use Images from Star Trek are copyrighted, but used here under Fair Use guidelines. Officer Ability is Unflinching Resolve When attacking a Station, Joachim decreases the Weapon Damage of all opponents Ships and Defense Platforms by (10% 15% 20% 25% 30%.). For more information, see Scopelys Fan Content Policy. [deleted] 3 yr. ago. Computer Precision - 0718 increases the Defense of all Officers on the ship by 5%. First Ill be going over their in-game abilities and uses, and then a bit at the end where Ill be going over their origins and trivia. Still, you must ensure that Ten of Eleven stills gets the same synergies benefits. This video is about Protected Cargo officers and alittle talk about the borg.Donate Links: Wishlist: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, Ill receive a small commission. Defending Power - When the ship is attacked by a player, Darwin increases the Weapon Damage by 10%. Kinetic Boost - If the opponent is a player, Vartoq increases the damage made by the Kinetic Weapons of the ship by 5%. Defensive Tactics - At the start of combat, Linkasa increases the Armor of the ship by 25% of the total Attack of the crew. No Negotiations - Kuron has a 50% chance to automatically reload the first Kinetic Shot. Star Trek Fleet Command Officers from the same synergy group will increase the captain's manoeuvre skill. Plasma Backlash - Every time the opponent is hit by an energy weapon, Arix has a 10% chance of Burning it. TheGioSerg 1 yr. ago. Target That Signal - Uhura increases the Accuracy of the ship she's in by 40%. Klingon Pursue - L'Nar increases the Damage against Klingon ships by 25% of the crew's Attack. Cry Havoc - As long as the opponent's ship Hull Health is under 60%, Chang increases the Damage of the weapons by 10%. Thanks to Ten of Eleven, this crew still gets a massive boost in mining rate while still getting a synergy bonus from the other officers assigned to the bridge. What Does the Future Hold for Content Creation as AI Takes Over? At the same time, T'Pring will allow you to secure more cargo if you get attacked by a higher level. Where PVP is listed under role, the captain . Is each increase/decrease calculated from the ship's base Protected Cargo, or is it calculated from the ship's current Protected Cargo amount when adding/removing an Officer? Still, you must ensure that Ten of Eleven stills gets the same synergies benefits. Psychologist - Increases the effectiveness of the Captain Maneuver by 6%. Especially if you have a deep officer roster with high officer stats. Battleship Trainer - Frank Leslie increases the Ship Experience gained on Battleships by 20% each turn. Shields Refractor - Arkady increases the Shield Health of the ship by 10%. Advanced Mining Elea Makinen increases the mining speed of the ship by 10%, Isogen Mining Elea Makinen increases the rate of Isogen Mining by 20, 40, 60, 80 or 100%, Grade 3 Miner Raphael DuPont increases the rate of G3 Crystal, Gas and Ore Mining by 40%, Adds to the Ships Protected Cargo by 50, 100, 150, 200 or 300%. Gas Miner - T'Pring increases the Mining Rate of the ship by 20% when mining Gas. Home Protector - Mitchell increases the Stats of all Officers on Board by 20% when defending the Station. Officer Ability is Let Me Help You: Marla increases the Attack, Defense, and Health of the captain by (50% 60% 70% 80% 90%.). Fresh Perspectives - Paul Zhou increases the Defense of all Officers on the bridge of the ship by 15%. The second reason for Marla is to increase Khans stats as captain, and since Khan as an epic officer has pretty great stats (attack in particular.). However, as you upgrade this officers ability, the percentage will also increase. Level 28 envoy. Joachim is a great officer to combine with Khan as captain, as their abilities will help you stay in battle longer, and give you more chances for the critical hits that Khan will give you the longer the battle goes on. Icy Analyst - When fighting Interceptors, Mara increases the Weapon damage of the ship by 20%. Reinforcements - If the ship is a Battleship, Javaid increases its Armor by 15%. (PvE), Critical Avoidance - If the opponent is a Hostile, Gaila decreases the damage from its Critical Hits by 20%. Star Trek Fleet Command: Parsteel Mining Crew (for Beginners and Advanced players), When Cargo of the ship is empty, increases it's Warp speed by, When the ship is mining, K'Bisch reduces the damage dealt by attacking opponents by, Increases the speed of Parsteel, Tritanium and Dilithium Mining by, Increases the Mining Speed of the ship by, Star Trek Fleet Command: Best Parsteel mining crew, Star Trek Fleet Command: How to get the Botany Bay for free (doing missions). Scopely is not affiliated with this content nor has it endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved it. Interceptor Affinity - If the ship is an Interceptor, Woteln increases its Dodge value by 15%. This crew is so effective at mining Dilithium because of the Captain's Ability of Domitia, which increases the Dilithium mining rate. See the Flaws - Every time the ship strikes the opponent, Nero has a 25% chance of Burning it for two rounds. Officer 3. There are more than 20 officers that you can obtain in STFC, each of which has unique abilities. Excel Under Pressure - When the ship gets a Hull Breach from the opponent, Qa'ug decreases all the stats of the officers on the opponent's ship by 35%. Click For an Officer Guide Information Also check the Battle Tips page for information on PvP / Player vs Player Levels Goes up to 10% with maximum Synergy bonus. In this exciting video game, Star Trek Fleet Command (STFC), players can put their strategic abilities to the test. Unflinching Resolve - When attacking a Station, Joachim decreases the Weapon Damage of all opponents Ships and Defense Platforms by 10%. The next screen will show you how many officer slots are available for the ship that you have selected. Art of War - Decreases the effectiveness of the opponent's Captain's Maneuver by 20%. Kobayashi Maru - increases the mining Rate of the ship Experience gained on Battleships by 20 % as writing! 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Game, Star Trek Fleet Command officer guide Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted increases! The Outlaws arc, waiting to see what comes next, players can their! Nearly as much Morale, Sulu increases the ship is a Hostile, Gaila decreases Shield.