i am humbled and grateful for the recognition

My goosebumps kept rising as I read your email. Last week I had the opportunity to speak on a panel at San Jose State University. Humbled adjective. #17 I never thought that my boss would recognize or have kind things to say to me because of my [Positive Attitude]. Thank you for the award. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'fospath_com-leader-4','ezslot_14',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fospath_com-leader-4-0');23. Thank you for taking the time to share your appreciation. You have taught me a lot of things. Most individuals look forward to trading in long hours at the workplace for endless days of golfing, vacationing or playing with their grandchildren as they reach the end of their careers. The answer is a little complicated. I Am Humbled - Meaning. I am glad you recognized my efforts. Though I felt a little bit embarrassed due to the shock. 20.) You placed premium treatment on the customer. Related topic: how to appreciate someone for their work. 17.) My team is bent on delivering nothing less than the best. 12. Thank you for giving me a positive and encouraging perspective. 3. Therefore, cultivate the skill of writing a perfect email that will hit the perfect note. Jack Beecher, Human Resources/Office of the Provost. Humbled is when you get posterized in a basketball game doubly so if you actually wind up on a poster with your face in Vince Carters crotch. Youre truly amazing. As a proponent of the old adage, Ken stresses the importance of exposure and mentorship as essential to his career progression. 25. I am grateful. Thank you for being such a constant source of strength, inspiration, and love. I am so grateful for the freedom we all share. I recognize the responsibility I have of redeploying that same leadership & development capital to others helping light the path of their journey as well. Thanks for being a loyalist to our company, and thanks for believing in what we have to offer. I treasure my wonderful teammate. 16. Thanks for seeing me worthy. 95 Gratitude Affirmations to Use Daily. They have the ability to strengthen and motivate. 11am-2pm #29 Thank you for acknowledging my contributions to [State a Project], and for expressing your appreciation. Thank you for recognizing my effort while working on closing this huge deal. #32 Recently, youve expressed appreciation over my dedication to teamwork to tackle the various challenges we face on the job. #7 Thank you for choosing me to be the Employee of the Month. This kind of recognition is as humbling as it is gratifying, and I will treat it like a title belt that needs defending every month through hard work and dedication. Thank you so much for the recognition, I'm grateful everything I've accomplished in this organization is noted and well appreciated. More like a cadre of critics with their own agendas and subjective preferences. Thank you for recognizing it. I appreciate the sincerity of your heart. Never undermine the power of gratitude, it can open any door any day! 3. Therefore, I am appreciative of the results and I value the work I put in on a daily basis. Lists. Your help and support that you showed me while my mother was sick helped beyond all measure. Thank you for the awesome recognition I received today after a few months of working with you. 12. Thank you, my leader (NAME) for the opportunity to join your team, and thank you for choosing me to win this award. 3. I am grateful, Sir. endobj I want to register my sincere appreciation for this raise I just got, Sir. It feels really amazing to be acknowledged and appreciated. Thanks for acknowledging my work. Here is a list of 40 thank you for the recognition messages to let them know that you appreciate their acknowledgment of your hard work. Its a new year, which means the film industry is engaged in awards season and you get to find out which studios campaigned most effectively this fall. Thank you for acknowledging my input on the just concluded project. To say I am meek and undeserving seems to be saying the people who granted to the award are wrong, in other words you're . #carelikefamily #sacrifice. It makes me feel accepted, and I promise to keep giving my best and make you proud of me. We must remember that what we are today or what we have are simply great and that realization drives us to express our genuine feelings of gratitude towards others. Thank you all for the love and support. I appreciate the support you have always given me. It is about putting the needs of others before our own. You are more than a colleague to me. 47. I am blessed and privileged to receive this Papal honor and to be acknowledged in such a special way"- Mrs. Jo- Ann Tabry, Dames of Saint Sylvester "Our Catholic faith is our greatest treasure. Unlike literally, humbled isnt being used as a figurative rhetorical device; at best its just wrong and at worst its a calculated falsehood designed to give the impression that someone is actually quite down to earth. You are always there whenever and wherever. You are truly interested in my progress in life. #40 Thank you for having such an eagle eye for my accomplishments and contributions to the team. Our sales have increased as a result of this. 2. #Holi2023 #carelikefamily, As we bring Black History Month #bhm2023 to a close, Im excited about the upcoming collaboration between our Black Colleague Network and Wellbeing Committee at Regional Medical Center of San Jose. Thanks for helping out with my previous assignment. And there are those who truly believe they arent worthy of the praise they receive. Thank you for the recognition. Your good vibe keeps me healthy. We appreciate your kind and warm welcome. I am greatly humbled. Things like that inspire me to go the extra mile, while at the same time lends a feeling of being appreciated. #21 Thank you for bringing me up at the staff meeting. I love and appreciate your insight into matters. Also, appreciation could bring unsolicited referrals and publicity to your business. 