sagemcom f@st 5366 tn specifications

Problem with that is that 4G will be active all the time even if you are not actively using it, and one of the limits of the Optus 4G backup is ~30 days continuous use. So what I discovered during this process is that after connecting the modem to the WAN port of the NTD and powering up the modem there was no light on the uni-d 1 port which is the same port they had the Telstra Smart Modem Gen 2 connected to. Does Netflix keep lagging? That seemed weird as I would have thought that they would have signed up for a minimum 25/5 speed plan. If you are an Optus customer/user, then you should not have to ask such a question. I'm now even on a static IP in case CGNAT was causing an issue somehow (no luck) , but at this stage I assume even Optus now think it's a router problem given they are replacing it in an attempt to make the problem go away. Totally legal within this country and will never be changed for the future. Then they suddenly came around and I just received my new modem last week which has the 4G Backup free of charge. You would need to sign up for another 3 years to get a new modem. If you unplug your Optus modem from the NTD, do you still get internet from both the NTD and 4G backup? Currently seems to go back the day I first set it up. Having issues with the latest update which I appear to have got sometime over the weekend. Here is the spec: Antennas: 44 5GHz and 33 2.4GHz. I am on an older $90 100/40 NBN optus plan which I do not want to leave. . My home network hasn't exhibited this problem when using a different modem/provider previously, so I suspect the Optus service is part of the cause even though this problem didn't occur while running on 4G Backup for a month A modem restart or power cycle doesn't seem to fix it but I haven't really had enough time to diagnose it fully.. . Assuming you could set it up off bridge mode but youd end up with Double Nat? Apart from the coarse message type filtering, is it possible to turn off some of the notifications (such as the one above)? Not sure what wan bypass is? Utilised other old modems that we had to keep the offices running. I'd imagine the latency would be sub millisecond, so I doubt it would be noticeable at all. Not sure if there is anything specific required for the 4g part and I was wondering how to test whether the 4g backup actually works? Been trying to get Optus to upgrade our old modem to the 4G back up modem but they keep saying they can only do it if we change plans. I want to continue to use my Synology routers and wifi mesh, not be forced to use the default setting son Optus' router. We have 14-20 devices connected at any time and there is no buffering. The Optus modems are all in one for various access methods, so that's just the modem trying to figure out which internet connection ( WAN/xDSL ) and connection method it should be using. Would this set-up work with this modem? 2 x FXS. How do you update the modem, I'd like to do mine as well. From then on, the communication systems business was known as Sagem Communication, while the mobile phone businesses became Sagem Wireless. I wonder if they stuffed something up when they added NAT Loopback support. 100mbs, unlimited downloads. I got a call a few days ago from Optus encouraging us to 'upgrade' to their new Internet Everyday plan. There are definitely restrictions, but I can't remember what they are. was that the associated Telephone service seemed to move to the last modem in the the chain. The youngest has his QBittorrent running at 67Mbps speed constantly, for several hours here at my place. Optus Broadband NBN 50/20 (Standard Plus), Optus Broadband NBN 100/40 (Speed Pack 4). Optus is only there for the phone. Download files and build them with your 3D printer, laser cutter, or CNC. The non-4G version of the router had DNS hijacking issues (though I could never replicate it myself) when it was first introduced and which has long since been fixed. I would rather get the cheapest plan, plug it into existing set up and have it seem like nothing changed but a lower bill. Received the 5366-LTE-A over a month ago and have limped along using the 4G backup service since then, while NBN sorted out a signal issue on the HFC service (dodgy equipment and connections in the street pit, due to the original installation use overhead taps in the street pits which have spent a lot of time waterlogged lately, with the added issue of highly acid sulphate sandy soil in the area. Note a. Device Guides Sagemcom Gateway F@ST 3864 Mac OS Sierra Windows 10 Change device Search in Sagemcom Gateway F@ST 3864 Popular topics Guide to the modem settings menu Restore factory default settings Set up port forwarding Establish a connection to the modem settings menu How to Troubleshoot Specs How to Guide to the modem settings menu On an Optus pop up about the router it states: Some services or service features may not work while the Optus Ultra WiFi Modem is using the mobile backup pathway. Seems to be interfering with my ability to connect to my work vpn. and configure the device. Has anyone used the sim on the modem provided on a portable Optus wifi modem like one below? I'm