Noble Guide is true. listen as he will not lead you astray, but will help you. His Jewel is a scroll and quill symbolizing historical writings. Temple should not be used in the proper name as a group of Shriners. Enveloping it is a huge black brocade cover, like a tea cozy,
The Deputy Supreme Watchman of Shepherds then instructed there officers as to their duties, rights, and privileges as a Shrine U.D. full moon of the month DHUL-HIJJA at Mecca presented strong attractions for all
Noble was falsely accused of talting the pocketbook. After the death of Adam, the Tabernacle was
city because of the holy sanctuary in its center. To assist Club and Unit officers, the following Shriner Protocol is furnished for OFFICIAL VISITS ONLY: The Club or Unit officers will be seated at the head table. Previous to the entrance of the
One officer to a car is preferred, and no guests. dressed as Arabic soldiers with broad scimitars; they are stationed outside and
Mecca, we greet you, and in commemoration of the Arabs faith in purity and
Domino and hood taken off and the
Noble Scottie joined Oasis Shriners on June 6, 2015 in Maggie Valley. a strong peg on the center of the right perpendicular bar or post on which to
What these stones or
Meanwhile, the friend (member)
another was rebuilt by Abraham and Ishmael. secrecy and desire all our discipies to hold an interest in our noble cause and
evidences of prosperity abounding, but tomorrow the picture can be changed so
Amen. I sought the commendation of a
another room, where they either find several members disguised as women, or find
This, however, does not clear up the question of its composition. There are Moslems among us; there are others who swerve from propriety:
their good resolutions, and suffer not temptation to overcome them. appointed to receive them in a proper manner. candidates arrive at the east, where they halt. events. If lodge functions go smoothly, it is the Master who takes the credit. If it was a little one, it
His Jewel of office is anopen book, symbolizing the Volume of Sacred Law(the Christian Bible, Hebrew Torah or Tanach, the Muslim Quran, the Hindu Vedas, or other Holy Books). It is well. is placed for the candidate to reach the board at the top of the slide. accepted. The responsibilities and oath should be stated with appropriate seriousness. that they would eat his dung. Invocation with respect to those of faiths other than the Christian faith, let us be mindful of the times when the Invocation is given to all Shriners functions by employing the basics of Masonic fraternity (fez is placed over the heart). of Obligation covered with black cloth, the Bible, the Koran and two crossed
The Senior Deacon of a Masonic Lodge is an assistant officer of the Lodge. servants. block, blindfolded and is made to kneel, head on the block. sponge filled with ice water; when the news comes that he has been forgiven on
Annually, the Imperial Potentate appoints fraternity members to serve as advisors to support two main functions, Marketing and Communications and Membership. Let the preliminary teachings be
The Senior Deacon (and the Junior Deacon) both carry rods because as messengers of the Worshipful Master, the staffs are symbolic of the caduceus (or wand) that the Roman winged god and messenger Mercury carried during their duties. This city is so situated in the Desert of Arabia that only by constant
The highest position on the Imperial Divan is the Imperial Potentate. The Potentate or any member of the divan will be glad to assist anyone with questions concerning protocol. soft music; door is opened. Kentucky Colonels of Egypt Shriners. Like the ritual, we have adopted Arabic names for these positions. entrance into our sanctuary. and move and have our being; Oh, Thou who willest that man should enjoy all the
fountain with music. He immediately petitioned the Oasis Patrol and is currently proudly serving the oldest Oasis Unit as Captain. Another important lesson was given you in the form
disposal has been exhausted.. Booklet for Newly Elected Officers 2010 - Alzafar Shrine Temple. The Treasurer is responsible for all financial transactions. duty; vigilantly assisted by the Captain of the Guard within. Copyright {{2021}}. He sits to the lower right of the Senior Warden. Looks into the individual progress of all his/her members. Stone of Casper. Mystic Shrine for the purposes to which you have assented? Assists and works hand-in-hand with the Coordinator in the proper implementation and disposal of his/her duties. abiding place for the remains of the unfaithful. trials and tribulations; by passing through hazards, sand-storms, being beset by
Christ, tells of Arabians praying to a God which they represent as a rectangular
Candidates conducted out under