10. Truly honored and grateful for the recognition this week at the 2023 Medline Industries, LP Alternate Site sales meeting. It really means a lot to me. Thank you for recognizing my effort and for this encouraging acknowledgment. 2. Thank you for a job well done. This button displays the currently selected search type. 8. We will be forever grateful to have the opportunity to work for you. Usage errors help drive the evolution of language. Thank you for your Compliment. People have literally just given you a degree of power and control over their lives. 32. <> 2. You dont just lock up when you receive an appreciation note from your boss. I am very" Its incumbent upon me to mentor people across the industry and within our organization to give them space and perspective, adds Ken. Having a boss who appreciates you enough to encourage you and recognize you at work is a privilege, and it must be recognized as one. I am humbled by your public appreciation for my work. Related Post: Appreciating Your Clients/Customers. Even fucking writers do it. I cant forget you easily. I am greatly humbled. Physician Recruiter I Talent Acquisition I HR Professional, Healthcare Strategy and Operations Executive | Business Transformation | Population Health | Value-Based Care | Strategy and Innovation | Technology and Analytics | Collaborative Leader, Yesterday I had the opportunity to experience my first Holi Festival and Color Run hosted at Regional Medical Center of San Jose by our highly engaged and talented Asian Colleague Network! I'm so grateful for all the help and guidance you've provided me over the years. with great deal of respect for you, I accept the offer and express my gratitude for you. I'm humbled and I'm honored. 13. Thank you for the recognition. #27 I appreciate that you take my insights seriously and into consideration. I'm very grateful and I am glad you think I do a good job. So why do people insist on saying theyre humbled? Related Post: Samples Of Official Thank You Notes. Many organizations shower their workers with praise and recognition especially at the end of the year. We assure you of rendering more satisfactory service next term. I'm afraid you're going to have to look these two words up in a dictionary of do a Google search for them. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'fospath_com-leader-2','ezslot_12',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fospath_com-leader-2-0');18. Words have meanings and language isnt an epistemological free-for-all. 5. Striving to serve our Lord has been our honor. At Regional Medical Center of San Jose, we are proud to have a team of talented and dedicated women physicians who are making a difference in the lives of our patients every day. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'fospath_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_7',136,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fospath_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');8. It is really humbling to receive the award in the presence tonight of so many leaders, really giants, of our profession. Thanks for the ideas and insight you shared during the meeting. I'm so excited about this promotion. <> 6. I would like to thank you for recognizing my input to the company over the years and for granting me this opportunity to move onto positions of more responsibility from here on out. You create an inspiring atmosphere for your employee. I feel valued and so grateful. I am so thankful for this opportunity. For that I will always be grateful. Sample 1. (Writing teachers can attest to this.) The event is free to the public. We are challenging others to do better. #4 When an employee is recognized by their boss due to their achievements, it is a wonderful feeling. This will boost your relationship with people. I will not let you down in the future too! I want to use this medium to appreciate you for your sincerity in recognizing my input to the organization and duly appreciating me. #38 By telling me that you recognize the effort that Im putting into the business, I no longer feel like a number, but rather a valued employee and member of the team. Thank you for these beautiful words of recognition. You are a great encouragement to our organization. 9. 11. 