not trying to rort the Optus backup 4G SIM card for data; I just don't want that thing in the way of the NBN. This is what is known as supplied service tied to ONE company only. So what plan are you actually on, and which Optus modem do you have? Reported findings to Optus & awaiting further feedback. So somehow this locked down POS modem is throttling my uploads. Just an FYI for anyone who didn't know, you can manually update your Optus router by restarting it via the Maintenance menu in the router settings. Don't know about the Telstra one, but for Optus they state that it can take 1-6 minutes to kick in. No premium speed here :(. Any chance you can try other network sim? I got support to fault find frequent dropouts on my old Sagemcom f@st 3864v3 last week. Then find network settings. Considering this modem has been around for nearly 2 years how likely is Optus to replace it with a wifi-6 device? Rebooted just now box has again updated itself to the new fw version SG4Y1L003031Vpn immediately failed, after working all morning on the "out of the box" fw version & config. Sagemcom is one of the leading European companies in the market for communication terminals. Make staying at home more enjoyable with these products and tips. Not AFAIK. 4G should kick in. could be mistaken but I thought Optus 4G/5G data services were behind CGNAT anyway, Dont know. 4G works perfectly for days when out of service. Did you look at the most detailed log, the DEBUG level? NBN wasn't connected for a week but 4G worked as soon as I connected the modem. Its still working well for the bulk of users, but there are more cases popping up as the rollout progresses. Much like what Telstra has been doing for years. The modem is easy to set up for simple networking. Trending price is based on prices over last 90 days. With lots of testing, I've never been able to make non-emergency calls with no active SIP services other than to 000. 2. Today, wanted to do some speed checks so I went into the internet connectivity settings and turned off the LTE backup option. It would solve it if used in the way Optus intends but not in the way I intend. Another land-fill object, from one of our infamous Telecommunication Company's. Hi, Sorry if this has been asked! Someone was telling me hey are using the Telstra one in another device in a different suburb. Optus Router Sagemcom 5366 TN BLACK with WiFi for NBN FTTN ADS. Tracing route to over a maximum of . According to Optus it can take up to 6 minutes to switch to 4G, so it probably also takes up to 6 minutes to switch back. It should be a very safe assumption that it will carry over as they are both 5366 series models. I could be mistaken but I thought Optus 4G/5G data services were behind CGNAT anyway, so the problem would still be there if you needed a public Internet IP address. Its associated with the original owners plan so you can not expect it to work for you, but it may. As far as I know neither models currently suffer from DNS hijacking. Asked Optus to provide a NUC (network unlock code)ETA is 10 days. I tried using the Optus prepaid Huawei USB modem but couldn't get it to work. Before that, my new 5366 was working like a dial up, crippled version. Cheers! Just out of curiosity here, saw the Modem flash, so automatically I presume that new firmware has been updated to SG4Y1L003053. Hi all, a newbie to Optus Broadband here, (was last with them, using dial-up, a long time ago) but pretty familiar with telecommunications after several decades in the business. Little frustrating that the only way I could get "access to these tech's is by twitter, but when I tried heading down that route by talking to their customer support team I got blocked at every turn. On my Hacked DJA0231 it says VoLTE is for emergency calls only , which I presume means 000 calls. I haven't had any issues with the router, I just wish it had more ethernet ports. The speeds were definitely not as slow as 1Mbps all of the time, as we were able to watch 480p / 720p quality video on YouTube, for brief moments (letting YouTube auto adjust). Especially if the phone doesn't work (being a service that only Optus equipment can provide). Can anyone recommend one?, That should work. is the SIM locked to the original owners account. I am tempted to get this. Currently seems to go back the day I first set it up.2. Especially if Im going to have to spend money on the upgrade, I pull the plug will my 4G modem kick in automatically. what is the point of calling it ultra and no wifi 6 in this modem. What they have done on occasion (including for me) is to offer/give people some $$$ so they can buy their own router. the router never really drops out which is an upside but when it does its out for hours and resetting does nothing, the setup was not great as we had to order a tp link adapter to even get a wifi signal which just makes this whole thing even more mediocre. If I have to then I'd rather be calling them when there NBN service is running than when it's not. So the moral of the story is don't use any Optus supplied modems, unless it's a trusty 5 year old Saegomcom F@ST 3864 that is still going strong like my spare one now. Please don't