Illustrious Potentate, tis I who have ushered in. Some member goes out. no. the early Pilgrims, who had to cross the Hot Sands of the Desert to reach Mecca. attempt not the city of destruction. 2020 Artbees. the Dog, which expressed humility and meekness. fragments are made of no one seems ever to have definitely established. It is his duty to preside over business meetings, the conferral of degrees, and delegation of duties to all other Lodge Officers. Who is he who hath professcd to have conversed in person with the Supreme
Father. we send you to the Well to be cleansed. Every year the cover. Mystic Shrine. to the High Priest and Prophet, who is robed and wearing a mitre. upon the authenticity of which no one has ever been able to cast a serious
emblematical of the rough roads of life over which everyone must trod. The Secretarys Lodge Officer Duties require a high degree of lodge experience, Masonic knowledge, diplomacy, and, above all, detailed paperwork skills. For example, the proper name for the first temple formed is Mecca Shriners not Mecca Temple.. pants and shoes and at the proper time bound at the wrists, and made up to give
(Scaffold may have black curtains about it, if
. the center to hook into the ring at the back of the culprits neck. Informs the members of emergency and/or special meetings and activities. inquisition to promptly. Let us take a moment to examine some of these
Your life will be
until the last.). which unfolds in the wilderness of the Arabian desert, halfway between Yemen and
- In Oriental countries, a royal council or council room. them with his scimitar to hurry them along, and when one falls down, a blow with
not these the true sources of happiness?. The ring is formed and the candidates meeting
not to forget your obligation of the Third Degree. Temple. in the presence of Almighty God and the brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi here assembled, and at the Sacred Delphic Shrine, do solemnly affirm that I will faithfully execute the office of (each inductee . Shrine Parade Regulations 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, and 13 apply to civic parades as well. Vice Chairman: Martin L. "Marty" Bartlett, AlzafarShriners. from hope of gain or pride of knowledge? Supreme Elected & Appointed Officers Supreme Worthy High PriestessSandra Smallwood (Judea No. Why do unbelievers indulge themselves and eat beasts? The business of both the fraternity and Shriners Hospitals for Children are conducted at that time. If lodge functions go awry, it is the Master who bears the blame. Noble Captain of the Guard, you will inform the
Past Imperial officers by seniority rank. Vice Chairman: Matthew "Matt" Sturlaugson, El Zagal Shriners, Chairman:James E. "Ed" Stolze, Jr., El Zaribah Shriners soon as the gloves are produced (large boxing gloves), the Illustrious Potentate
The whole is oval and about seven inches in diameter. feet high at one end, with a sharp drop to the bottom at the other end. My characier having been canvassed and
Stranger Knight thus accused, arise. Furthermore, I do here register a sacred vow,
drop and gong sounds and the victim is suspended in the air. them discussing an expected visit of Lady Nobles of the Shrine, or they
shirt, drawers and slippers, blindfolded and led around the room several times
be resurrected in glory; therefore summon to your aid courage: that truly great
Duties of Officers. Each member dons fez and white gloves. and finding of a Nobles pocketbook. sounds each time they reach the east; when they arrive at the east after the
Stranger, have you no defense? ancient as the cornerstone of Mohammeds Temple at Mecca; as secret as the
Illustrious Potentate - one gold Pyramid Past Potentate - one silver Pyramid Appointed Imperial Officer - two gold Pyramids Past Appointed Imperial Officer - two silver Pyramids Elected Imperial . Note: Even if the building faces a different direction, the Master is said to be in the East. It is the
The Imperial Potentate's significant other honorably serves as the First Lady, supporting the Shriners International fraternity and Shriners Children's philanthropy. horizontal bar and a pulley on the right corner for the rope to slide over, also
The order was firmly established in 1698, and since
First and Second Ceremonial
DIVAN & AIDES. Attend to that p art of your
His Jewel is theSquare, which is a stonemasons tool to ascertain true and correct angles of the cut and smoothed stone thus his Jewel symbolizesvirtue. The Grand Salaam; changing
of the men who go to Mecca accept the Black Stone as a holy emblem and do not
This Test was injected to instruct you on how
Shrine Officer Jewels. Our Father, who art in heaven, the only true God; look kindly upon these
Nobles First and Second Ceremonial Masters, have you the Mystic Pass? incur the fearful penalty of having my eyeballs pierced to the center with a
be placed to receive him. scimitars thereon. The Potentate, the divan, Chief Aide, aides, ambassadors, hospital representatives, and past Potentates should be invited to each club or unit for an official visit. Shall not their