7 0 obj Thank you for your understanding. I am grateful for this. #Holi2023, Come to our Color Walk this Saturday, February 25 to celebrate Holi! To our female physicians- We appreciate and celebrate you and the work you do to serve our patients! Are you looking for beautiful words to say thank you for being recognized at work? If youve just been voted in as mayor and youre giving your victory speech, youre not feeling humbled. Your words of appreciation have really been encouraging, and it makes me want to put in more effort. Sometimes, gratitude statements need to move beyond a standard thank you message and explicitly convey appreciation for something a customer has said or done. 1. I appreciate the support I have enjoyed continually from you. 2. But thats also a simplistic position to take on language. Consider this a cameo appearance. It feels so fulfilling that every of your input and effort to the companys success will never go unnoticed. I see it as great respect to stand beside you to receive the award. Thank you, thank you, thank you. This means a lot to me. Related topic: appreciation for being part of a team. Long story short, people still arent saying what they mean . The speaker was just mad at Becky. Grammar snobbery, and in particular correcting people, is a way to be strategically obtuse, shut down a conversation, and maintain a power dynamic. #30 Closing this deal was as important for me and the growth of my career as it was for the growth of the company. I want to appreciate the correction you gave me yesterday. Dear boss, you are one in a million. While these were some basic tips on writing a good award speech, here are two samples that will give you an idea about giving an excellent speech. It means a lot to me to be acknowledged by you in front of my peers. Today is National Women Physicians Day, and I want to take a moment to thank all the incredible women physicians at Regional Medical Center of San Jose and across the world. This will help you know where to improve. 3. 9. You Can Politely Ask For Specific Feedback: If you were recognized for a job well without stating the specific input, you may humbly ask your boss to give a more detailed review and tell you which of your activities was so impressive. (In fact, theyre so down to earth, they wont even acknowledge the issues are more complex than a Manichean struggle between freedom and oppression.) 11 0 obj I give my wholehearted thanks. It is a great compliment to receive praise from you as a boss. 37. Its overstatement. I live in a state of gratitude and I am always thankful for the help and support of others who have helped me along the way. %PDF-1.5 As long as you invite me, I look forward to being with you.". People thrive in an environment where they are appreciated and valued. Politicians do it. fwj_e\MTK!,H'+`?ifY[]c:W4$e_$Xkh.8.@7J-aQ3;XX$:n3njoTp w{V?3sjK[vg;W#w\=5%E4&-Qa kl^dg/ )"l]].OVBBhVic\ Glad I could be of help. 5i*Z]Hj_S1MNTzFm-STrQ;% 2:j}8"[WFnHzwjzIoX4X[3;+2Bd[b4BoZ?c3 In fact, theyre counting on you to know what they mean.. Both the speaker and the audience know that the speaker didnt actually want to kill Becky. Thank you so much for always motivating us with your appreciation of our unique and diverse inputs in the pursuit of our common goals. Thank you for showing us how to live as a winner in life, and to success in spite of challenges. Top I Am Honored And Humbled Quotes. Thank you for expressing how much you recognize my effort in the organization. The support and full participation you gave towards the success of the project is worth emulating. So proud of the engagement of our team for such a great cause. 4 0 obj It is truly an honor to be worthy of this title. We accept these awards with deep humility and thanks" - Mr. Joseph Armaturo, Thank you so much for this recognition, I promise to keep improving myself on this job to even achieve greater feats. Though it came unexpectedly, I am using this medium to say a very big thank you to all that made this possible. Synonyms for THANKFUL: pleased, glad, delighted, happy, satisfied, thrilled, joyful, joyous; Antonyms of THANKFUL: sad, unhappy, displeased, dissatisfied, unsatisfied . 4. I admire your dedication and diligence in work. #11 Thank you so much for recognizing the work that went into meeting the deadline on my project. I didn't expect to be included as I am less than six months old with your team, so, thank you for your consideration. #15 Thank you for your recognition and kind words about my work ethic. I never knew you would appreciate and recognize them. In turn, his advocates have helped him build professional relationships and find new opportunities to advance his career. Thank you for this constant encouragement. They had humbled and utterly defeated their foreign lord. 29 other terms for i am humbled- words and phrases with similar meaning. Its human, its honest, its grateful it is, in a word, humble, not in spite of his exuberance but because of it. From his experiences as a college student to his current seat in Regional Medical Centers C-suite, Ken places significance on being visible and gaining exposure with executive mentors. The experience I have gained in these few years is worthwhile. 6. I appreciate those kind words you said to me today, Sir. endobj You place a premium on your employees. #12 I didnt realize that you knew I had accomplished the [State your Goal]. You do not only talk, you act it. 12. 15. d9_$n{,84p\[M;fxSli3lKv5xu3.g%pVJW_glw0t.3^ 48z)R`L. 4. You are a wonderful colleague. #8 Thank you for recognizing my hard work when I was organizing the company event last week. 8. God. 6. Well, not the public exactly. Thank you for showing us how to live as a winner in life, and to success in spite of challenges. 8. I am grateful. It's a great way for our colleagues to sign up and learn about upcoming opportunities in the community. This morning I reflected on a quote from one of my favorite scholars and fraternity brother Dr. Cornel West where he posits, You cant lead the people if you dont love the people. Here are the 40 most important Bible scriptures on being humble. 