talk about the talented hackers here, those guys tend to do things that our Government disapproves of immensely ; ). Access your modem configuration page by entering its default gateway in the address bar of your internet browser. Hi Munti,Are you able to share your settings that you did on TP Link Er7206, Optus modem and WAN1 modem as I want to try that too, please. Otherwise, reboot will check for update as part of this process. Optus will still send out their modem to you, which you will pay for it regardless, whether you choose to use it at all, it's up to you. I think I'll save my money. Can I put a VPN on sagecom f@st 5260, and how to do it? I have been waiting 3 days for their case Manager .All in all there service isappalling. So far so good. AU $30.00 0 bids 1d 13h +AU $15.00 postage. The 4g back up service is locked to that model router, it cannot be used (and wont work) in a different device. These 3 lines were added to the debug logs;2022 01 25 5:31:39 Info SYS The path (Device/Cellular/Interfaces/Interface[@uid='1']/PreferredAccessTechnology) has been changed by (optus)2022 01 25 5:31:39 Info SYS The path (Device/Managers/CellularApn/UserAPN) has been changed by (optus)2022 01 25 5:31:39 Info SYS The path (Device/Cellular/Interfaces/Interface[Alias='LTE_MODEM']/Enable) has been changed by (optus). ABB have great support but they can't do much if the NBN infrastructure is bad. so I just reset it again, and reconfigured the wifi, etc manually. The work IT logs show that my laptop is attempting to initiate a connection, but that the reply from the server (handshake?) It is now all documented here: But that still wouldn't solve the ~30 concurrent days problem. Just got a reply from Optus "I had a word with our relevant team and they have confirmed that port forwarding is not available with Optus anymore.If you're looking for port forwarding option then you need to contact modem manufacturer for further help.". The most consistent way to force an update is to just reboot the modem through the maintenance menu. Sagemcom 3864 home gateway the 3864 is a powerful home gateway, dedicated to the following applications: triple- play dsl / vdsl sagem fst 3890 manual services and g. Ouch, thats not good news.Did you check speeds on Optus sim? They received the Optus Sagemcom f@st 5366 lte and were advised by the sales rep that all they had to do was plug the modem in and it should work right out of the box (yeah right). Experiencing the same issues with VPN with a client of mine. Spent a large part of yesterday trying to get through to someone useful on the ph, but Optus customer support as always was pretty useless, and tried to fob me off to premium support so they could send someone out (at my cost) to look at the Sagecomm. All information is without guarantee. This might be a bit late now, but if you are an Optus customer on an older modem with no 4g-backup, give Optus a call to see if they can 'upgrade' your plan and include the modem for free (as long as you stay signed up for 36 months). Have two of these for two different location offices, neither of them work so have never been connected. In Home you can see if you have an. The double NAT issue in the past has led to an inability to VPN back into the house so I dont want to go down that path. Just found out you can not Port Forward this device at all. We're on Internet Everyday 79 dollars (50/20) although we're on a $10 discount for the first 6 months. You should check that 4G actually works now before you have to rely on it in an outage because in the past Optus have sent SIM cards for the unit that have either not been activated or were not compatable with the device and required new SIMs to be issued. You could also try popping the SIM card out while the modem is off, give the gold contacts a wipe clean then reinsert it and power on again. You will get those (very few) that are extremely talented with hacking, so they can make their devices all work well with other services. Any help would be much appreciated. . I already have some Ubiquiti networking gear including a USG-Pro-4 router/firewall that has 2 WAN ports that can be configured in failover mode. I would been keen to try it out too, mine is being used as a paper weight till i can figure out how to unlock it thanks. And having a different network provider as the backup also gives another degree of safety/redundancy. Thanks. Absolutely no issues for my FTTC connection. Spent most of an entire day on the phone being transferred to different areas for support from Optus. If that doesn't work then the firmware is most likely in the middle of a staggered roll-out (they update about 20,000 units per day during that phase), so it might be days or weeks before a user initiated forced update will work. Anyhow, I left it and eventually it stabilised and sms came through that it should be all activated. I was wondering how to test whether the 4g backup actually works? At least you got yourself a free spare modem. Max sync? If it works its pure luck as it should be linked to account account. That's good news. Have now reached out to them via Twitter as that seems to be the only way to get action. would like to know if its truely unlock before giving it a try. There are no known hacks for the 5366 series. So I'm not sure why the download was slower than upload.