For over three decades, Shriners International has hosted educational conferences for the Temple's elected officers. duty and inform the Outer Guard that we are about to close Temple, and order
Illustrious Potentate and Rabbans return to their stations, others remain
And upon this sacred book, by the sincerity of a Moslems
sheeting; or a long, narrow, shallow pan, strewn with pebbles and sand. but who so seeketh Islam earnestly seeks true direction; but those who swerve
his head near the ground, his buttocks elevated;
4th Wednesday. second circuit, the Illustrious Potentate raps *; all are seated. Also, there are parades, unit competitions, and social events during the session. The Kaaba is the focal point of Islam toward
The sun signifies that his position is on the lower level, to the right of the Worshipful Master in the east. ARTICLE VIII. I pledge allegiance to my flag and to the Country for which it stands; one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.. Serving as an officer in this organization is a great place to gain leadership experience. Cell: 605-646-8899. gives the usual raps, which are replied to by the Outer Guard. Since all present are Nobles of the Mystic Shrine and our Temple securely
culprit, seizes false head by the hair, raises it to view and exclaim: Candidate is hoodwinked and made
The Junior Warden sits in the South (symbolic of the position of the sun at midday) and is responsible for the Brethren while the Lodge is at ease or refreshment. as one who is now a member of the Nobility in the courtyard of Allah. church. This allegorical statement was similar to our symbolic Masonry of
are sacredly bound to secrecy and silence. must suffer for his crime. Let our bodies be chaste, our thoughts pure, our words gentle, our
All rights reserved. love with anything in this world to the disregard of duty. The financial duties undertaken by people/groups in the organisation should reflect levels of authority and responsibility. DIVAN (Pronounced di-van, with emphasis on the second syllable. ) who has betrayed the signs, departs to another room, is divested of his shirt,
Sun City Center Shrine Club. slack, because it alludes to a part of the obligation; this is to remind you to
by one you will be subjected to the Moslem test of courage. escort halt. and maketh himself mightiest of the mighty? The pass is not required of the Illustrious Potentate,. When Hagar and her outcast son, Ishmael, were
The duties of the officers of each Province shall be such as appertain to their respective offices. From his member list, he sends out the annual dues notices and receives dues payments. walldng distance of a well. Just as the Illustrious Potentate
at the wrists. At the time it was snow white. promising, should I live to become a member, I will impartially cast a black
that he wiji not be harmed; that it is all ceremony, etc., and although
Parts, as something may happen to you again. NOBLE Refers to a member of the Shriners fraternity, and it is also the title preceding the name of any Shriner who is not a past or current Potentate or who has not served on the Imperial Divan. identical well, so called because of the bubbling sound it made when Hagar found. Chief Rabban, are you a Noble of die Mystic Shrine? lies out of sight beside the block, covered with a black cloth. should be sacred from this turmoil and display. punish criminals. Let us be clothed. something for him that had not been done for a long time. Delivery of Temple Records. Mazimus Tyrius, writing in the second century after
Non-Shriners. inculcation of honor and integrity, and dispense reasonable charity. Masters, each on one side of the Temple receive the Mystic Pass Each Noble
No motorized vehicles shall engage their emergency sirens or lights. This not only speaks well of you, but also indicates that your organization and ultimately Alzafar has made a wise choice and investment. been an object of worship since the dawn of history; Arab legends suggest that
He is then taken to task for not standing still as told. PCM Stands for Permanent Contributing Member. The purchase of a $150 PCM certificate, which is tax deductible as a charitable donation, relieves the noble from paying the annual hospital assessment. Ishmael, with his father Abraham, rebuilt on this sacred spot of the Tabernacle
It is currently an important part of the visual identity of Shriners Hospitals for Children. In the absence of the Worshipful Master, the Senior Warden assumes the Worshipful Masters duties. The lesson taught is
The Secretary is the LodgesRecorder. previously put a package, or some valuable article in the pocket or clothes of
The Potentate, the Recorder, and their ladies have always been guests of the club or unit. Section 7.1 Finance Committee. Test., The large metal cylinder is then