14. I knew my hard work would not go unappreciated, and you have proven exactly that. Sometimes, when people put in their best at something, the least we can do to reward them is give them a pat on the back, and say well done. The positive vibes with which you work will constantly attract the right men to you. #3 I would like to thank you for letting me know of your appreciation for my performance. We appreciate the patience you exercised when the consignment was delayed. Thanks for standing by me and encouraging me. I am deeply grateful for my leaders and mentors, as they have supported my passion to develop data science | 40 comments on LinkedIn They keep you going even when you dont seem like it. I was there is person for this interview but I still get chills when I watch the playback. The problem of course is that being grouped in with luminaries is still probably not in itself humbling. The use of the word humbled has become de rigeur when receiving honors and it isnt just a Hollywood thing. I am honored and humbled by this recognition from Illinois Legal Aid Online there is forward movement, but still so much work to be done! On the surface, what people mean when they say theyre humbled to win something is actually that theyre honored. This promotion is never taken for granted, and I am so grateful that my long-time effort and input are being appreciated today. Im always motivated every day I see you at work. 19.) You have challenged me to even do more. Thank you so much, Im grateful. stream The first line should state why you are writing the . When recognized for your achievement, it is thoughtful of you to appreciate such recognition. Congrats. You never fail to recognize them. Women physicians have been a vital part of the medical field for centuries, and their contributions have been invaluable. Thanks for choosing me as the best employee of the year. Here you have a good number of them on this page! 38. Thank you for believing in us and entrusting your kids in our care. Thank you so much, boss, for being the best leader. I appreciate your timely intervention. Thanks for showing sincere interest in my success. 50. #36 This promotion is not taken without gratitude. Under our Leadership Advancement Council Speaker Series, next Monday at 12:30pm PST we look forward to an insightful dialogue from coach, speaker, and trainer Sheyna James on the topic of Leading Through Crisis. The first explanation: its a straight-up usage error. Thank you veterans for your courage and for putting your country first. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 13 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 1>> 2 0 obj 10 0 obj This is a great honor bestowed on me. i feel very honoured. Honored to be a part of your network. Here's what "humble" actually means, according to trusty, old Merriam-Webster online: "not proud or haughty," "reflecting, expressing, or offered in a spirit of deference or submission . Accept my heartfelt gratitude for this recognition. 22. You brought out the best in me by exposing me to responsibilities that stretch me beyond my ability. 5. Seek feedback from others on a regular basis. endobj <> Personality. One of the greatest motivations in life is the result, next to it is knowing that someone sees the effort you are putting in to get the result and they appreciate it. #23 When you brought me up during the staff meeting and mentioned my accomplishments, I was taken aback, to say the least. Pingback: Appreciation Staff Quotes - matchlesslife.com, Your email address will not be published. 3. Bring healing artwork to your space today. E(T|;i0J4ts5(- *n151#mO Gratitude has been found to be beneficially associated with social wellbeing, emotional wellbeing, and psychological wellbeing (Jans-Beken et al., 2020). When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. You have the best staff. An organization that cares for some of the most vulnerable patients across Northern California and one that serves a richly diverse group of colleagues (80% persons of color) and leaders (65% persons of color). Thank you so much for recognizing my achievements and appreciating them. I am thankful for the opportunity to work with many different personalities. thank you for your Compliment!! I am grateful my efforts are recognized and appreciated. After receiving an award, You should endeavor to send a note of thank you for the award and recognition. #1 Thank you for remembering the anniversary of [my hire date], and for recognizing the things that Ive accomplished here since. Thank you. <> When someone says the are humbled in this context, they essentially mean that the recognition is a reminder that the accomplishment was in large part a result of other people or fortunate circumstances. -1 Likes, 85 Comments - @lovelyl.fit on Instagram: "Feeling very blessed, grateful & humbled for the endless love & continued support. #15 Thank you for your recognition and kind words about my work ethic. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. Im so happy we were able to highlight you and your career pathway! I look forward to more business partnerships. You wont be getting a royalty check anytime soon and youll never be invited to the afterparty, but youre practically one of the crew! Politicians spend serious cash on consultants who turn them into the candidates you want to have a beer with because they dont talk fancy and dont rely on book learning to tell them about complex issues. Wow. #33 Thank you so much for recognizing my hard work and talents in the process of announcing me as the employee of the year. I was pleased with the outcome as well.". Sometimes all it takes to express your gratitude properly is to show you understand what their help has done for the project or . (Verbing happens.) Log in. For every Shakespeare, Milton, or tech writer coining timeless neologisms, there are thousands of people who just plain think nonplussed means unimpressed. (It doesnt.) % I want to use this medium to appreciate you for choosing our product for the companys event. An award is almost a typical thing in a competition. From the first female doctor in the United States, Elizabeth Blackwell, to the first female surgeon, Mary Edwards Walker, to the first female Nobel Prize winner in medicine, Gerty Cori, women have been making history in the medical field since the beginning. Being recognized and appreciated at work is not a reward that comes to the lazy, but to those that truly deserve it. 54. I became aware of how lucky I am to have especially when friends start sharing stories of their difficult bosses. 33. My special thanks goes to the Korean War Veterans whose service has been under appreciated for years. When thanking someone for several things, you want to be sure to vary the words you use to show your appreciation. I will continue to do my best and hope to attain even greater accomplishments for myself and for the company. I have achieved this just because of your guide and help. I feel like you have paid high to the efforts I made through your open and bold appreciation of my work. The world is full of wonderful things like you! 3. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'fospath_com-leader-1','ezslot_11',111,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fospath_com-leader-1-0');11. Im short of words. I appreciate the fact that I am a valued member of the team, and I promise to do all I can to meet up to this standard. Stacking your accomplishments up against the greats may humble you, but being told youre one of them should not. Just being normal folks sells. It was nice working with you, thank you for giving your best. 14. Not proud or not believing that you are important. Thank you for recognizing my successes. Please take a moment to pin this post to Pinterest. send our content editing team a message here, 50 Ways to Say Thank You for Thanksgiving Dinner, The 50 Most Asked School Counselor Interview Questions with Answers, 50 Most Asked Nursing Interview Questions with Answers, 20 Best Answers to Why Do You Want to Leave Your Current Job, 10 Best Answers to Why Do You Want to Be a Manager, 11 Best Answers to What Does Leadership Mean to You Interview Question, 50 Most Asked Front Desk Interview Questions with Answers, 10 Best Ways to Answer Sell Me This Pen in an Interview, 10 Most Asked Integrity Interview Questions with Answers, 25 Most Asked Confidentiality Interview Questions with Answers, 50 Most Asked Phone Interview Questions with Answers, 10 Best Answers to What Are Your Interests and Hobbies. You can attach one of these thank you mail to the product sent to your client. 7. That said, theres no escaping the fluidity of language and we all use words everyday that dont mean what they used to mean. You can appreciate the weight of the responsibility. https://lnkd.in/g4apaDGR I feel so blessed to be working with this great organization. stream Show them your thanks with your own act of kindness. Therefore, we too should have, Read More 120 Samples of Nice Things To Say About Someone Personality, Look or Appearance To Make Them SmileContinue, Gratitude is the quality of being thankful. 24. I couldnt be more proud of the work of these three entities within our organization. Happy to be part of | 44 comments on LinkedIn 3. For example: I appreciate your loyalty to Company X over the past two years. We are also grateful for the women physicians around the world who are working tirelessly to improve the health of their communities. But not humbling. Thank you for trusting me with the project despite my lack of experience. It was defining moment for me. It is ideal to express your gratitude and joy to those who made it possible for you all through. You took me like a sister. I appreciate how kind you are. You must consistently practice it until it becomes part of you. Youre a leader with a difference. "I am humbled to receive this award" Drives me up the wall. It is indeed a big one. I appreciate the warm reception given to me. 7. I am extremely honored to be receiving such an important award (mention the name of the award). Musicians do it. I appreciate your tolerance and understanding. . 19. 9. Im humbled and grateful for the recognition by my organization HCA Healthcare. . if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'fospath_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fospath_com-medrectangle-4-0');These few tips on how to say thank you for recognition at work will surely be useful to help you through the process, check them out. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'fospath_com-leader-3','ezslot_13',617,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fospath_com-leader-3-0');21. State why you are one in a million there is person for this interview but I get! 29 thank you Notes I felt a little bit embarrassed due to the Korean War veterans whose has. Are important this just because of your appreciation dont just lock up when you receive an appreciation note your! When the consignment was delayed is thoughtful of you to all that made this possible take on language here the. 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