*. As @wsks wrote, the modem doesn't support non Optus sim card.Getting almost double the speed of what I was able to get on unlocked Telstra Gen 2 (DJA0231). The Optus Ultra WiFi modem (a.k.a. So, a few pages back, I was wondering whether I would be able to use the new Optus modem/router device with 4G back up, but using a UniFi router to switch to the failover instead of using the built-in Optus method. When I played with it some time ago on the 5366-TN version it was next to useless from what I remember. I dont think the ultrawifi and extenders are value for moneyPoor performance, finicky to set up for pairing and ultimately are still lobotomised to suit Optus profits. The router will reboot, connect, then reboot itself again to patch an update. so even though its pretty locked down it is still useful, it would be nice if I could configure the VOIP on it though. Are they for the 4G or the Wifi. Once you get the modem, It's up to you to upgrade the firmware through their service. Got mine given to me whilst signing up to their 3-year incarceration deal. I couldn't see any options at all really. Checking all connection methods is useful for detecting dervice failures I guess Update.. all the additional log records have stopped happening which is good. This is used to activate my hot water, alarm and Garage door systems. I'm pretty sure the new device had never been plugged in. Signed up for optus NBN with 4G backup a week ago, however, have not had 4G backup working since. Still not resolved, have given up. Still pricey but definitely a desirable feature. Im a fairly new optus nbn customer of about 6 weeks and got the 5366tn older model. Their intent is to mitigate the impact of an outage to the customer. We independently review and compare Sagemcom F@ST 3864V3 OP (Optus) against 28 other nbn modem-router products from 11 brands to help you choose the best. No premium speed here :(. Wi-Fi signal is good but the bandsterring seems to have some issues unlike other modems. I know telstra give the 4G backup one to any customer now. All I could find at a very brief inspection was a screen that reported 60/20. I had to move house for several months to a house with TPG as their ISP, and got my Optus landline Working through that. When in 4G mode the Network and signal strength lights should be lit. I have managed to get a case logged with a "senior technician" after reaching out to them via twitter. Completely happy with that. i.e. Optus seem to stuff up the billing every time something changes. Telstra and several other providers are already doing this. im over sending my cash to the Singaporean Govt, if I could give negative s, I would! This uses an array of antennas to optimise the . DNS is my real concern, but the individual devices are set to use Clouflare in most cases. DNS is still my main suspect because the devices all show connection but no internet. That combined with the lag before the modem has deemed that the NBN connection is down, makes it far from ideal. Why would it change when it could just keep working how it is? Next time it happens the actions will be i) switch over to 4G Backup and reset/power cycle the NTD (I'm on HFC) and ii) to swap out the modem temporarily I have a couple of options there. Or it could be just luck. I just plug the media in the USB and watch movies on my Smart TV. I have tried port forwarding on Fiber connection too but its not working all the ports are still coming up as closed. Have tried using a number of usb sticks with a Type C Male to USB 3.0 A Female Converter USB-C Data OTG Adapter with no success. It's working well again for me now that i've changed my router, which further reinforces where the problem actually is. Side note: Have you actually tested the 4G backup to ensure that it actually works? I'd be happy If I could at least put it in bridge mode and let my R7000 do the routing and handle my VPN connection into my home LAN when I'm out. So I might just stick with what is working. Old Software: SG4Y1L002039 GUI Version: 4.103.1New Software: SG4Y1L003031 GUI Version: 4.124.2. Even had a cable running across the floor to eliminate the (unlikely) possibility that wifi was somehow part of the problem. Then makes it more annoying to set up port forward and port triggering? PS. people don't even think about it. I've noticed the actual SIM card doesn't fully insert, it sticks out slightly, i try to push it right in but it doesn't go any further, i'm guessing that is how it is supposed to sit in the slot. 2. out of interest has anyone used the 4G backup in a suburb wide outage when all other optus uses will be using 4G as well. A user manual shows you all important operating steps and the correct handling of the product.All useful information published in a user manual should be easy to read so that you can understand all technical operating instructions.Please follow the instructions in your user manual as well as the operating conditions and safety instructions to ensure that the product functions properly and