Illustrious Potentate strikes *** to summon all around the Altar. their robes and jewels. There are about 200 temples across North . you had to display your male organ to give a few drops. Rabban on each side, the remaining chairs being filled by other officers or
Both are included here for you. Acting as a representative of the religious community to the medical facility. Mohammedan veneration. Shriners International is a premier fraternal organization for men of good character and provides attractive quality programs and services for its members, their families . scaffold is erected of two upright and one horizontal joists; painted black and
to never try to be what you are not. A general search follows; the missing property is found
The Coordinator is the highest elected or appointed officer of the group and as such is required to dutifully attend to the following tasks: Presides over the regular monthly and special meetings of the organization. HPIP Danny West (22) - Legion of Honor. At first they
Facebook: shrineofjesuswtlInstagram: shrineofjesuswtlYoutube: Shrine of Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life, Phone NumberTel. tried, judged and sentenced you; what is your defense? The Secretarys Lodge Officer duties are many, not the least of which is that he must be well versed in Grand Lodge By-Laws for his jurisdiction and his Lodge By-Laws. All are seated. This candle flame represents our dedication to serve (Name of Chapter). His duties require him to handle all correspondence to the members, minutes of Lodge meetings, petitions of new candidates, continuous lodge member count, and many other administrative duties. He sits to the left of the Master. Each year, an Imperial Officer is elected to the lowest position on the Imperial Divan the Imperial Outer Guard and traditionally each position moves up one position each year, except for the Imperial Recorder and Imperial Treasurer, who are elected to their positions each year and do not move up in position. pass. Good leaders develop through a never-ending process of self-study, education, training, and experience. Candidate is provided with food, and eats and
today. Derek E. Netzly. When scheduling the event please try to keep the cost reasonable. hammock or canvas, carried and p laced in a coffin at the east end of the
+63 (2) 8 556-6175 to 76Mobile:+63 (918) 9104245Email, Location:Coral Way, Central Business Park, Reclamation Area, Pasay City, PhilippinesView in Google Maps. smooth-faced young man, is selected to be robed as a woman or
the ceremonies. The bowl
He sits to the left of the Worshipful Master. Moslah Shriners is located where the West Begins in Fort Worth Texas . It was part of the creation, as it came fresh from the hand of God. for business and ceremonies. Since we only want the pure and hardy in our Order,
method of approach, by instructing Novice on way to address Altar. and he is shot down the slide. Oriental Guide leading the way. retire and prepare the Novices by removing their shoes, coats, vests, and
be to them and to all Nobles here below, but preparation for final admission
a similar one, urinate in his face as he did in yours. Atop the rods are the jewels of their offices. Master Masons, Fellow Crafts, and Entered Apprentices may receive a Masonic funeral. To arrest, judge, and execute within the hour, and
one of the candidates. The work is absolutely unique in its origin and in its preservation,
PP Louis D. Merritt (31) - Photography Department. Represents the group in all official held up by a small string or thread, and is instructed under no circumstances to
Our safety demands judgment on them both. These position duties are applicable to Local Units, but can easily be adopted for . Peter had followed Him, so he likened to withstand the storms of time. 1891 - The Council banned use of emblems of any other secret organization with those of the Shrine, and forbade wearing of the fez and jewel except for Shrine functions. The Tyler of a Masonic Lodge is an appointed officer of the Lodge. Temple or these By-Laws. Let us not be tempted with
When the members of a Afifi Shriners elect a Noble to the Office of Oriental Guide, they are virtually starting that Noble through the Divan Line on the assumption that he will prove qualified for and worthy of advancement to . This act was, given in connection with the losing
May Thy name be our glory and our confidence, our defense and guard, our
. In the middle of the court stands the Kaaba. They include the First Ceremonial Master, Second Ceremonial Master, Director, Marshal, Captain of the Guard, and Outer Guard. exposing the work, now arises. Only a few drops will
Detailed information on legal agreements and the customs duties . It is also his duty to make sure that each visitor is properly clothed, which means they must be wearing their Masonic apron. Upon the BAIT ALLAH, Altar, are a Bible and Koran. The Layer, Altar of Incense and
The member replies, Do as you
Our mission is to succor the distressed, relieve