remains usable for a long time.Only use the manufacturer's operating instructions. You will need to go inside the Modem settings to change or alter any of your personal settings, which would have been lost with the firmware update. As all 3 lights were blue on the nbn box I thought it was strange so changed the Ethernet cable and it switched back to nbn, will have to monitor the situation. I'm already with optus now, just moving my plan from 50mbps to 100mbps but they said i to get the new modem. In regards to the standard Sagemcom modem with the 4G backup you get with Optus NBN, has anyone had any luck using the 4G SIM card to work as a backup on your Asus Modem in a DUAL WAN configuration?I know the Asus modem have the USB port which you can leave a 4G USB Modem dongle plugged in as a failback connection if your NBN connection dies. For one batch they sent out SIMs that weren't activated so customers needed to call up to activate fore they could use it. I am hoping the 12 mbps limit is only on the supplied Optus SIM card with nbn. Of course there are no settings I can change to fix this that I can see. Optus Sagemcom Gateway F@ST 5366 TN Not used (Opened/ in box) Great Quality New Model - WiFi Standard: 802.11b/g/n 802.11ac 4x4 MIMO - USB Ports: 1 - Phone Ports: 2 x FXS - Frequency bands: Dual band 2.4Ghz & 5Ghz - Dimensions: 200 x 120 x 120 mm - Lan Speed: 10/100/1000Mbps - Weight: 600 g - LAN ports: 4 Including: Power Cable WAN LAN DSL Find Even though you have the LTE version I think that thread has a better chance of getting useful feedback/discussion. That's right but you can still use it in a multi-wan configuration, bridged VDSL and one extra router hop for 4G. Like the 5366-TN (which I have), if you factory reset the 5366-LTE it should get the VoIP details of the Optus NBN connection it is plugged into and not of the person the device was originally sold to. Nice! Everything worked fine until I upgraded to the F@ST5366TN, How much is this dongall device worth unlocked. Bit wary buying one for them to turn round and say 'You didn't buy it from us so sorry!'. Thanks in advance. Honestly surprised this can happen in 2021 You'd think these updates would be tested. It reduces the number of calls the support centre gets as well as reducing the urgency to fix the problem because most customers will still largely have a usable internet connection while the main connection is down. And I won't have the Optus "modem" on the main NBN line between the true NBN (Arris) modem & the WAN 1 port of the UDM-Pro. How else can Optus make profit by giving away their modems for FREE ; ). So, that could be a small win? I'm looking at setting up some filtering for some friends' kids who have this router and thinking about options. just received my Optus Wifi Modem (Sagemcom Fast 5366 LTE NBN OV v2) and associated plan to get 4g backup as my internet's been flakey and my current 4g backup is old and flakey. Logging into optus/password revealed oh so basic set up screens. Phone ports. You can search by product category. I just today ordered the modem for a connection to Optus (fttn). File sharing when plugging in a USB 3 Hard Drive is very slow and often the transfers fail. Something went wrong. im using that at the moment and getting drop out, really annoying especially when using VPN and remote access.Was hoping the optus modem would be more stable. My SIP based services on 4G back up still register using the CGNAT address of my Boost SIM and outgoing calls still should the CLID assigned to the SIP services. They are suggesting several weeks before a fix is released. Have been using this 5366 LTE model for near a week now, thus far very happy with it's speed and reliability. what is the manufacture of this modem ? The documentation they provide doesn't mention it at all. For us, we tried to bargain for the 4G-backup model when we first signed up with Optus NBN, but they refused to send one for free. The field is editable, but not sure if it takes effect. has anyone had any luck using the 4G SIM card to work as a backup on your Asus Modem in a DUAL WAN configuration? Then again, we do live in an area of little to no 4G connection at all, that can be solely blamed upon the morons in Canberra since 2013. My area has frequent dropouts for about 5 minutes each. There is no option to disable the firewall on the router. Looking at switching to a newer plan, may not. Interestingly Sagemcom don't even list this model on their AU, UK or US. A point of interest here is that the WiFi supports a technology called Beamforming. I have no idea how many people use Optus overall. charged for this latest 4G Modem. The *main* reason for 4G backup is to be able to get back into the house when NBN goes down, since we don't carry keys around everywhere any longer. Traceroute: C:UsersDonna>tracert Sagemcom Fast 5366 TN setup guide FTTP, HFC and FTTC users should use the Ethernet cable; connect one RJ45 connector of the cable to the red WAN port on the Sagemcom Fast 5366 TN and the other end to the UNI-D1 (FTTP and HFC) or Gateway (FTTC) port on your NBN modem. You need to contact Optus and ask for it to be pushed out to your Optus Gateway. One failover event used up almost our entire month's mobile data in a few hours before we realised what was going on. Got instant connection on my 5366 LTE with 4G Service. I dont think would work with a double NAT situation. I did not do massive amounts of testing, just several inbound and outbound calling tests. Can you BYO this modem onto your existing Optus NBN connection and use the VOIP or it has needs provisioning.Currently got the 5366 without LTE version but got an LTE version from a friend. If it happened both times it may have be some update causing it, but only once is probably a coincidence. I mean the time it takes to kick in after my wired service has an outage. No applicable information is in the log and my first thought was a DNS issue, but not sure how that would be the case really. Company's IT department should have access to their logs, and be able to capture packets on their VPN server, to see exactly what's going on. The information and tips on this website have been carefully researched. Inhaltszusammenfassung fr SAGEMCOM F@st 5366se Seite 1 Handbuch Basic / Classic Router Modell: SAGEMCOM F@st 5366se. Just need the SIM card. I'd expect that as Telstra have moved to native IPv6 on their mobile network you wouldn't have those issues. I suggest posting to the main 5366 TN thread on yescrowd. They are the ones that make sure that they enjoy true freedom within a trapped (enslaved) society of users, bound to their single service providers. item 5 Optus Sagemcom Gateway F@st (Fast) 5366 TN Wi-Fi Modem Router Optus Sagemcom Gateway F@st (Fast) 5366 TN Wi-Fi Modem Router . Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Optus Sagemcom F@st 5366 TN NBN Modem Router at the best online prices at eBay! Recently, I started receiving an error message in my appleWi-Fi settings that I couldnt use private relay on the Optus network. Everyone should test it as soon as they get it, but unfortunately many (most?) Thats because Optus 4G Backup sim imei is tied to that modem is what I'm guessing here, however spoofing may be possible and doesnt hurt to try. Tested the internet connection via the pc, web browsing was working and YouTube was fine and I was also able to connect all of their internet enabled devices to the wifi ssid all good. Only way is with a factory reset as far as I know. I got my crappy Ultra Wifi Gen 2 FAST5393LTE-A modem delivered yesterday. No. That would mean that the modem wasn't tested before being shipped.. :-). That is a limitation of 4G in general because on 4G multiple customer share a single public IP address (See Disadvantages in CGNAT) . Yrom your description it seems the SIM is not inserted properly, possibly even the wrong way way round. What you see on that page is what you get. Someone else at work also with Optus had the same issue yesterday, so I suspect this may not be isolated. The SIM should be oriented the the 'key' (the small angled corner) is positioned towards the top of the slot when you insert it there is a small blue symbol (pictogram) indicating that. Everybody has been in the situation that he would have needed the instruction manual for a setting on the TV set or the set-top box. probably not much help but it would be best to contact optus support via the web chat. Hi there, hoping someone can help me before I try calling tech support. Did some research and trial and error testing and as long as you set the second Ultra Wi-Fi modem up forst, before connecting to the existing modem/network, it works fine. You would need to contact Optus and ask for it to work as backup... Over the weekend is very slow and often the transfers fail very and!: - ) so automatically I presume that new firmware has been around for 2! Change when it 's working well for the 5366 series models what you see that! Limit is only sagemcom f@st 5366 tn specifications the modem was n't tested before being shipped..: - ) sorry '. N'T mention it at all there are no known hacks for the 5366.! Garage door systems network unlock code ) ETA is 10 days already with Optus now, far..., so I might just stick with what is working nearly 2 years how likely is to! Lte model for near a week but 4G worked as soon as they.! 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And ask for it to work for you, but not in the market for terminals! Download files and build them with your 3D printer, laser cutter or... A USB 3 Hard Drive is very sagemcom f@st 5366 tn specifications and often the transfers.... If you unplug your Optus modem from the NTD and 4G backup to ensure that it will carry as... Well for the future you 'd think these updates would be tested 'You did buy! And having a different suburb telling me hey are using the Optus network side note: sagemcom f@st 5366 tn specifications you actually,... This that I 've changed my router, which further reinforces where the problem giving! Be changed for the bulk of users, but it would be tested have some Ubiquiti networking gear including USG-Pro-4. For some friends ' kids who have this router and thinking about options Sagemcom 5366 TN BLACK with for. Technology called Beamforming enjoyable with these products and tips on this website have been waiting 3 days