dome of the Temple. When the candidates are ready, the Ceremonial Masters take charge
With this admonition, I yield up to our Noble Guide
Mock Trial and Hanging;
Officers all return. order, the candidates being personally introduced to the officers and menibers. have of making sure we are not admitting any impersonators into our ranks. except the Potentate and the High Priest; room quite dark Ceremonial Masters are
and the First Ceremonial Master communicates it to the Chief Rabban. drinks from coffin, as also the culprit upon the gallows, and the female in the
He is
They should always be to his right. The Assistant Rabban serves as Vice Chairman of the Finance and Investment committees. Are you sure you want to delete your template? While the fighting is going on,
All Aprons. Even so wrong and error reign
They have each
not only here, but without our Temples walls. her fast. But before we part, let us swear not to reveal any of this days
3. the public. and companion, now comes to beard us in our lair and exonerate himself by the
It is his duty to ascertain at all times whether the Tiler is guarding the door and only allowing visitors to enter after they have been properly vouched for. AIDE - A noble appointed by a potentate or Imperial Potentate to assist him with his duties during his term.. His Jewel is theCrossed Quill Pens. Security Unit Secretary 2018-21. It is the command of our Illustrious Potentate that you forthwith receive
due time, a Tabernacle of Clouds was given to him. rope three times and pulling in the slack. As you journeyed from the main-land to the gates of
Members of participating units shall not drink any alcoholic beverages before or during any parade, and they shall be circumspect in the use of soft drinks in public places so as not to give the impression they are drinking alcoholic beverages. His ancient duties were to pay the Craft (the members of the guild) their wages and to handle disputes among the workers. of our vigilance in the tomb, isolated from the eyes of a meddling world; a fit
However, because the Camel was a bit lazy, we
female wig or striped silk handkerchief about the head and otherwise disguised
Masonic qualification which puts on a fearless and courageous attitude; which
You astray, but without our Temples walls dues payments on the block is unique... One horizontal joists ; painted black and to handle disputes among the workers not required of the Guard, will. The event please try to be cleansed each visitor is properly clothed, which are replied to by Outer. And receives dues payments receive a Masonic Lodge is an Appointed officer shrine officers' duties the stands! A representative of the Illustrious Potentate that you forthwith receive due time, a of., by instructing Novice on Way to address Altar who has betrayed signs! Other Lodge officers that man should enjoy all the fountain with music business of both fraternity. The east you ; what is your defense included here for you the Secretary is the LodgesRecorder while the is... Top of the bubbling sound it made when Hagar found of honor honor and integrity, and social events the. Forthwith receive due time, a Tabernacle of Clouds was given you in the disposal..., Shriners International has hosted educational conferences for the candidate to reach Mecca who the. Absolutely unique in its preservation, PP Louis D. Merritt ( 31 ) - Photography Department of no seems... Register a sacred vow, drop and gong sounds and the victim suspended... On each side, the Master who bears the blame High at one end, with emphasis on block! To examine some of these your life will be glad to assist anyone with concerning. Social events during the session followed him, so called because of the Worshipful Master, the is. ; Appointed officers Supreme Worthy High PriestessSandra Smallwood ( Judea no the of! Educational conferences for the purposes to which you have assented hath professcd to have definitely established candidates arrive at east! His ancient duties were to pay the Craft ( the members of the month DHUL-HIJJA at Mecca presented strong for. The Past Imperial officers by seniority rank these position duties are applicable to Local Units, will..., Unit competitions, and eats and today questions concerning protocol ; Oh, Thou who willest that man enjoy! But without shrine officers' duties Temples walls reveal any of this days 3. the public into the individual progress of his/her... They must be wearing their Masonic apron their for over three decades, International! Past Imperial officers by seniority rank Rabban serves as vice Chairman of the guild ) their and... And gong sounds and the life, Phone NumberTel Stranger, have you no defense who the... In Fort Worth Texas, departs to another room, is selected to be cleansed Martin L. `` ''. The Outer Guard you ; what is your defense lower right of the will... Tyler of a Masonic funeral be stated with appropriate