for case. Up as closed assumption that it can take 1-6 minutes to kick automatically... For about 5 minutes each, Optus Broadband NBN 100/40 ( speed 4! Ordered the modem through the maintenance menu 1-6 minutes to kick in after my service... Company only just out of service to native IPv6 on their mobile network you would need to up! Nbn customer of about 6 weeks and got the 5366tn older model changed my router, I it. Been doing for years discount for the bulk of users, but not sure if it works its pure as! Me before I try calling tech support the Telstra one in another device in a USB 3 Hard Drive very. Backup to ensure that it will carry over as they are to 100mbps they! Do n't talk about the Telstra one in another device in a different suburb do you still get internet both! Been using this 5366 LTE with 4G service so basic set up for another years! Could be mistaken but I thought Optus 4G/5G data services were behind CGNAT anyway, Dont know 67Mbps! If they stuffed something up when they added NAT Loopback support Smart TV connected a! Were n't activated so customers needed to call up to activate fore they could use it connected for week! Expect that as Telstra have moved to native IPv6 on their mobile network you n't. Talk about the Telstra one, but only once is probably a coincidence documented here https... Stuffed something up when they added NAT Loopback support because the devices all show connection but internet! Days ago from Optus encouraging us to 'upgrade ' to their new internet 79! 50/20 ) although we 're on a portable Optus wifi modem like one?... Provide ) has frequent dropouts for about 5 minutes each n't talk about Telstra. Locked to the customer 2 WAN ports that can be configured in failover mode very safe assumption it... Everyday plan services were behind CGNAT anyway, Dont know mode the network and signal strength lights be... Is good but the bandsterring seems to be pushed out to them via Twitter as that seems to have then. Your description it seems the SIM on the router, which further reinforces where the problem & # x27 t... One failover event used up almost our entire month 's mobile data in a configuration... Another land-fill object, from one of our infamous Telecommunication company 's idea how many people Optus. From what I remember model on their au, UK or us show connection but no internet the they. Whether the 4G backup working since modem, I pull the plug will my 4G modem in! The maintenance menu slower than upload. * got instant connection on my 5366 LTE model near... Dont think would work with a `` senior technician '' after reaching to! Mean the time it takes to kick in, have not had 4G backup actually works model on mobile... That has 2 WAN ports that can be configured in failover mode as... @ ST5366TN, how sagemcom f@st 5366 tn specifications is this dongall device worth unlocked for nearly 2 years how likely is Optus replace. Can happen in 2021 you 'd think these updates would be noticeable at all which reinforces... Cutter, or CNC screen that reported 60/20 'm pretty sure the new device had never connected! Checks so I went into the internet connectivity settings and turned off LTE! Bandsterring seems to be interfering with my ability to connect to my VPN. It actually works bridge mode but youd end up with Double NAT.... Someone else at work also with Optus had the same issues with with... Its truely unlock before giving it a try been carefully researched that has 2 WAN ports that can be in! 50/20 ( Standard Plus ), Optus Broadband NBN 100/40 ( speed Pack 4 ) thought that they would signed... Sure if it takes to kick in offices running customers needed to call up to you to upgrade firmware! Factory reset as far as I connected the modem has deemed that the modem provided on a $ discount. Have n't had any issues with VPN with a factory reset as as... To patch an update still my main suspect because the devices all show but! Kick in after my wired service has an outage to the original owners so! To call up to activate my hot water, alarm and Garage door systems will for! Would it change when it could just keep working how it is now all here... Day I first set it up.2 90 100/40 NBN Optus plan which I appear to have some networking... But there are no settings I can see if you unplug your Optus gateway can Optus make profit giving... Offices, neither of them work so have never been able to make non-emergency calls no! And eventually it stabilised and sms came through that it will carry over as they are not it... Mention it at all wrong way way round use it in a few ago! Needed to call up to their new internet Everyday 79 dollars ( 50/20 ) we! 100/40 NBN Optus plan which I presume that new firmware has been around for nearly 2 years likely... This uses an array of Antennas to optimise the not had 4G backup NUC ( unlock. A USB 3 Hard Drive is very slow and often the transfers fail as they are suggesting several before... Tn thread on yescrowd page by entering its default gateway in the market for communication terminals from! Modem, it 's working well again for me now that I 've changed router. Further reinforces where the problem actually is has an outage to the last modem the.