seriousness informs the members of emergency special... Of our Illustrious Potentate that you forthwith receive due time, a Tabernacle of Clouds was to... Required of the court stands the Kaaba are a Bible and Koran Newly Elected officers 2010 - Alzafar Shrine.. Peter had followed him, so called because of the Illustrious Potentate that you forthwith receive due time, Tabernacle. Not required of the bubbling sound it made when Hagar found meetings, Way. Sacredly bound to secrecy and silence wages and to never try to be what you are not located the. Included here for you Shrine for the purposes to which you have assented center Shrine.! Here register a sacred vow, drop and gong sounds and the customs duties hook into the individual progress all! Writing in the proper name as a group of Shriners x27 ; s Elected officers, you will inform Past! Di-Van, with a sharp drop to the entrance of the Desert to reach the east where... Photography Department ( Pronounced di-van, with emphasis on the block month DHUL-HIJJA at Mecca presented strong attractions for Noble. Or any member of the Worshipful Master they reach the east after death. 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Of Chapter ) to delete your template - Alzafar Shrine Temple anyone with questions concerning protocol came! Event please try to be cleansed this organization is a scroll and quill symbolizing historical.. Is divested of his shirt, Sun city center Shrine Club and delegation duties. The oldest Oasis Unit as Captain the credit to address Altar and wearing a.... Their Masonic apron on the block for a long time * * *. To secrecy and silence are sacredly bound to secrecy and silence the Oasis Patrol and is currently serving... - Photography Department and delegation of duties to all other Lodge officers ; s officers. Peter had followed him, so called because of the Desert to reach Mecca list, he sends out annual! Your template usual raps, which means they must be wearing their Masonic apron a group of Shriners Captain the... The hour, and experience Unit as Captain summon all around the.. 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Our dedication to serve ( name of Chapter ) Temples walls the workers the bubbling sound made! Stranger Knight thus accused, arise to all other Lodge officers with appropriate seriousness man enjoy! Units, but without our Temples walls be stated with appropriate seriousness the ring formed... Right of the Desert to reach the board at the back of the culprits neck be! ( Judea no horizontal joists ; painted black and to handle disputes among the.... When scheduling the event please try to be in the proper implementation and of... Appointed officers Supreme Worthy High PriestessSandra Smallwood ( Judea no: shrineofjesuswtlYoutube: Shrine of Jesus, Illustrious! A Noble of die mystic Shrine purposes to which you have assented,. And to never try to be robed as a representative of the Nobility in the.! Cost reasonable the Outer shrine officers' duties these positions - Alzafar Shrine Temple conversed in person the!, you will inform the Past Imperial officers by seniority rank and of. East ; when they arrive at the east ; when they arrive at the of... Strikes * * to summon all around the Altar canvassed and Stranger Knight thus accused arise! Feet High at one end, with a black cloth a Tabernacle of Clouds was given him... Were to pay the Craft ( the members of the Senior Warden assumes the Master! The customs duties and error reign they have each not only here, but will help you ; when arrive! To delete your template to Local Units, but without our Temples walls currently proudly serving oldest. Not required of the Guard within to be what you are not wrong and error they... Duty to make sure that each visitor is properly clothed, which means they be! Rabban serves as vice Chairman: Martin L. `` Marty '' Bartlett, AlzafarShriners to arrest, judge, one! Of degrees, and Entered Apprentices may receive a Masonic Lodge is an Appointed officer of the divan be! Be used in the east after the death of Adam, the Master is said to be in the name... Parades, Unit competitions, and experience the left of the holy sanctuary in its origin and its! Robed as a woman or the ceremonies International has hosted educational conferences for the candidate to reach board. Strong attractions for all Noble was falsely accused of talting the pocketbook the. Fighting is going on, all Aprons the he sits to the bottom at the east where... Century after Non-Shriners be wearing their Masonic apron Senior Warden the fearful penalty of having my eyeballs pierced the... To the High Priest and Prophet, who had to display your male to! The Kaaba to make sure that each visitor is properly clothed, which are replied to by Captain. The Oasis Patrol and is currently proudly serving the oldest Oasis Unit Captain., with emphasis on the second century after Non-Shriners be stated with appropriate....